class 10 cbse sumita computer applications code 165​



Objective Type Questions


Question 1


A website is a collection of …………… .

  1. HTML documents
  2. Graphic files
  3. audio and video files
  4. all the above


all the above

Reason — A website is a collection of web pages which are linked together. These webpages are HTML documents which may contain graphic, audio or video files.

Question 2

HTML is an acronym for …………… .

  1. Hyper Transfer Mail Language
  2. High Tech Mail Language
  3. Hyper Text Markup Language
  4. Hyper Tech Mail Language


Hyper Text Markup Language

Reason — HTML is an acronym for Hyper Text Markup Language.

Question 3

The first page that you normally view at a web site is its …………… .

  1. Home page
  2. Master page
  3. First page
  4. Banner page


Home page

Reason — The first page that we normally view at a web site is its home page.

Question 4

The Internet is most often used for the exchange of …………… and ……………


The Internet is most often used for the exchange of messages and information.

Question 5

When you visit a website, it will open the page set as …………… of the website.

  1. Website
  2. Home page
  3. Email
  4. ISP


Home page

Reason — When we visit a website, it will open the page set as home page of the website.

Question 6

The first page on a website that allows you to navigate to other pages via menu system or links, is known as …………… .

  1. front page
  2. primary page
  3. home page
  4. first page
  5. main page


home page

Reason — The first page on a website that allows us to navigate to other pages via menu system or links, is known as home page.

Question 7

Web pages on a site are linked together through a system of …………… .


Web pages on a site are linked together through a system of hyperlinks.

Question 8

Online personal journal where one can post her entries to which others can post comments is called …………… .

  1. Blog
  2. News group
  3. Website
  4. None of these



Reason — Online personal journal where one can post her entries to which others can post comments is called blog.

Question 9

Which of the following protocols is used for WWW?

  1. ftp
  2. http
  3. w3c
  4. none of these



Reason — Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the set of rules for transferring hypertext on World Wide Web.

Question 10

The …………… are documents that use HTTP.


The webpages are documents that use HTTP.

Question 11

Which protocol is used on most URL addresses ?

  1. HTML
  2. HTP
  3. HTTP
  4. HLINK



Reason — Hyper Text Transfer Protocol is used on most URL addresses as this protocol is used to transfer hypertext documents on the World Wide Web.

Question 12

URL stands for …………… .

  1. Universal Resource Locator
  2. Uniform Resource Location
  3. Uniform Resource Locator
  4. None of the above


Uniform Resource Locator

Reason — URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator.

Question 13

Which of these is not a part of URL ?

  1. IP address
  2. Port Number
  3. Domain Name
  4. None of these


IP address

Reason — IP address is not a part of URL. A URL contains port number in number based naming system and domain name in character based naming system.

Question 14

Which portion of the URL below records the directory or folder of the desired resource ?

  1. http
  2. firstfloor
  3. shoes.htm



Reason — A URL is written as type://address/path, where path specifies the location of the file on the server. Here, firstfloor/shoes.htm is the path and firstfloor is the folder of the desired resource.

Question 15

The address of location of the document on the world wide web is called its …………… .


The address of location of the document on the world wide web is called its URL (Uniform Resource Locator).

Question 16

In URL,, which component identifies the protocol or type of the server ?

  1. http
  3. /pr/main.htm
  4. none



Reason — A URL is written as type://address/path, where type specifies the protocol or type of the server. Thus, http identifies the protocol or type of the server.

Question 17

In URL,, which component identifies the web-site ?

  1. http
  3. /pr/main.htm
  4. none


Reason — A URL is written as type://address/path, where address identifies the website on the server. Thus, identifies the website.

Question 18

In URL,, which component identifies the path of a web page ?

  1. http
  4. none


Reason — A URL is written as type://address/path, where path tells the location of file on the server. Thus, pr/main.htm is the path of the file.

Theoretical Questions

Question 1

What is WWW ? How does it function ?


WWW stands for World Wide Web. The World Wide Web is an Internet system i.e., a set of programs, standards, and protocols that allows the multimedia and hypertext files to be created, displayed and linked on the Internet.

World Wide Web uses different technologies and protocols such as Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML), Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), web browser, internet etc. The basic functioning of WWW is as follows:

  1. A client uses a web browser to make HTTP request to a web server to get some resource on World Wide Web.
  2. This request reaches the web server via Internet.
  3. The web server locates the required resource on the database and makes it available to the client via Internet.

For example, if the client enters the URL :
in the browser, a request is sent to the web server whose domain name is The server then fetches the page named index.htm and send it to the browser of the client.

Question 2

What is a server ? What is a web server ?


A server is a computer that has server software loaded on it. Its main job is to manage network resources and share resources for clients. There are many types of servers — file server, mail server, web server etc.

A web server is a World Wide Web server that stores web documents and responds to the requests made by web browsers. It is a specific protocol type of server, looking only for HTTP requests instead of many different types of resource requests.

Question 3

Enlist some services provided by a server on a network ?


Some services provided by a server on a network are:

  1. Equipment/Resource Sharing — High quality printers and photocopiers are often designed to connect directly to a network and all authorised users can share the equipment. A server is responsible for such a resource sharing request.
  2. Centralised File Saving for Data Sharing — Servers help the user save files to their home directories on the file server, workers can load their documents on any networked computer.
  3. Centralised Virus Scanning — Most file servers run virus scanners constantly to detect and take care of viruses introduced by any user on any computer.
  4. Centralised Backups — High-capacity tape devices in the file server back up all users’ work, usually every night. In case of system failure (or worker failure), lost work can be recovered quickly and easily.

Question 4

Enlist some services provided by a web server.


A web server is completely dedicated to handling requests for webpages. It provides following major services :

  1. Serving Web Pages — The primary function of a webserver is to deliver web pages on the request of clients using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). This means delivery of HTML documents and any additional content that may be included by a document, such as images, style sheets and scripts.
  2. Running Gateway Programs (CGI) and Returning Output — In order to process the requests received, the webservers need to run special programs called CGI programs which help them fetch the required output as per the request made by the client.
  3. Controlling Access to the Server — A full implementation of HTTP also includes ways of receiving content from clients. This feature is used for submitting web forms, including uploading of files.
  4. Monitoring and Logging all Access — The web servers also ensure that only authenticated access takes place and thus they keep running many monitoring programs and keep logging all the activities.
  5. Server Side Scripting — Many generic web servers also support server-side scripting using Active Server Pages (ASP), PHP, or other scripting languages.

Question 5

Name some web server software prominently in use.


Some web server software prominently in use are :

  1. Apache Webserver
  2. Apache Tomcat
  3. Webserver IIS
  4. The Lighttpd Server
  5. Jigsaw web server
  6. Sun Java system web server

Question 6

Differentiate between a web page and a home page.


Web pageHome Page
A document using http and that resides on a web-site is known as a web page.Home page is the top-level web page of a web site. This is the page that gets displayed first of all when a web-site is opened.
A website can contain many web pages.Only one web page can be set as the home page for a web site.

Question 7

How is a web site different from that of a web portal ?


Web siteWeb Portal
Collection of webpages offering a specialized content pertaining to the need and goal of the organization owning the website.Collection of launch webpages of array of web-services like email, search engine, weather, gaming, news etc.
It is often the final destination to access and use the provided specific information.It is normally an entry point or gateway for using the offered web-services.
A website is generally linked to its own webpages.Generally linked to many other websites that provide these web-services.
Caters to or delivers one specific type of application or content as per the goal of the website.A complete environment for managing and integrating a large number of diverse applications.
Examples : etc.Examples : Google, Yahoo, Rediff, MSN, AOL etc.

Question 8

What are the components of a website ?


The essential components of a website are as follows:

  1. Webhost — A website is physically located on a Webhost. A group of linked webpages qualify to be called a website only when hosted on a web server. When the user specifies the address of the website, the webpages are transmitted to the user’s computer from a webhost.
  2. Address — This is the address (URL) of the website. One needs to put this address into the web browser to see a website, and the asked site is delivered by the webserver.
  3. Homepage — The first page that appears when viewers go to a website is called the Homepage. Home page is very important as it sets the look and feel of the website and directs viewers to the rest of the pages in the website.
  4. Design — It is the overall look and feel the website has as a result of proper use and integration elements like navigation menus, graphics, layout etc.
  5. Content — All the webpages contained in the website together make up the content of the website.
  6. The Navigation Structure — The navigation structure of a website is the order of the pages, the collection of what links to what. Usually it is held together by at least one navigation menu.

Question 9

What are the components of a webpage ?


