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MCQ on Cyber Ethics

Answers the following questions:


Unit 3: Cyber ethics


• Netiquettes.
• Software licenses and the open source software movement.
• Intellectual property rights, plagiarism and digital property rights.
• Freedom of information and the digital divide.
• E-commerce: Privacy, fraud, secure data transmission.


“Cyber/Computer ethics” refers to the code of responsible behavior on the Internet. Here we will learn about Netiquettes. When we say net etiquettes it also includes social media etiquettes and communication etiquettes.


Netiquettes means, we should be ethical, respectful and responsible while surfing the Internet. 

Ethical means we should share our information and expertise online without any copyright violations. We need to be responsible means we should not indulge in any insulting, degrading or intimidating online behavior which is Cyber Bullying. We should not encourage trolls by giving attention to them. Respectful means we should respect other people’s privacy and the freedom of personal expression. We should respect the diversity of the people in terms of knowledge, experience, culture and other aspects.

Social Media Etiquettes

Specifically on social media we need to stay secure by safeguard ourselves and our accounts. This means never sharing personal information and be careful while befriending unknown people.

We need to be cautious while uploading or sending sensitive or confidential files as it leaves digital footprint and it cannot be erased. We should not blindly believe in everything as there is lots of fake news on Social Media.

Online Media Etiquettes

Online communication or Meeting Etiquettes means we need to be precise and we should not waste other people’s time. We should not send huge amount of data or unnecessary forwards.

We should be mindful by not disturb the meeting by keeping ourselves mute and avoid unnecessary interruptions.

Be polite means to not pickup a fight and be non –aggressive in our behavior. We should build our digital credibility so that people rely on us for correct information.


Questions on Netiquettes

  1. What is Netiquette?
    1. It represents the importance of proper manners and behaviour online.
    2. It is the set of professional and social etiquettes practiced in electronic communication
    3. It dictates that users should obey copyright laws and avoid overusing emoticons.
    4. All of above

 Ans: 4. All of above



  1. Why we should not use capital letters while communicating 
    1. This message is very important.
    2. You are shouting.
    3. It’s okay to forward this message to others.
    4. Nothing special typing in all capital is normal.

  Ans:  2. You are shouting

When you use capital letters it means you are shouting or asserting your point  forcefully over others.

3. How should we ask a question in an online meeting 

    1. Use the “Raise your Hand” button.
    2. Interrupt the teacher to ask the question
    3. Use chat window to ask friends.
    4. We should not ask any questions in online meeting

  Ans  1. Use the “Raise your Hand” button.

This is to ensure that meeting is not interrupted and there are not any side conversations on the topic.

  1. Ritu made a new friend on a social media site. The friend asked her for date of birth, some more personal information and photos. What should Ritu do? 
    1. She should share all these details with here friend as she trusts her friend.
    2. She should tell her friend not to share with anyone and then proceed to share her personal information.
    3. She should call and tell the details to her friend as she trusts her.
    4. Personal information such Date of Birth private information and should not be shared.

  Ans. 4. Personal information such Date of Birth private information and  should  not be shared.

We should never share Personal information, photos, passwords etc. as it is private information and should not be shared. 



  1. Why should you never send emails, texts, or IMs when you’re angry or upset? 
    1. You may not have the best judgement when your emotions are running high.
    2. The person you’re communicating with will not respect you.
    3. It is not easy for people to tell your emotional state online.
    4. Nobody really cares about how you feel.

Ans. 1. You may not have the best judgement when your emotions are  running  high.

We need to be polite and respectful and not send any inflammatory material on the net.

  1. Tina’s school has URL of She gets a mail from to change her password as her password is about to expire. What should she do? 
    1. She should immediately change her password so that her access is not locked out.
    2. She should not click or visit any suspicious links and report this to her school
    3. She should do it along with a friend to be sure.
    4. She should click on the link and find more details to be sure and then report it to her school.

 Ans. 2. She should not click or visit any suspicious links and report  this to her  school

We should not click or visit any unknown links as they can lead to malware attacks or privacy theft.

  1. What is cyber bullying? 
    1. When a person repeatedly punches, hits or kicks another in person.
    2. When a person is harassed, humiliated, embarrassed, threatened or tormented through the use of digital technology
    3. When charges are brought against an individual for using the internet to harass, intimidate or threaten another person.
    4. None of above

 Ans. 2. When a person is harassed, humiliated, embarrassed, threatened or tormented through the use of digital technology

Cyber bullying is when a person is harassed or humiliated online.


The term Open Source refers to software in which the source code is freely available for others to view, amend, and adapt. 

We will first go through some important abbreviations which you need to know.


