Practical Question Papers for Computer science class 12
Senior School Certificate Examination – 2024
Practical Question Paper for 2023-24
Subject: Computer Science(083) Class 12
Time: 3:00 Hours Max. Marks: 30
Q – 1 a) Write a menu drive program to perform the following operations into a binary file shoes.dat. 8marks
- Add record
- Display records
- Search record
- Exit
The structure of file content is: [s_id, name, brand, type, price]
b) Observe the following tables customers and orders and write queries given below: 4 marks
Table – Customer
CustomerID | CustomerName | City | MobileNo |
C111 | Abhishek | Ahmedabad | 9999999999 |
C132 | Bhavik | Anand | 7799779977 |
C135 | Chandani | Baroda | 8856895485 |
C145 | Dhara | Ahmedabad | 7456879652 |
C121 | Divya | Anand | 9015123569 |
Table – Order
OrderID | OrderDate | OrderAmt | CustomerID |
O111 | 2022-04-15 | 1500 | C111 |
O112 | 2022-05-20 | 1800 | C121 |
O113 | 2022-05-31 | 1000 | C199 |
O131 | 2022-06-12 | 1400 | C135 |
- Display CustomerID, CustomerName and bill amount for customers belongs to Ahmedabad.
- Display the order details in descending order of amount.
- Display OrderId, Orderdate , customername and mobileno of customers whose name ends with ‘k’ and name contains letter ‘h’.
- Display the sum of order amount for each city.
Q – 2 Practical Report File 7
Q – 3 Project 8
Q – 4 Viva Voce 3
Senior School Certificate Examination – 2024
Practical Question Paper for 2023-24
Subject: Computer Science(083) Class 12
Time: 3:00 Hours Max. Marks: 30
Q – 1 a) Write a menu drive program to perform following operations into worldcup2023.csv. 8
- Add record
Display records
- Search record (By Team)
- Exit
The structure of file content is: [team_id, team, wins, lost, titles]
- b) Consider the given tables stationary and distributor, write queries given below: 4
Table – Stationary
S_ID | StationaryName | Company | Price |
DP01 | Dot Pen | Cello | 10 |
PL02 | Pencil | DOMS | 5 |
ER05 | Erasor | DOMS | 5 |
PL01 | Pencil | Nataraj | 4 |
GP01 | Gel Pen | Rotomac | 8 |
Table: distributor
D_ID | Distributor | City | S_ID |
1 | Excellent Stationary | Surat | PL01 |
2 | Vidhya Stationary | Baroda | GP02 |
3 | Student Book Shop | Surat | DP01 |
4 | Pupils Corner | Surat | Pl02 |
5 | Abhyass Stationary | Baroda | DP01 |
- Display unique cities from distributor
- Display maximum and minimum price for each company
- Display all stationary name, company, distributor along with city
- Display the stationary details and distributor details which distributor name contains stationary.
Q – 2 Practical Report File 7
Q – 3 Project 8
Q – 4 Viva Voce 3
Senior School Certificate Examination – 2024
Practical Question Paper for 2023-24
Subject: Computer Science(083) Class 12
Time: 3:00 Hours Max. Marks: 30
Q – 1 a) WAP a menu-driven program in python to do the following on in MySQL database hospital: 8
Table: Doctor
Column Name | Data Type Size | Constraint |
DR_ID | Char(5) | Primary Key |
DR_NAME | Varchar(30) | Not Null |
HOSPITAL_ID | Char(5) |
DOJ | Date |
EXPERTISE | Varchar(30) |
Salary | Decimal(8,2) |
- Add a new doctor
- Display Doctors Detail
- Update Doctor Detail
- Exit
b) Consider the following tables and write queries given below: 4
Table: Teams
T001 | Bengal Warriors | Birthright Games & Entertainment Private Ltd. |
T002 | Bengluru Bulls | Kosmik Global Media |
T003 | Dabang Delhi | Radha Kapoor Khanna |
T004 | Gujrata Fortune Giants | Gautam Adani |
T005 | Haryana Steelers | JSW Group |
T006 | Patna Pirates | KVS Energy & Sports Ltd. |
T007 | Jaipur Pink Panthers | Abhishek Bachchan & GS Entertainment |
T008 | Telugu Titans | Greenko Group, NED Group, & Core Green Group |
Table: Prokabaddi_stats
Player_ID | Player_Name | Matches | Raids | TeamID |
PK001 | Pawan Sehrawat | 5 | 43 | T008 |
PK002 | Sachin Tanwar | 5 | 43 | T006 |
PK003 | Bharat | 6 | 43 | T002 |
PK004 | Naveen Kumar | 4 | 42 | T003 |
PK005 | Maninder Singh | 5 | 37 | T001 |
PK006 | Sonu Narval | 5 | 34 | T005 |
- Display Player Name, Raids and Team Names of all players whose raids are more than 40.
- Display the details of players in the descending order of matched played.
- Display the average raids.
- Display the details of teams whose name ends with ‘s’
Q – 2 Practical Report File 7
Q – 3 Project 8
Q – 4 Viva Voce 3