The components of a webpage can be categorized in two ways:

  1. Content wise components— Content wise components of a web page are as follows:
    1. Hypertext — It refers to a digital text, which is more than just text as it can include information in various media formats such as text, graphics, sound, images, videos and hyperlinks.
    2. Hyperlink — It refers to a link from a hypertext file to another such file. A hyperlink can be in the form of a graphic or text, upon clicking where the linked document opens up.
  2. Structure wise components— Structure wise components of a web page are as follows:
    1. Page Title — This is a single line text which is displayed on the title bar of the browser displaying web page.
    2. Header — This is generally a one or two line text defining the purpose of the web page. It is displayed at the top of the web page, below the address bar of the browser.
    3. Body of the web page — This is the section below the header of the web page and it contains the actual content of the web page.
    4. Navigational Links — These are the hyperlinks placed on the web page using which we can move to the linked web pages/documents.
    5. Footer — This is the bottom section of the web page. This is the section where usually the copyright notice, website contact information, etc. is put.

Question 10

The first page on a website that allows you to navigate to other page via menu system or links, is known as …………… .

  1. front page
  2. primary page
  3. home page
  4. first page
  5. main page


home page

Reason — The first page on a website that allows you to navigate to other page via menu system or links, is known as home page.

Question 11

Discuss the functioning of a web browser and a web server. Also give some examples of web browsers and web servers.


A World Wide Web client is called a web browser and a World Wide Web server is called a web server. The functioning of a web browser and a web server is as follows:

  1. The user requests a resource by providing the URL, say to the web browser.
  2. The web browser generates HTTP request which is sent to the web server whose domain name is via Internet.
  3. The web server then fetches the page named index.htm and sends it to the requesting browser.
  4. The web browser displays the web page to the user.

Some commonly used web browsers are Google Chrome, Mosaic, Netscape, Internet Explorer, Safari, Opera etc.

Some commonly used web servers are Apache Webserver, Apache Tomcat, Webserver IIS, The Lighttpd Server, Jigsaw web server, Sun Java system web server etc.

Question 12

What is a web site ? How is it related to a web page and a home page ?


A website is a group of related web pages hosted on a web server and are linked together and share a common interface and design.

The web pages of a website are linked together through hyperlinks and hypertext, and share a common interface and design. All these web pages contain information related to the topic of the website.

The first page that appears when viewers go to a website is called the home page. Home page is very important as it sets the look and feel of the website and directs viewers to the rest of the pages in the website.

Question 13

What is blogging ? What are its advantages and disadvantages ?


A blog refers to an online journal where entries are posted and the activity of updating or writing a blog is called blogging.

The advantages of blogging are:

  1. It enables us to write down our thoughts on anything that interests us.
  2. It is easy to set up and doesn’t need much technical knowledge.
  3. It is easy and quick to update or add new posts.
  4. People can leave comments on our blog.
  5. If we want to read other people’s blogs there are literally millions to choose from.

The disadvantages of blogging are:

  1. Whatever we publish is available for everyone to see. If we write a post in anger we might regret later.
  2. Personal blogs may be biased or contain inaccurate information.
  3. Blogs can be time-consuming. Finding time to write regular updates can become a chore.
  4. People may leave rude or inappropriate comments.
  5. There are many very dull blogs around. We may have to look at many before we find some worth reading.

Question 14

What do you understand by a (i) Web browser (ii) Web server ?


A web browser is a program that lets us visit different websites on the internet and display their offerings on our own computer. For example, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, etc.

A web server is a World Wide Web (WWW) server that stores web documents and responds to the requests made by web browsers. For example, Apache Webserver, Apache Tomcat, Webserver IIS, etc.

Question 15

Each web page has its own unique address known as …………… .

  1. Uniform Resource Locator
  2. Universal Resource Location
  3. Uniform Resource Location
  4. Universal Resource Locator


Uniform Resource Locator

Reason — HTTP uses Internet addresses in a special format called the Uniform Resource Locator to locate websites.

Question 16

In the URL,, what is the http component ?


In the given URL, http is the type component which tells the protocol and the type of server in which the file is located.

Question 17

In the URL,, what is the component ?


In the given URL, is the address component which tells the address of the server.

Question 18

In the URL,, what is the /pr/master.htm component ?


In the given URL, /pr/master.htm is the path component which tells the path of the required resource.

Question 19

What is a URL ? What are its components ? Examplify.


A location on a net server is called a URL or Uniform Resource Locator.

A URL is written as type://address/path

Thus, the components of a URL are:

  1. type — The type of server or protocol
  2. address — The name/address of the server on the Internet
  3. path — The location of the file on the server

For example, in the following URL:

  1. http — specifies the type of server and protocol
  2. — specifies the name/address of the server on the Internet
  3. getinfo/styles.asp — specifies the location of the file on the server

Question 20

What do you understand by protocols ? What roles do various protocols play on Internet ?


A protocol is a set of rules governing an operation or application. It is usually an agreed upon or standardized method for transmitting data and/or establishing communications between different devices.

Different protocols play different roles on Internet. Some examples are as follows:

  1. Hypertext Transfer Protocol — HTTP is a system for transferring information over the internet without any security feature. It is used to send non-sensitive information.
  2. Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure — HTTPS is a system for transferring information with Secure Socket Layer (SSL) that encrypts and send information over a secure connection, making it hard to steal. It is used to send sensitive information.

Question 21

Search for some sites that let you create blogs.


Some sites that let us create blogs are:


Application Based Questions

Question 1

PJM Bank has a Head Office based in Bangalore and a large number of branches nationwide. The Head Office and branches communicate using Internet. Give two features of Internet.


Two features of Internet are:

  1. The Internet has made it possible for people all over the world to effectively and inexpensively communicate with each other.
  2. The Internet serves as a vast repository of information, making it easily accessible to anyone with an Internet connection.

Question 2

Chirpy Toys is a small company manufacturing soft toys. They have decided that it would be beneficial to the company to create a website, which would allow customers to order on-line.

(a) Explain how a customer who did not know the company’s website address would gain access to the site.

(b) Describe how Chirpy Toys would benefit from the introduction of a website.

(c) Describe how the customers would benefit from the introduction of the website.

(d) Give three disadvantages of using the Internet to purchase goods.


(a) A customer can use a search engine like Google or Bing to search for “Chirpy Toys”. The search results will likely display the company’s website among the top results, allowing the customer to click on the link and access the site.

(b) Chirpy Toys would get the following benefits from the introduction of a website :

  1. Increased Reach — A website would provide Chirpy Toys with a global online presence, allowing them to reach a wider audience beyond their physical location. Customers from different regions or even countries can discover and purchase their soft toys.
  2. 24/7 Availability — Unlike a physical store, a website can operate round the clock. Customers can access and make purchases at any time convenient to them, even outside regular business hours. This increases sales opportunities and customer satisfaction.
  3. Cost Efficiency — Setting up and maintaining a website is generally more cost-effective compared to establishing and operating a physical store. It reduces expenses related to rent, utilities, and staffing requirements.
  4. Enhanced Customer Insights — Through the website Chirpy Toys can gather valuable customer data, analyze buying patterns, and obtain feedback through online surveys. This information can help them understand their customers better and make informed business decisions.

(c) The customers would get the following benefits from the introduction of the website:

  1. Convenience — Customers can browse and purchase Chirpy Toys’ products from the comfort of their own homes or anywhere with an internet connection. They can shop at their own pace, without the need to visit a physical store or adhere to specific opening hours.
  2. Wide Product Selection — Chirpy Toys can showcase their entire product range on the website, including new releases and exclusive items. Customers can access a broader selection of soft toys compared to a physical store with limited shelf space.
  3. Enhanced Product Information — The website can provide comprehensive product descriptions, images, videos and customer reviews, enabling customers to make well-informed purchasing decisions.
  4. Economical — Customers will save time and money by not having to visit the shop in person and still being able to have a simplified shopping experience.

(d) Three disadvantages of using the Internet to purchase goods are as follows:

  1. Lack of Physical Inspection — When purchasing goods online, customers do not have the opportunity to physically inspect or try out the product before making a purchase.
  2. Potential for Fraud and Security Risks — Online shopping involves providing personal and financial information, which can be vulnerable to hackers if proper security measures are not in place.
  3. Delayed or Inconvenient Delivery — It takes time for the good purchased using the Internet to get delivered to us. If the product is required urgently then we can’t get it through Internet.

Question 3

Simon has a villa, which he rents to holidaymakers. He creates a website to advertise the villa. Simon chooses an ISP to host his website. The structure of his website is shown below.

Simon has a villa, which he rents to holidaymakers. Structure website. What Simon should have on home page. Internet Basics, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

(a) State what Simon should have on his home page to help users navigate his website.

(b) Simon uploads his website files to the ISP host computer.

(i) State what ISP means.

(ii) Name the Internet service that Simon uses to upload his website files.

(iii) Name the type of data transmission that takes place when his website files are transferred to the host computer from Simon’s computer.

(c) The URL for the Web page which has a map is :

(i) State the domain name for this Web page.

(ii) Describe the function of the Domain Name Service.

(d) Simon registers details of his website with a search engine company. State one reason why this will benefit Simon.