  • FSF -Free Software Foundation. This is a Non Profit Organization created by Richard Stall man in 1985 to support Free Software movement.
  • GNU’s full form is GNU’s not UNIX. This was also initiated by Richard Stallman to create a free operating system. Now it includes wide range of software and applications too.
  • OSI – Open source Initiative. It is an organization which was formed in 1998 to promote open source movement. They are the ones which have given open source definition for any open source software.
  • W3C -World wide web consortium. It is responsible for software standards for WWW.
  • OSS – It stands for Open Source Software. It is any Software whose source code is available to modify and redistribute. It can be free or paid software.


Open source software can either be


  • FOSS means it is Free and Open Source Software.
  • FLOSS which stands for Free Libre and Open Source Software. We will see the difference between them shortly.


Now on the internet there are either some set of software available where source code is not available. They can be proprietary, shareware or Freeware.


  • Proprietary software, you need to purchase the license and features are unlocked only after you purchase the software. E.g. MS office, iTunes etc.
  • Shareware is where the software is free only for specified period, on only few features are available for free. E.g. WinZIP or MySQL.
  • Then we have Freeware. These are software where all features are available free for life. E.g. Yahoo Messenger or Adobe PDF.



Now lets see the difference between OSS, FOSS And FLOSS. When we say OSS, it can be free or paid and that is defined by the license as to what features are free and what is paid. Same source code modification is also as per license, e.g. Open Watcom or Apache. Some Software is FOSS means it is Free + Open source Here the software is free with all features but the source code modification is restricted. E.g. like Google Chrome or Firefox. If a software is FLOSS it has all the features of FOSS plus it allows you to modify the source code as well. e.g. UBUNTU or Tuxpaint



Let’s know more about licenses


License is permission granted by the holder of a copyright to another to use an original work.


Some Important Abbreviations which are linked to licenses are


  • EULAEnd User License Agreement.
  • GPL: General Public License.
  • LGPL: Lesser General Public License.
  • CCCreative Common License.


Now the license whether it is proprietary or Open Source, can be of different types


  • Workstation licenses is where License is given for s use on single computer
  • Concurrent use licenses is where you can install on multiple machines but no of uses should be less than licenses purchased.
  • Site licenses is where you can install on any computer at a specified site
  • Perpetual licenses come without an expiry date but Non-perpetual licenses “lease” the software for specific time.
  • License with Maintenance offer “maintenance” along with usage.


Now we will look at different Open source licenses which are available. 


Difference between GPL and LGPL


GPL is most commonly used. LGPL is more restrictive version of GPL. GPL mandates that all derivative work has to be GPL and all changes to code have to be shared. So it is mostly used for executables e.g. MySQL and LINUX uses GPL. LGPL can be used commercially and there is no requirement to share code changes. That’s why it is used mostly for software libraries like SugarCRM.


We also have BSD license which is almost same as MIT License. Both allow unlimited distribution as long as its copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty are displayed and maintained. They also restrict using its contributors for endorsements.


Apache license: Allows unlimited distribution as long as it includes clear Apache License attribution and you add modification notices to all the files modified. This license also Restricts using its contributors for endorsements. Creative Commons license is used for creative work like music, art, and websites. They are actually a set of copyright licenses where author can decide the condition of licensing



Now we will see a Case study on Licenses and open source movement


A software license is a legal agreement about an application. It is between the software producer and the end-user and is an important part of the legally binding contract between them (or rights owner) and the end-user. This is to ensure recognition of the rights of the owner on his creation. It specifies how the application may be used and defines the rights of both the producer and the user.


The open-source-software movement is a movement that supports the use of open-source licenses for some or all software, a part of the broader notion of open collaboration. Open source licenses are licenses that comply with the Open Source Definition — in brief, they allow software to be freely used, modified, and shared. These licenses can be of different type such as Workstation, Concurrent, Site, Perpetual, Non Perpetual or License with Maintenance.


Questions on Licenses and open source movement


  1. What is software license


    1. Software license allows anyone to use your product
    2. A software license is a legal agreement allowing consumers to use or redistribute software
    3. Software license does not give any rights to the end user.
    4. None of above


Ans. 2.A software license is a legal agreement allowing consumers to use or redistribute software


2.What is EULA?


    1. End-user License Agreement
    2. Software License Agreement
    3. Licensed Application End-User Agreement
    4. All of above


Ans. 4 All of above


3.Which of the following is not Open Source software?


    1.     LibreOffice
    2.    Microsoft Office
    3.    LINUX
    4.    MySQL


Ans.2. Microsoft Office


4.What is the difference between freeware and shareware?