(a) Simon’s website should include the following elements on his home page:

  1. Navigation Menu to facilitate easy navigation of web pages.
  2. Attractive Visuals as it sets the look and feel of the website.
  3. Brief Introduction of his villa and its facilities.
  4. Call to Action buttons like “Book Now”, “Check Availability”, “Contact Us” etc to guide users towards specific actions.
  5. Contact information including phone number, email address, and any other relevant details.


(i) An ISP (Internet Service Provider) is an organisation that provides the facility of availing internet services against a fee.

(ii) Simon uses FTP service to upload his website files to the ISP host computer.

(iii) The type of data transmission that takes place when Simon’s website files are transferred from his computer to the host computer is known as upload or upstream data transmission.


(i) The domain name for this web page is

(ii) The function of the Domain Name Service is to translate domain names into IP addresses that computers can understand. DNS acts as a directory that matches human-readable domain names to their corresponding numerical IP addresses, allowing users to access websites without needing to remember or type in the IP addresses directly.

(d) Registering details of his website with a search engine company will increase the visibility of Simon’s website in search engine results. When people search for relevant keywords or phrases related to villa rentals or holiday accommodations, Simon’s website will have a higher chance of appearing in the search engine’s results page.

Question 4

The Internet is a series of interconnected computers throughout the world.

(a) Name one of the services that is offered on the Internet.

(b) When using the World Wide Web, a user can type in the web address of a page they wish to look at. Suggest one other way that a user could go to a web page.


(a) Email or electronic mail.

(b) Users can use search engines like Google or Bing to visit web pages. They simply search for keywords or phrases related to the desired site. The search engine displays relevant results as clickable hyperlinks/URLs. By clicking on the appropriate hyperlink, the user’s web browser opens the desired site.

Question 5

Shashwat accesses a web page which gives tips on how best to play the game.
The URL is :

(a) What server is hosting this web page ?

(b) What is the name of the file being accessed ?


(a) The web page is hosted on http server.

(b) The name of the file being accessed in the URL is faq.html.

Chapter 2 Internet Services and Mobile Technologies



Objective Type Questions


Question 1

In web services, the communication takes place between …………… .

  1. Two electronic devices
  2. Two human beings
  3. Two spiders
  4. None of the above


Two electronic devices

Reason — Web services are the software based services that take place when two electronic devices connected via network, communicate over WWW’s HTTP.

Question 2

An email can be sent via, …………… .

  1. PC
  2. Tablet
  3. Smart phone
  4. All the above


All the above

Reason — An email can be sent via PC, tablet or smart phone.

Question 3

In an email address, the characters following ‘@’ character represent …………… .

  1. User name
  2. E-mail Recipient
  3. Domain name
  4. None of these


Domain name

Reason — In an email address, the characters following ‘@’ character represent the domain name for the host server.

Question 4

In the email address "", what is the domain name ?

  1. the whole email address
  2. .com
  4. hithere


Reason — In an email address, the characters following ‘@’ character represent the domain name for the host server.

Question 5

…………… field of email-compose box allows to send same message to multiple recipients without getting them know about other recipients.

  1. cc
  2. To
  3. bcc
  4. Message



Reason — bcc stands for Blind Carbon Copy. bcc field of email-compose box allows to send same message to multiple recipients without letting them know about other recipients.

Question 6

Which of the following is not a legal domain in context of web address ?

  1. edu
  2. com
  3. tv
  4. work



Reason — edu, com and tv are legal domain names of web addresses and they represent educational firms, commercial firms and television channels respectively.

Question 7

Chatting on Internet is :

  1. Talking face to face
  2. Talking on phone
  3. Online textual talk
  4. None of these


Online textual talk

Reason — Online textual talk is called chatting.

Question 8

Chat Rooms are actual rooms where chat session takes place.



Reason — Chat rooms are not actual rooms but websites or a part of some online services that provide an online venue for communities of users with a common interest to communicate in real time.

Question 9

To participate in a chat, you must be logged in the same site and communicate live with others by typing words on your computer. (T/F)



Reason — To participate in a chat, you must be logged in the same site and communicate live with others by typing words on your computer.

Question 10

A …………… room or online forum allows users to communicate through typed messages which are displayed almost instantly.

  1. Mail
  2. Buddy
  3. Chat
  4. Message



Reason — A chat room or online forum allows users to communicate through typed messages which are displayed almost instantly.

Question 11

Online textual talk is called …………… .

  1. Video Conferencing
  2. Telephony
  3. Text Phone
  4. Chat



Reason — Online textual talk is called chatting.

Question 12

Electronic mail cannot be used for …………… .

  1. Sending documents
  2. Sending bulk data (say over 2GB)
  3. Sending attachments
  4. Sending messages


Sending bulk data (say over 2GB)

Reason — Email can be used to send documents, attachments and messages. There are limitations on attachment size imposed by email providers.

Question 13

A two way video phone conversation among multiple participants is called …………… .

  1. Video chatting
  2. Video talking
  3. Video conferencing
  4. Video watching


Video conferencing

Reason — A two way video phone conversation among multiple participants is called Video conferencing.

Question 14

Which of the following is not a feature / service of the web ?

  1. E-mail
  2. Telnet
  3. CPU
  4. Chat



Reason — CPU (Central Processing Unit) is a part of computer and not a feature / service of the web. E-mail, chat and telnet are feature / service of the web.

Question 15

You can use email to send messages but not files across Internet. (T/F)



Reason — E-mails can be used to send messages as well as files of a limited size.

Question 16

Pick the odd one out.

  1. Amazon
  2. e-bay
  3. twitter
  4. naaptol



Reason — While Amazon, eBay and Naaptol are all e-commerce platforms or online marketplaces, Twitter is a social media platform primarily focused on micro-blogging and social networking.

Question 17

The benefit of E-learning is :

  1. Class work can be scheduled around work and family
  2. Reduces travel time and travel costs for off-campus students
  3. Students can study anywhere they have access to a computer and Internet connection
  4. All the above


All the above

Reason — E-learning reduces travel time and travel costs for off-campus students, allows remote learning facilities and scheduling of class work around work and family.

Question 18

Fill in the blanks

  1. A …………… is a set of rules that are needed for communication.
  2. …………… enables the actual sending and receiving of messages.
  3. The symbol, ‘@’ is pronounced as …………… and this remains same in every email address.


  1. protocol is a set of rules that are needed for communication.
  2. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) enables the actual sending and receiving of messages.
  3. The symbol, ‘@’ is pronounced as at the rate or at and this remains same in every email address.

Question 19

Out of the following which one is the most used feature of Internet :

  1. E-mail
  2. FTP
  3. Telnet
  4. Usenet ?



Reason — E-mail is the most used feature of Internet as it is publicly used for sending messages.

Question 20

e-Reservation is a process of making reservations of …………… .

  1. Tickets
  2. Hotel rooms
  3. Tourist packages
  4. All of these


All of these

Reason — e-Reservation is a process of making reservations of tickets, hotel rooms and tourist packages.

Question 21

Buying goods by placing orders online is called …………… .

  1. e-Commerce
  2. e-Shopping
  3. e-buying
  4. all the above



Reason — e-Shopping means buying goods by placing orders online.

Question 22

Which of the following is the major reason cited for e-Shopping’s popularity ?

  1. unique offers
  2. price
  3. impulse
  4. convenience



Reason — Convenience is the major reason cited for e-Shopping’s popularity.

Question 23

Which of the following is/are immensely popular services of Internet ?

  1. e-commerce
  2. blogs
  3. social-networking
  4. e-shopping



Reason — Social-networking is a popular service of the internet.

Question 24

Which of the following is/are example(s) of e-governance ?

  1. Applying for passport online
  2. Sending email to your school friend
  3. Buying books online
  4. Enquiring about the status of Aadhaar application.


Applying for passport online & Enquiring about the status of Aadhaar application

Reason — e-governance refers to the application of electronic means in governance. Since applying for passport and enquiring about the status of Aadhaar involves using online services provided by the government, they are examples of e-governance.

Theoretical Questions

Question 1

Out of the following which one is the most used feature of Internet ?

  1. e-mail
  2. FTP
  3. Telnet
  4. Usenet


E-mail is the most used feature of Internet as it is publicly used for sending messages.

Question 2

What are the two parts of an e-mail address ? Which character is used to separate these two parts ?


An e-mail address has two parts separated by ‘@’ symbol :

  1. Username — On the left side of @ operator is the username.
  2. Domain name for the host server — The portion to the right of @ identifies the server or host or network that services our e-mail.

Question 3

In an e-mail account, which folder stores the received emails ?


Inbox folder stores the received emails.

Question 4

What is emoticon ? What is its usage ?


An emoticon is a symbol, most often used in computer-mediated communications.

It is used to represent a facial expression that communicates the emotional state of the sender.

Question 5

Why is it necessary to be online while chatting ?


We need to be online while chatting for the following reasons :

  1. Chatting is a web service which requires internet. If we want to chat, we need to log on to a server that provides chat facility.
  2. Chat platforms often rely on instant messaging, where messages are delivered and received instantly.
  3. Being online while chatting allows us to engage in real-time conversations with other users. This allows for immediate responses and facilitates smooth and dynamic communication.

Question 6

Explain the structure of an e-mail address.


E-mail addresses are commonly written in the form given below:


An email-address has two parts separated by ‘@’ symbol.

  1. Username — On the left side of @ separator is the user name. A user name can not have blanks.
  2. Domain name for the host server — The portion to the right of @ identifies the server or host or network that services your e-mail. It is sometimes also called the e-mail server.

For example,, etc.

Question 7

Explain the structure of an e-mail message. Also differentiate between Cc: and Bcc: fields.


The general structure of an e-mail message is as follows:

  1. From — This is the address of the sender of the e-mail.
  2. To — This is the address or addresses to which the e-mail is sent.
  3. CC — It stands for Carbon Copy. Here we specify the address/addresses of those to whom we want to send a copy of the e-mail. The CC recipient’s name is visible to all recipients.
  4. BCC — It is for Blind Carbon Copy. This is also a list of addresses that will receive a copy of the e-mail but BCC recipient’s name is not visible to other recipients. The BCC recipients can see the TO and CC addresses.
  5. Subject — A short title for the mail which speaks about contents of the message.
  6. Body — It is the actual message.
  7. Attachments — We can attach one or more pictures and documents or any other file with our e-mail.
  8. Date — This is the date and time on which the message was sent from the sender’s computer.
  9. Message-id — Every message will have a unique id, which is used to track replies to it. The message id is not visible to us. It is used internally by the e-mail program and the e-mail system.

The difference between cc and bcc is as follows:

It stands for Carbon Copy.It stands for Blind Carbon Copy.
The e-mail addresses of all the recipients are displayed in the message.It hides the e-mail addresses of all recepients such that they are not visible in the message.
It does not protect the privacy of our recipients.It protects the privacy of our recipients.

Question 8

To find out about e-mail address of one of your friends, which utility will you use and how ?


I can use the website — www.123people to find out about e-mail address of my friend.

To find the e-mail address of a person, follow these steps:

  1. Log onto
  2. We will see the people search page on our screen. Now type the first name and last name of the person whose email-id is to be searched.
  3. Click Search button and the search engine will search for the name given in its database and display the results on the screen.

Question 9

What do you understand by video conferencing ? What all things must be installed on your computer in order to have video conferencing ?


A two-way videophone conversation among multiple participants is called Video Conferencing.

The things that must be installed on a multimedia computer in order to have video conferencing are :

  1. a camera hardware
  2. a video compression hardware
  3. access to Internet over an ordinary telephone line
  4. videophone software

Question 11

What are the uses and misuses of social networking sites ?


Major uses of social networking sites are :

  1. It is easier to connect with people from all across the world on social networking site.
  2. With social networking, conducting discussions and collecting views or opinions on anything has become easier.
  3. Social networking sites provide interactive involvement with other people.
  4. Interactive involvement in online and social networking forums helps in improving the world awareness.

Major misuses of social networking sites are :

  1. Some people with wrong intentions can misuse the personal information posted by innocent users such as date-of-birth, address, school address, phone numbers etc.
  2. Some people with bad intentions use social networking sites for spreading baseless ‘facts’ resulting in a complete abuse of the ‘freedom of expression’.
  3. There are numerous fake user profiles in these sites.
  4. With growing use of social networking sites undesirable elements have crept up who resort to needless bullying, defamation, harmful commenting and pranks and persecute hapless, innocent victims and pages.
  5. In order to fit under peer-pressure, often people lie or put exaggerated information about them. This leads to consequences born out of jealousy and harmful reactions.

Question 12

Name some social networking sites.


Some social networking sites are as follows:

  1. Facebook
  2. Twitter
  3. Reddit
  4. LinkedIn

Question 13

What precautions and measures should you take while using web services such as social networks, e-shopping etc.?


We should take the following precautions and measures while using web services such as social networks, e-shopping, etc. :

  1. One should carefully upload the contents, pictures, videos etc. as it may also involve others and posting these may violate other users’ privacy.
  2. One should deliberately keep away from indulging in illegal and unethical activities like hacking and posting of threatening online messages.
  3. One should treat every other user equal and no less in any way.
  4. Any of our action must not hinder in any way the betterment of the society and promoting common good of the users.
  5. One should use strong, unique passwords for each online account to minimize the risk of unauthorized access.
  6. One should review and configure privacy settings on social networks to control the visibility of personal information.
  7. One should be cautious of suspicious emails, messages, or links that may lead to phishing websites.
  8. One should regularly update software and devices.
  9. Read terms and conditions carefully before signing up or using a web service.
  10. One should regularly monitor and review accounts.

Question 14

What are blogs ? How are they useful ?


A blog refers to an online journal where entries are posted.

Blogs are useful in the following ways:

  1. Information sharing — Blogs allow sharing valuable information and expertise.
  2. Personal expression — Blogs provide a platform for personal experiences and stories.
  3. Community building — Blogs foster a sense of community and encourage discussions.
  4. Authority and credibility — Blogs establish expertise and professional credibility.
  5. Marketing and promotion — Blogs promote businesses, products, or services.
  6. Creative and professional development — Blogs enhance writing skills and foster growth.

Question 15

What is video conferencing ? Name some popular video conferencing software.


A two-way videophone conversation among multiple participants is called Video Conferencing.

Some popular video conferencing software include Skype, Zoom, Google Meet, ooVoo, etc.

Question 16

What is the utility of e-learning ?


The utilities of e-learning are as follows:

  1. Reduced Overall Cost — It’s less expensive to produce. e-training is virtually free once the break-even point is reached.
  2. e-Learning is self-directed and self-paced — Learners control the amount of time they spend on any particular topic.
  3. e-Learning is interactive and hands-on — The use of a variety of multimedia in e-Learning increases student involvement and reinforces the learning experience.
  4. e-Learning is flexible — Learning can take place anytime and anywhere, as long as the necessary equipment is accessible.
  5. Consistent delivery — e-learning eliminates the problems associated with different instructors teaching slightly different material on the same subject.
  6. Easily Manageable — Today’s e-learning software allow a group of people to keep track of the course offerings, schedule and track their progress and results.

Question 17

What is e-reservation ?


Making reservations of tickets or hotel rooms or tourist packages etc., through Internet is known as e-Reservation or online reservation.

Question 18

Name some protocols that are used for remote logging on a server.


Some protocols that are used for remote logging on a server are :

  1. Telnet
  2. SSH (Secure SHell) Protocol

Question 19

Name some file transfer protocols used over Internet.


Some file transfer protocols used over Internet are:

  1. FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
  2. SFTP (Secure FTP) Protocol
  3. SCP (Secure CoPy) Protocol

Question 20

What is the significance of SSH protocol ?


The traditional Internet protocols like Telnet, FTP, even email, share data/information in unencrypted form over Internet, which can easily be eavesdropped. Since the data is unencrypted, it is unsecure and hence any hacker can easily grab that data such as username and password, other data shared etc.
On the other hand, if we use SSH, it secures our data by creating a secure connection with encrypted data. This ensures that only the client and the server will have access to actual data.

Question 21

What are commonly used Mobile technologies?


Commonly used mobile technologies are :

  1. SMS (Short Message Service) — It is also commonly referred to as a “text message”. With an SMS, one can send a message of up to 160 characters to another mobile device. Most cell phones support this type of text messaging.
  2. MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) — It is a standard way to send messages that include multimedia content (such as pictures, video, or audio content) to and from mobile phones.
  3. 3G (Third Generation) — It enabled wireless devices to operate at speeds which made web browsing a more enjoyable experience on mobile devices.
  4. 4G (Fourth Generation) — 4G is the next generation of mobile technologies with enhanced download and upload speeds, and better connectivity. A 4G network offers peak data rates of at least 100 megabits per second for high mobility communication.
  5. 5G (Fifth Generation) — 5G enables a new kind of network that is designed to connect virtually everyone and everything together including machines, objects, and devices.

Question 22

How is an MMS different from SMS ?


SMS (Short Message Service) lets us send only short text messages of up to 160 characters over mobile phones. SMS cannot include pictures, video or audio content.

MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) is a standard way to send messages that include multimedia content to and from mobile phones. MMS can include various types of media in it, such as pictures, video, or audio content.

Question 23

Give one difference between 3G and 4G.


A 3G network can produce a download data rates of upto 384 kbps under normal conditions and up to 2 Mbps in some instances while a 4G network offers peak data rates of at least 100 megabits per second for high mobility communication (users in cars, trains, etc.) and at least 1 Gigabit per second for low mobility communication (pedestrians and stationary users).