    1. Freeware is free of cost and shareware is free for specific period of time
    2. Freeware features are Freely available and in shareware payment is made for some specific features
    3. Freeware and shareware cannot sell and make any changes
    4. All of above

    Ans. 4. All of above

    5.What is the full form of FOSS


    1. Free Libre and Open Source Software
    2. Free Libre and Open Same Software.
    3. Free Limited and Open Secure Software.
    4. Free Libre and Open  Safe Software


Ans.1.Free Libre and Open Source Software


6.What is the difference between GPL And LGPL license


    1. GPL requires that you provide the code for all changes made to the software. LGPL does not mandate that.
    2. LGPL is used for software libraries, versus the execution files of GPL
    3. In LGPL you are permitted to keep private the proprietary material that you directly link to the software.
    4. All of above


Ans. 4. All of above

7.Which of the following statement is incorrect?

    1. Perpetual licenses come with an expiry date
    2. License with Maintenance offer “software assurance” along with the original license fee.
    3. Concurrent user licenses can be installed on more machines than number of licenses
    4. Site licenses permit the use of software on any computer at a specified site.

Ans.1.Perpetual licenses come with an expiry date

Cyber crimes and Cyber laws

Cybercrime is criminal activity that involves a computer and a network. It is committed by cybercriminals or hackers who want to make money or damage someone’s reputation.

At a broad level, cyber crimes can be divided into 4 overlapping categories –

  • Malware Attack
  • Information theft
  • Cyber threats
  • Email crime.

Lets understand each of them.

Malware Attack

Within malware attack we first have

  • Virus: These are Programs designed to damage your computer by corrupting system files or wasting resources
  • Worms: are programs that can replicates itself in order to spread to other computers
  • Trojan Horse: They seems harmless but it can shut down or misusing websites or computer networks
  • Ransom ware: Extort money by holding the victim’s data or device to ransom. E.g. WannaCry
  • Denial of Services. It prevents a business from providing a software service to its customers

Information Theft

  • Phishing: Here hackers use fake email messages to get personal information from internet users
  • Identity theft: Here hackers misuse personal information for financial gains.

E Mail Crimes

These are crimes which use E-Mails to attack the victim

  • Email Spam: Here attacker causes an overload of emails causing distress or server crash
  • Email Spoofing: Here a person creates email messages with a forged sender address maybe leading to identity theft.

Cyber Threats

  • Cyber Terrorism: It uses Internet to conduct violent acts.
  • Cyber Pornography: It is using internet to distribute obscene materials.
  • Cyber Stalking: Is where attacker makes the victim miserable or exert control by online harassment.
  • Cyber Squatting: Is profiting from the goodwill of someone else’s trademark, like buying someone else’s domain names to resell then at higher price.
Cyber crimes

Now there are various laws called as Cyber Laws which refers to all legal and regulatory aspects of Internet crimes. In India it is enforced through Information Technology (IT) Act 2000. It was amended through IT Amendment Act 2008

We will now solve a case study on cyber crimes.

Cyber law is a new branch of law and is growing very fast. It establishes norms of accepted human behavior in cyberspace. Laws governing ecommerce, online contracts, copyright, trademark, business software patenting, e-Taxation, e-Governance and cyber crimes all fall within the meaning and scope of cyber law. The media gives a lot of attention to dramatic virus attacks, hackers, and other interesting Internet phenomena. In spite of daily horror stories, however, many people lack an adequate understanding about the reality of these threats.

Identity theft is a growing problem and a very troubling one. The concept is rather simple, though the process can be complex, and the consequences for the victim can be quite severe. The idea is simply for one person to take on the identity of another. Cyber-safety addresses the ability to act in a safe and responsible manner on the Internet and other connected environments. These behaviors protect personal information and Information and Computer Technology reputation.

Questions on Cyber Crimes and Cyber Laws

1.      What is Privacy? 

a)    It is the protection of personal information given online.

b)   It Is the protection given offline

c)    Is taking care of your family

d)   None of above


Ans. a. It is the protection of personal information given online. 


2.      Phishing is 

a)    acquiring sensitive information from individuals

b)   harassment over the internet

c)    control over  internet

d)   None of above


Ans. a. acquiring sensitive information from individuals 


3.      What is Cyber Stalking? 

a) It is harassment carried out over the internet

b) It might target individuals, groups, or even organizations

c) It is done to control or intimidate the victim or to gather information for use in other crime

d) All of above.


Ans. All of above. 

4.      Ram got a call from a person who identified himself as manager from his bank. He asked for a pin which has been sent to validate his account. Ram shares the pin and few minutes later a huge sum of money is deducted from his account. Which type of cybercrime is this? 

a) Cyber Terrorism

b) Identity Theft

c) DDoS attack

d) Infomania


 Ans. Identity Theft

 5.      Cyber crime in India is addressed by which law?


a) India’s Technology (IT) Act, 2000

b) India’s Digital Information Technology (DIT) Act, 2000

c) India’s Information Technology (IT) Act, 2000

d) The Technology Act, 2008


 Ans. c. India’s Information Technology (IT) Act, 2000

  6.      Ronit works in a bank. He needs to send confidential customer information to other branch over the internet. What is the right approach he should use? 


a)      He should send it using his personal mail ID as it is secure.

b)      He should send it using his bosses mail ID to be sure.

c)      He should encrypt the data for secure transmission.

d)     He should copy the information on disk and send it only by courier.