Question 24

A mobile phone, though supports a 4G service, is receiving only 3G. What could be the reason ?


The reason could be the network coverage. The network in area might be 3G only and 4G coverage might not be available there. Hence, even though the mobile phone supports 4G service, it will only receive 3G.

Question 25

What is Telnet ? Why is it used ?


Telnet is an Internet utility that lets us log onto remote computer systems.

Uses of Telnet are :

  1. It is used to login onto remote systems and do work.
  2. It can also be used to connect to thousands of catalogs at libraries around the world and find out the availability of books.

Question 26

Why is SFTP called a secure protocol ?


SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) is called a secure protocol for file transfer as it takes the following measures to ensure data safety :

  1. SFTP requires that the client user must be authenticated by the server and the data transfer must take place over a secure channel (SSH).
  2. All data is encrypted before being sent across the network.
  3. SFTP encrypts both commands and data providing effective protection against common network security risks.

Question 27

What is SSH ? How is it related to SFTP and SCP protocols ?


SSH (Secure SHell) is remote logging protocol that logs into remote machine via a shell where all data between the client and server is encrypted.

The SSH protocol ensures security shell using other protocols like SCP and SFTP. The SCP (Secure Copy) protocol allows transmission of files from one machine to another over Internet with the encryption benefits of SSH. Similarly, SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) is a secure protocol for file transfer and it ensures security of data based on the SSH protocol.

Application Oriented Questions

Question 1

When an e-mail is received it can be sent on to other e-mail addresses. This is :

  1. forwarding
  2. replying
  3. mailing
  4. attaching



Reason — A received message can be sent on to other e-mail addresses by using the ‘Forward’ option.

Question 2

PJM Bank has a Head Office based in Bangalore and a large number of branches nationwide. The Head Office uses video conferencing to communicate with the branch managers.

(a) Identify the requirements to be fulfilled by each branch for video conferencing.

(b) Describe three benefits to the bank of using video conferencing.

(c) Describe three problems that may occur when using video conferencing.


(a) For video conferencing, each branch should fulfill the following requirements :

  1. Multimedia PCs
  2. Video Cameras
  3. Microphones
  4. Internet connection
  5. Video conferencing software

(b) Three benefits to the bank of using video conferencing are:

  1. Cost and time savings — It reduces travel expenses for the bank and saves valuable time for the branch managers by reducing the need to travel to the head office for meetings.
  2. Enhanced communication and collaboration — It improves communication and collaboration resulting in faster decision-making.
  3. Increased efficiency and productivity — It enables sharing documents and presentations during meetings making it easier to provide updates, have real-time discussions and conduct training sessions for branch managers and staff.

(c) Three problems that may occur when using video conferencing are:

  1. Technical difficulties — Video conferencing relies heavily on technology, and technical issues like poor internet connection, poor quality video camera or microphone, etc. can disrupt or degrade the quality of meetings.
  2. Distractions and multitasking — Participants in video conferences may face distractions from their immediate environment, such as noise, interruptions, or personal devices.
  3. Lack of non-verbal cues — The video camera might not be able to see all parts of the room at the same time leading to potential misunderstandings or misinterpretations during discussions.

Question 3

(a) Give two ways, other than video conferencing, in which branches are able to communicate. Give one advantage for each.

(b) There has been a large increase in the number of customers who use the Internet banking facilities offered by PJM Bank. Give, two reasons why customers choose to use Internet banking.


(a) Two ways, other than video conferencing, in which branches can communicate are:

1.E-mailEmails can be sent and read at different times, allowing flexibility for recipients to respond when convenient.
2.Instant MessagingInstant Messaging allows for instant exchanges, facilitating quick decision-making and problem-solving.

(b) Two reasons that customers choose to use Internet banking are:

  1. Customers don’t need to visit the branch. It saves their time and travel cost.
  2. Customers can do their banking transaction at anytime as per their convenience without being restricted by the business hours of the bank.

Question 4

(a) Juhi uses a computer to send e-mails to her sister in America.

  1. Juhi has a photograph stored on her computer that she wants to send to her sister. Describe the process of sending an e-mail with a photograph.
  2. Explain what all types of files can she send with e-mail ?

(b) Juhi is researching Indian freedom struggle history on the Internet. She uses a search engine to help her.

  1. The computer sometimes takes a long time to respond when Juhi enters a question into the search engine. Give two reasons why this might happen.
  2. The search engine returned a large number of links when she entered ‘Gandhi’. Give two things Juhi can do to reduce the number of links.


(a) Juhi uses a computer to send e-mails to her sister in America :

  1. To send mail to her sister, Juhi needs to first log in to her e-mail account and then follow these steps :
    Step 1 — Click on Compose button to compose a new mail message.
    Step 2 — In the Compose Message window, type the e-mail address of her sister in the To field.
    Step 3 — Fill in the subject of the message in the Subject field.
    Step 4 — Click on the Attach a file link below Subject box. Browse through the computer and select the photograph to be sent. Then click on Open.
    Step 5 — Write the message in the box designated for it.
    Step 6 — Click on Send button.

  2. Juhi can send the following types of files through e-mail:

    1. Documents — This includes files in formats such as DOCX (Microsoft Word), PDF (Portable Document Format), XLSX (Microsoft Excel), PPTX (Microsoft PowerPoint), and TXT (plain text files).
    2. Images — Popular image formats like JPEG, PNG, GIF, and BMP can be attached to emails. These files can include digital photos, illustrations, or graphics.
    3. Audio files — Formats like MP3, WAV, and AAC can be sent as email attachments. These files can include music, sound effects, or voice recordings.
    4. Video files — Common video file formats such as MP4, AVI, MOV, and WMV can be attached to emails. These files can include recorded videos or video clips.
    5. Compressed files — Archives or compressed files, like ZIP or RAR, can be sent as email attachments. These files are used to combine multiple files into a single compressed file for easier sharing.
    6. Presentations — Presentation files, such as PPTX (PowerPoint) or Keynote files, can be sent via email.
    7. Spreadsheets — Spreadsheet files, like XLSX (Excel) or CSV (Comma-Separated Values), can be attached to emails.

(b) Juhi is using a search engine to research Indian freedom struggle history :

  1. Two reasons why computer is taking longer to respond are :

    1. Slow internet connection — If Juhi has a slow internet connection, it can significantly affect the response time of the search engine.
    2. High server load — The search engine’s servers may be experiencing a high volume of requests, leading to slower response times.
  2. Two things Juhi can do to reduce the number of links are:

    1. Use specific keywords — Instead of using a broad term like ‘Gandhi’, Juhi can refine her search by including more specific keywords related to her research topic. For example, she can search for ‘Mahatma Gandhi Indian freedom struggle’ or ‘Gandhi’s role in Indian independence movement’. Adding relevant keywords will help narrow down the search results to more specific and relevant information.
    2. Utilize advanced search operators — Juhi can use operators like quotation marks (” “) to search for exact phrases or hyphen (-) to exclude specific words or terms. For example, she can search for “Mahatma Gandhi” -movie to exclude links related to movies about Gandhi.

Question 5

Swirlpool is a company that sells washing machines from its website. Sophie buys a washing machine from the Swirlpool website.

(a) What is this way of shopping called ?

(b) Describe one advantage to the customers of e-sales.

(c) Swirlpool encourages its employees to study online and enhance their skills. What is the term that describes this form of learning ?


(a) This way of shopping is called e-shopping.

(b) e-shopping is very convenient for the customers. They don’t have to visit the shops. They can shop from anywhere which saves their time and travel cost.

(c) Studying online is called e-learning.

Chapter 3 HTML I — Basic HTML Elements


Objective Type Questions

Question 1

HTML is acronym for :

  1. High Text Marker Language
  2. Higher Text Markup Language
  3. Hyper Text Markup Language
  4. Hyper Transfer Makeup Language


Hyper Text Markup Language

Reason — HTML is acronym for Hyper Text Markup Language.

Question 2

A coded HTML command that indicates how part of a web page is displayed is called …………… .

  1. Attribute
  2. Tag
  3. Style
  4. All of these



Reason — A coded HTML command that indicates how part of a web page is displayed is called tag.

Question 3

Which of the following tags identifies the document as an HTML document?

  1. <HTML>
  2. <HEAD>
  3. <BODY>
  4. <P>



Reason — <HTML> tag identifies the document as an HTML document. An HTML document begins with <HTML> and ends with </HTML>.

Question 4

The tags that require a starting as well as an ending tag are called …………… .

  1. Pair Element
  2. Twin Element
  3. Container Element
  4. Empty Element


Container Element

Reason — The tags that require a starting as well as an ending tag are called Container Element.

Question 5

Which sequence of HTML tags is correct ?

  1. <html><head><title></title></head><body></body></html>
  2. <html><head><title><body></title></head></body></html>
  3. <html><head><title</head><body></body>></title></</html>
  4. <htm1><head><title><body></body></title></head></html>



Reason — The correct document structure of an HTML document is <html><head><title></title></head><body></body></html>.

Question 6

To specify the background image for the document, Background attribute is used with which of the following tags ?

  1. <BODY>
  2. <HTML>
  3. <P>
  4. None of these



Reason — “background” is an attribute of the <BODY> tag which is used to specify the background image for the document. The syntax is as follows:

BODY background = "fileame.gif">

Question 7

To define the basic font size, which of following tag is used ?

  1. SIZE
  3. FONT
  4. All of these



Reason — The <BASEFONT> tag lets us define the basic size for the font, which the browser uses for text with no defined font size.

Question 8

The unnumbered lists can be created by …………… tag.

  1. <UL>
  2. <OL>
  3. <LI>
  4. Both (1) and (2)
  5. Both (1) and (3)
  6. Both (2) and (3)


Both (1) and (3)

Reason — The unnumbered lists can be created by <UL> and <LI> tags. An unnumbered list begins with a tag that identifies the type of list (<UL> for unnumbered) and then uses the <LI> tag to denote the beginning of each new list item. For example:


Question 9

The numbered lists can be created by …………… tag.

  1. <UL>
  2. <OL>
  3. <LI>
  4. Both (1) and (2)
  5. Both (1) and (3)
  6. Both (2) and (3)


Both (2) and (3)

Reason — The numbered lists can be created by <OL> and <LI> tags. A numbered list begins with a tag that identifies the type of list (<OL> for numbered) and then uses the <LI> tag to denote the beginning of each new list item. For example:

    <LI> First item</LI>
    <LI> Second item</LI>
    <LI> Third item</LI>

Question 10

Consider the following HTML code :

<ol type='i'> 

Choose the correct output that would be shown upon execution of the above code , from the choices given below:

1.  I.   First
    II.  Second
    III. Third
    IV.  Fourth
2. i.   First
   ii.  Second
   iii. Third
   iv.  Fourth
3. I   First
   II  Second
   III Third
   IV  Fourth
4. i   First
   ii  Second
   iii Third
   iv  Fourth


i.   First
ii.  Second
iii. Third
iv.  Fourth

Reason — The “type” attribute with <OL> tag specifies the type of numbering style. With the <OL> tag, the type attribute may have a value of ‘i’ for lowercase Roman numerals.

Question 11

We can create a numbered list using the …………… tag.

  1. <UL>
  2. <list>
  3. <OL>
  4. <DL>



Reason — We can create a numbered list using the <OL> tag.

Question 12

Identify which of the following type of list will create a bulleted list.

  1. Unordered
  2. Ordered
  3. Definition
  4. Numbered



Reason — Unordered list will create a bulleted list.

Question 13

In <OL> and <UL>, the style of bullet or number is defined by …………….. .

  1. type attribute
  2. style attribute
  3. both (1) and (2)
  4. None of the above


type attribute

Reason — In <OL> and <UL>, the style of bullet or number is defined by type attribute. For unordered list, the type attribute may have a value of either disc for a solid circle, circle for a hollow circle or square for a solid square.

For ordered list, the type attribute may have the value of ‘A’ for numbering with capital letters, ‘a’ for lowercase letters, ‘I’ for capital and ‘i’ for lowercase Roman numerals and ‘1’ for common Arabic numerals.

Question 14

Which of the following will produce a solid circle bullet when given as value of type with <UL> ?

  1. disc
  2. circle
  3. square
  4. none of these



Reason — When the value of type attribute is disc, a solid circle bullet is displayed in an unordered list.

Question 15

Tag(s) required to create Description lists in HTML :

  1. <DL>
  2. <DT>
  3. <DD>
  4. All of the above


All of the above

Reason — A definition list <DL> usually consists of an alternating definition term <DT> and a definition description <DD>.

Question 16

An advantage of using basic HTML to create a document is that :

  1. all word processors can display the document
  2. all browsers can display the document
  3. it will print better than a word processing document
  4. it is easier to write in HTML


all browsers can display the document

Reason — An advantage of using basic HTML to create a document is that all browsers can display the document. HTML is a document layout and hyperlink specification language which tells the browser to display the contents of a hypertext document in a certain way.

Question 17

Factors that affect how an HTML document looks on the monitor do not include :

  1. operating system
  2. window size
  3. color depth
  4. html tags


operating system

Reason — Factors that affect how an HTML document looks on the monitor do not include operating system.

Question 18

Every HTML document must include the tags :

  1. <html> </html> & <body> </body>
  2. <body> </body> & at least one <p>
  3. <html> </html> & <head> </head>


<html> </html> & <body> </body>

Reason — Every HTML document must include <html> </html> & <body> </body> tags. <html> </html> tags are used to mark the beginning and end of an HTML document. The <body> </body> tags define a document’s body.

Question 19

If the HTML code looks like :

<font face="Arial" size="3"
    color ="#000000">Welcome</font>

then the text would look like:

  1. Welcome
  2. Welcome
  3. Welcome
  4. Welcome


(Option 3)

Reason — face, size and color attributes of <FONT> tag set the font, size and colour of the text respectively. Thus, the text (Welcome) will be displayed in “Arial” font of size “3” and its colour will be “#000000” i.e., black.

Question 20

Which attribute is not valid for <BODY> tag ?

  1. background
  2. color
  3. vlink
  4. leftmargin



Reason — color is not an attribute of <BODY> tag. background, vlink and leftmargin are the attributes of <BODY> tag which specify the background image of the document, the colour of visited link and the left margin of the document, respectively.

Question 21

Which attribute is NOT valid for the <body> tag ?

  1. background
  2. color
  3. vlink
  4. bgcolor



Reason — color is not an attribute of <BODY> tag. background, vlink and bgcolor are the attributes of <BODY> tag which specify the background image of the document, the colour of visited link and the background colour of the document, respectively.

Question 22

Which of these is NOT an attribute of the font tag ?

  1. color
  2. face
  3. type
  4. size



Reason — type is not an attribute of <FONT> tag. face, size and color attributes of <FONT> tag set the font, size and colour of the text respectively.

Question 23

How can you make a text appear bold?

  1. <b> text </b>
  2. <strong> text </strong>
  3. both (1) and (2)
  4. neither


both (1) and (2)

Reason — <b> and <strong> tags both can be used to make a text appear bold.

Question 24

Choose the correct HTML tag to make a text italic .

  1. <italic>
  2. <i>
  3. <italicise>
  4. all of these



Reason — <i> tag is used to make a text italic.

Question 25

If the background image is smaller than the screen, what will happen ?

  1. It will be stretched
  2. It will leave a blank space at the bottom of your page
  3. It will be repeated


It will be repeated

Reason — If the background image is smaller than the screen, the browser uses a feature called tiling to repeat the image and fill the browser window.

Question 26

The <title> tag belongs where in your HTML ?

  1. Head
  2. Arm
  3. Body
  4. Foot



Reason — The <title> tag belongs to the <HEAD> tag in HTML.

Question 27

Choose the correct HTML tag for the largest heading.

  1. <heading>
  2. <h6>
  3. <head>
  4. <h1>



Reason — HTML has six levels of headings, numbered 1 through 6, with 1 being the largest i.e., <H1> appears as the largest heading and <H6> appears as the smallest heading.

Question 28

Besides, <B> another way to make text bold is what ?

  1. <strong>
  2. <dark>
  3. <fat>
  4. foot



Reason — <strong> tag can be used to make the text appear bold.

Question 29

The attribute used to choose the type of font in HTML is :

  1. Character
  2. Face
  3. Text-type
  4. Font-type



Reason — face attribute of <FONT> tag is used to choose the type of font in HTML.

Question 30

Why should you specify a background color if you are using an image for the actual background of your page ?

  1. The background color will be shown until the image loads
  2. In case the image doesn’t fit right
  3. So the text shows up better


The background color will be shown until the image loads

Reason — We should specify a background color if we are using an image for the actual background of our page because the background color will be shown until the image loads.

Question 31

All normal webpages consist of what two parts ?

  1. Head and body
  2. Top and bottom
  3. Body and frameset


Head and body

Reason — All normal webpages consist of <HEAD> and <BODY> tag.

Question 32

HTML is a :

  1. Programming language
  2. Web page layout language
  3. Markup language
  4. Both (2) & (3)


Both (2) & (3)

Reason — HTML is a Web page layout language and a Markup language.

Question 33

A tag is …………… .

  1. HTML command
  2. VB command
  3. C++ command
  4. None of these


HTML command

Reason — A tag is a coded HTML command that indicates how part of web page should be displayed.

Question 34

Container elements in HTML require …………… .

  1. Starting tag
  2. Ending tag
  3. Starting and Ending tag
  4. None of these


Starting and Ending tag

Reason — Container elements in HTML require Starting and Ending tags. For example, to make text bold, we write <B> text </B><B> is a container tag.