Ans. c. He should encrypt the data for secure transmission.


7.      Computer forensics involves all of the following stated activities except: 

a)    Manipulation of computer data.

b)   Extraction of computer data.

c)    Preservation of computer data.

d)   Interpretation of computer data.


Ans. a. Manipulation of computer data

Cyber Ethics IPR, Plagiarism and Digital Property Rights,




IPR stands for Intellectual property rights which are right over property that includes intangible creations of the human intellect. It includes inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names and images used in commerce. The most well-known types are copyrights, patents, trademarks, and trade secrets.



Patents generally apply to products and processes. You need to register it in each country where you require protection and it is valid for 20 years.



trademark is distinctive sign, label, logo, name or slogan which identifies a product or service. It needs to be registered. The initial term is for 10 years but it can be renewed post that.



Copyright typically applies to wide range of creative, artistic or intellectual work like books, music, movies. It automatically comes into force when it is created and lasts for 60 years after the death of the author



With content moving online, now days DPR or Digital Property rights has become common. It refers to individual rights on digital assets or information available online. E.g. online accounts, e-mail accounts, photos, videos, blogs or websites etc.



There are various threats that we see on digital properties online. First of them is Plagiarism. This effectively means stealing someone else’s intellectual work and presenting as your own.



Then there is InfringementThis could be copyright, patent or trademark infringement. It is basically unauthorized use of someone’s IP for e.g. hackers using cracks and keygens  to penetrate license system.



There are various steps you can take to protect your digital properties. First is to deploy Anti Tamper software or solutions. It prevents hackers from manipulating or reverse engineering your digital properties



Other option is to have a tight Term of service to be included while sharing your software so that you have a good legal backup. The third option is to limit sharing by deploying a Digital Rights management software.





Now we will see a Case Study on IPR, Plagiarism and Digital Property Rights



Cyber ethics explores appropriate and ethical behaviors related to online environments and digital media. It includes plagiarism, bullying, and hacking to name a few. Digital Property or Digital assets refers to any information about you or created by you that exists in digital form, either online or on an electronic storage device. Digital rights management (DRM) is a systematic approach for copyright protection of digital media.



Examples of digital property include: any online personal accounts, such as email and communications, social media accounts, photo and video sharing , video gaming , online storage , and websites and blogs that you may manage etc.



There are four primary types of intellectual property that can be legally protected: patents,    trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets. Each has their own attributes, requirements and costs.






  1. What is full form of IPR.



  1. Intellectual Property Rights
  2. Intellectual People Rights
  3. Intellectual Property Rate
  4. Intellectual Property Risk



Ans. 1.Intellectual Property Rights



2. How can we protect digital properties?



  1. Make digital property tamper-proof.
  2. Add Legal clause to use your software/digital properties.
  3. Limit the sharing of software code
  4. All of above



Ans. 4.All of above



3.Nihir managed to downloaded and watch latest movie from a suspicious site. What right of the owner has he violated



  1. IPR or Digital property rights
  2. FOSS rights
  3. Human right
  4. Public right



Ans. 1.IPR or Digital property rights



4.Ronit loves writing stories. However one day he sees someone else published his story on the net without his permission or giving him credit. What is this unauthorized use called



  1. Plagiarism
  2. Phishing
  3. hacking
  4. None of above



Ans. 1.Plagiarism



5.How can you avoid plagiarism?



  1. You must give credit whenever you use another person’s idea, opinion, or theory
  2. You should use quotations of another person’s actual spoken or written words
  3. You should paraphrase another person’s spoken or written words.
  4. All of the above.



Ans. 4.All of the above.



6.Which statement is incorrect about copyright( © )?



  1. It gives owner exclusive right to make copies 
  2. It applies to creative work may be in a literary, artistic, educational, or musical form
  3. It can extend beyond the territory of that specific jurisdiction.
  4. It is valid till the lifetime of creator



Ans. 4.It is valid till the lifetime of creator



7.What is the difference between trademark( ™  or ® ) and patent.



  1. Trademark is protection of unique name, logos and symbols and Patent is used to protect inventions or processes.
  2. Trademark validity is for 10 years and Patent validity is for 20 years
  3. Patent can be renewed but trademark cannot
  4. All of above



Ans. 4. All of above

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