Question 35

Background attribute of <BODY> is used to :

  1. give background color to web page
  2. load an image and use it as a background when displaying webpage
  3. insert an image within web page.
  4. none of these


load an image and use it as a background when displaying webpage

Reason — Background attribute of <BODY> is used to load an image and use it as a background when displaying webpage.

Question 36

With which HTML tag do you apply attributes that modify text size, font-face, and color ?

  1. <font>
  2. <mod>
  3. <f>
  4. <text>



Reason — We apply size, face, and color attributes with <FONT> tag to modify text size, font-face, and color of the text.

Question 37

Which HTML tag would you apply the bgcolor attribute to in order to change the background color of the web page ?

  1. <html>
  2. <head>
  3. <body>
  4. <p>



Reason — We apply the bgcolor attribute with the <BODY> tag in order to change the background color of the web page.

Question 38

Gagandeep has written the following code to display an image in the background of HTML document :
<BODY BgGround = "Animals.jpeg">
but he is not getting the desired output. Help him in identifying correct code from the following :

  1. <BODY Bg = "Animals.jpeg">
  2. <BODY BACK = "Animals.jpeg">
  3. <BODY BGIMAGE = "Animals.jpeg">
  4. <BODY BACKGROUND = "Animals.jpeg">


<BODY BACKGROUND = "Animals.jpeg">

Reason — “bgGround” is not an attribute of <BODY> tag. Background attribute of <BODY> is used to display an image in the background of HTML document.

Question 39

In which section of an HTML document do you enter the <P> element ?

  1. The body section.
  2. The footer section.
  3. The style sheet.
  4. The head section.


The body section.

Reason — We use the <P> element in the body section of an HTML document.

Question 40

In which HTML element do you apply attributes that modify the background image ?

  1. The <html> element.
  2. The <head> element.
  3. The <background> element.
  4. The <body> element.


The <body> element.

Reason — Background attribute of <BODY> tag is used to modify the background image of HTML document.

Question 41

Which of the following heading tags will cause a browser to render text at the largest default size ?

  1. <h3>
  2. <h2>
  3. <h5>
  4. <h4>



Reason — HTML has six levels of headings, numbered 1 through 6, with 1 being the largest i.e., <H1> appears as the largest heading and <H6> appears as the smallest heading. Thus, in the given options, <h2> will cause a browser to render text at the largest default size.

Question 42

Which is the correct way to comment out something in HTML ?

  1. Using ## and #
  2. Using <!-- and -->
  3. Using </-- and -/->
  4. Using <!-- and -!>


Using <!-- and -->

Reason — <!-- and --> is the correct way to comment out something in HTML.

Question 43

Which of the following is the proper syntax to start an HTML comment ?

  1. <!--
  2. <!>
  3. <comment>
  4. <notate>



Reason — <!-- is the proper syntax to start an HTML comment.

Question 44

Which one of the following is the HTML tag used to insert a horizontal rule ?

  1. <h1>
  2. <hr>
  3. <rule>
  4. <br>



Reason — <hr> tag is used to insert a horizontal rule in an HTML document.

Question 45

HTML tag to draw horizontal line :

  1. <h1>
  2. <hr>
  3. <hline>
  4. None of the above



Reason — <hr> tag is used to draw horizontal line in an HTML document.

Question 46

What HTML container tags do you apply to text to format the text as a paragraph ?

  1. <para></para>
  2. <text></text>
  3. <p></p>
  4. <format style="para"></format>



Reason — <p></p> tags are used to format the text as a paragraph.

Question 47

Which HTML tags cause browsers to render text as italics ?

  1. <text style = "italics"></text>
  2. <ital></ital>
  3. <i></i>
  4. <b></b>



Reason — <i></i> tags are used to display the text as italics in an HTML document.

Question 48

Interpret this statement :


  1. It makes Michelle strong
  2. It highlights Michelle as being strong
  3. It will print out Michelle in bold font
  4. It will print strong Michelle/strong


It will print out Michelle in bold font

Reason — <STRONG> tag is used to make text appear bold. Thus, it will print out Michelle in bold font.

Question 49

Which one is correct ?

  1. <b>Click Here<b>
  2. <strong>Click Here<strong>
  3. <b>Click Here</b>
  4. </strong>Click Here</strong>


<b>Click Here</b>

Reason — HTML tags are written in angle brackets ( <> ). Container tags require pair tags. The ending tag is similar to that of the starting tag except that it begins with a slash ( / ) symbol.

In option 1 and 2, the ending tag doesn’t have a slash symbol. In option 4, the starting tag has a slash symbol which is incorrect. Thus, option 3, <b>Click Here</b> is correct.

Question 50

The page title is inside the …………… tag.

  1. Body
  2. Head
  3. Division
  4. Table



Reason — The page title is inside the <HEAD> tag.

Question 51

To align multiple lines of text we use …………… .

  1. Justify
  2. DIV
  3. Align
  4. None of these.



Reason — To align multiple lines of text we use <DIV> tag.

Question 52

The value of #FFFFFF is :

  1. Black
  2. White
  3. Red
  4. none of the above.



Reason — The value of #FFFFFF is white.

Question 53

The value of #000000 is :

  1. Black
  2. White
  3. Red
  4. none of the above.



Reason — The value of #000000 is black.

Question 54

In HTML, lists can be of :

  1. unnumbered
  2. numbered
  3. definition
  4. all of these


all of these

Reason — In HTML, lists can be of three types — unnumbered, numbered and definition.

Question 55

To start a list at the count of 3, use which ?

  1. <ol start="3">
  2. <ol begin="3">
  3. <ol list="5">


<ol start="3">

Reason — The start attribute of <OL> tag sets the starting value of an item integer counter at the beginning of an ordered list.

Question 56

Which of the following is the correct way to create a list using the lowercase letters ?

  1. <ol alpha = a">
  2. <ol type = "a">
  3. <ol letter = "a">
  4. None of the above


<ol type = "a">

Reason — The type attribute of <OL> tag sets the actual numbering style of an ordered list.

Question 57

What is the correct HTML for adding a background color ?

  1. <body background="yellow">
  2. <background>yellow</background>
  3. <body style="background-coloris:white">
  4. <body bgcolor="white">


<body bgcolor="white">

Reason — bgcolor attribute of <BODY> tag sets the background colour of the HTML document.

Question 58

To create a bulleted list use ?

  1. <il>
  2. <ul>
  3. <ol>



Reason — We use <UL> to create a bulleted list.

Question 59

When making bulleted lists you have what options ?

  1. disc, circle, square
  2. triangle, square, circle
  3. square, disc, polygon


disc, circle, square

Reason — For unordered list, the type attribute may have a value of either disc for a solid circle, circle for a hollow circle or square for a solid square.

Question 60

Which one of the following is the list type that will create a bulleted list ?

  1. unordered
  2. option
  3. decorated
  4. ordered



Reason — An unordered list will create a bulleted list.

Question 61

HTML is a :

  1. Package
  2. Software
  3. Language
  4. None of these



Reason — HTML is a Web page layout language and a Markup language.

Question 62

Choose the correct HTML tag to make the text bold ?

  1. <B>
  2. <BOLD>
  3. <STRONG>
  4. Both (1) & (3)


Both (1) & (3)

Reason — <b> and <strong> tags both can be used to make a text appear bold.

Question 63

Choose the correct HTML tag for the largest heading ?

  1. <H1>
  2. <H6>
  3. <H10>
  4. <HEAD>



Reason — HTML has six levels of headings, numbered 1 through 6, with 1 being the largest i.e., <H1> appears as the largest heading and <H6> appears as the smallest heading.

Question 64

Which of the following will result in the largest text size ?

  1. <H3>
  2. <H6>
  3. <H2>
  4. <H4>



Reason — HTML has six levels of headings, numbered 1 through 6, with 1 being the largest i.e., <H1> appears as the largest heading and <H6> appears as the smallest heading. Thus, in the given options, <h2> will result in the largest text size.

Question 65(a)

State True or False :
<BR> tag has its closed tag as </BR>



Reason — <BR> is an empty element. It does not have a closing tag </BR>.

Question 65(b)

State True or False :
<P> tag has no closing tag



Reason — <P> is a container element. Thus, it requires a starting tag <P> and a closing tag </P>.

Question 65(c)

State True or False :
<HR> tag is same as <BR>



Reason — The <HR> tag produces a horizontal line spread across the width of the browser window while the <BR> tag is used to end one line and jump to the next line.

Question 65(d)

State True or False :
<KBD> tag is used to display tables



Reason — <KBD> tag is used to display text as user keyboard entry. It is typically displayed in a fixed width font.

Question 66

In <BR> tag resets the paragraph alignment to the default left alignment. True or False ?



Reason — The <HR> tag resets the paragraph alignment to the default left alignment while after the <BR> tag, the previously set alignment of the paragraph is retained.

Question 67

The textual content that appears in the source HTML document but is not rendered by the browser is called …………… .


The textual content that appears in the source HTML document but is not rendered by the browser is called comment.

Question 68

Comments are enclosed in …………… and …………… tags.


Comments are enclosed in <!– and –> tags.

Question 69

By default <HR> produces a …………… rule.


By default <HR> produces a 3-D rule.

Question 70

…………… text styles are handled in its own way by the browsers.


Logical text styles are handled in its own way by the browsers.

Question 71

To display an & on the web page, …………… is used in the source HTML code.


To display an & on the web page, &amp; is used in the source HTML code.

Question 72

Two tags break the line flow. These are : …………… and …………… .


Two tags break the line flow. These are : <BR> and <HR>.

Question 73

Background colour is set by …………… attribute and background graphics is set by …………… attribute of …………… tag.


Background colour is set by Bgcolor attribute and background graphics is set by Background attribute of Body tag.

Question 74

An element that only has a starting tag and no ending tag is …………… element.


An element that only has a starting tag and no ending tag is empty element.

Theoretical Questions

Question 1

HTML stands for …………… .


HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language.

Question 2

What do you understand by ‘Tag’ ?


A tag is a coded HTML command that indicates how a part of web page should be displayed. HTML tags are written inside angle brackets (< >). For example,
<H1>Main Heading</H1>

Question 3

What is an attribute in HTML ?


An attribute is a special word used inside tag to specify additional information to tag such as color, alignment, etc. For example, ‘bgcolor’ attribute of <BODY> tag is used to set the background colour of an HTML document.

<BODY bgcolor = "white">

Question 4

Define the tag, <HTML>.


The <HTML> tag it the root element of the html document. It identifies the document as an HTML document. An HTML document begins with <HTML> and ends with </HTML>.

    ....HTML document lines here

Question 5

HR tag is used for …………… .


HR tag is used for horizontal rule.

Question 6

<TITLE> tag is used to define …………… .


<TITLE> tag is used to define title of the document.

Question 7

What is the basic structure of HTML File ?


Every HTML document should follow the general form given below:

        <TITLE> Title of page is written here </TITLE>
        The HTML tags that define the page are written here

The <HEAD>...</HEAD> tags make the header of the document and the <BODY>...</BODY> tags make the body of the HTML document.

Question 8

Face attribute is used with …………… tag and used for …………… .


Face attribute is used with <FONT> tag and used for setting the font type of the text.

Question 9

To align multiple lines of text we use …………… .

  1. Justify
  2. DIV
  3. Align
  4. None of these



Reason — Align attribute of <P> tag is used to change the alignment of a paragraph. It is not supported in HTML5.

Question 10

What is the use of ‘size’ in <BASEFONT> tag ?


The <BASEFONT> tag is used with its attribute “size”, whose value determines the document’s base font size. The size can have an absolute value from 1 to 7 (eg., size = 5) or a relative value by placing a plus or minus sign before the value (eg., size = +1).

Question 11

List the attributes of <FONT> tag.


The attributes of <FONT> tag are:

  1. size — sets the size of the font of text
  2. face — sets the font type of the text
  3. color — sets the colour of the font of text

Question 12

List and define different types of paragraph alignments.


The different types of paragraph alignments are as follows:

  1. Left alignment — When the value of align attribute of <P> tag is ‘left’, the paragraph is aligned to the left margin of the page.
  2. Center alignment — When the value of align attribute of <P> tag is ‘center’, the paragraph is aligned to the center of the page.
  3. Right alignment — When the value of align attribute of <P> tag is ‘right’, the paragraph is aligned to the right margin of the page.

Question 13

The value of #FFFFFF is …………… .

  1. Black
  2. White
  3. Red
  4. none of the above


The value of #FFFFFF is white.

Question 14

The value of #000000 is …………… .

  1. Black
  2. White
  3. Red
  4. none of the above


The value of #000000 is black.

Question 15(a)

<BR> tag has its closed tag as </BR>. State True or False?



Reason — <BR> is an empty element. It does not have a closing tag </BR>.

Question 15(b)

<P> tag has no closing tag. State True or False?



Reason — <P> is a container element. Thus, it requires a starting tag <P> and a closing tag </P>.

Question 15(c)

<HR> tag is same as <BR>. State True or False?



Reason — The <HR> tag produces a horizontal line spread across the width of the browser window while the <BR> tag is used to end one line and jump to the next line.

Question 15(d)

<KBD> tag is used to display tables. State True or False?



Reason — <KBD> tag is used to display text as user keyboard entry. It is typically displayed in a fixed width font.

Question 16

The default alignment of text is …………….. , default text color is …………….. and the default background color is …………….. .


The default alignment of text is left, default text color is black and the default background color is white.

Question 17

Give the coding for giving the heading ‘PACE Computer Education’ of <H1> tag, font style as Comic Sans MS, text color as blue. Body text color as red, background as green, alignment as center, font style of body text as Brush script, size = 15. The text for body is as follows :

Education is the
ability to listen to almost
anything without
losing your temper
or your
self confidence.
And so is Democracy and Maturity too.


    <FONT FACE = "COMIC SANS MS" COLOR = "BLUE">PACE Computer Education</FONT>

Education is the    
ability to listen to almost    
anything without    
losing your temper    
or your    
self confidence.    
And so is Democracy and Maturity too.

Question 18(i)

What is wrong in the following coding ?

<HEAD> <my web page >   
<TITLE> Welcome to My Web Page 


The <TITLE> tag must be entered between the opening and closing <HEAD> tags. Since “my web page” is not a tag, it should not be enclosed between angle brackets and should be written inside the <BODY> tag.

The correct code is as follows:

<TITLE> Welcome to My Web Page </TITLE>
    my web page

Question 18(ii)

What is wrong in the following coding ?

<FONT name = "Arial", 
type = "Bold" size = 3>


The <FONT> tag has three attributes :

  1. face — It defines the font type
  2. color — It sets the color of font
  3. size — It sets the size of font

Type attribute is not used with <FONT> tag. To make the text bold, we use the <B> or <STRONG> tag.

The correct code is as follows:

<FONT face = "Arial" size = "3">

Question 18(iii)

What is wrong in the following coding ?

<FONT face = comic sans ms color = Red>


String values of attributes must be enclosed within quotes.

The correct code is as follows:

<FONT face = "comic sans ms" color = "Red">

Question 18(iv)

What is wrong in the following coding ?

<FONT color = #345678


All HTML tags are enclosed in angle brackets (< >). The values of attributes are given in double quotes (” “).

The correct code is as follows:

<FONT color = "#345678">

Question 18(v)

What is wrong in the following coding ?

<BODY color = "Red" background = "Myimage.jpg">


The attribute used to set the colour of text in a document is text.

The correct code is as follows:

<BODY text = "Red" background = "Myimage.jpg">

Question 18(vi)

What is wrong in the following coding ?

<BR> </BR>


<BR> is an empty tag. It doesn’t have a closing tag.

Question 18(vii)

What is wrong in the following coding ?

<P Font face = "Arial" color = "Blue">


The paragraph <P> tag and the font <FONT> tag should be written in separate angle brackets as both are different tags.

The correct code is as follows:

<P> <FONT face = "Arial" color = "Blue">

Question 18(viii)

What is wrong in the following coding ?

<Body Margin Top = 60 Left = 75> 
Text with changed margin </Body>


The attributes ‘leftmargin’ and ‘topmargin’ of <BODY> tag are used to specify the left and top margin of the document, respectively. The values of attributes should be enclosed in double quotes (” “).

The correct code is as follows:

<Body Topmargin = "60" Leftmargin = "75"> 
Text with changed margin </Body>

Question 18(ix)

What is wrong in the following coding ?

<BODY> Text with New format 


<BASEFONT> tag should be inside the <BODY> tag.

The correct code is as follows:

Text with New format 

Question 18(x)

What is wrong in the following coding ?

<TITLE> New Page 


The <TITLE> tag must be entered between the opening and closing <HEAD> tags.

The correct code is as follows:

<TITLE> New Page 

Question 19

Differentiate between <TITLE> and <HEAD> tags.


<TITLE> tag<HEAD> tag
<TITLE> tag contains the document title and identifies its content in a global context.The <HEAD> tag is used to define the document header. It contains information about the document, including its title, scripts used, style definitions and document descriptions.
<TITLE> tag is enclosed in <HEAD> tag.<HEAD> tag contains <TITLE> tag inside it.

Question 20

Differentiate between container and empty elements.


Container elementsEmpty elements
Container elements require both, an opening and a closing tag.Empty elements require only an opening tag and not a closing tag.
Container elements affect the text appearing between their opening and a closing tag.Empty elements just carry out the job assigned to them.
For example, <TITLE></TITLE><FONT></FONT> etc.For example, <BR><HR> etc.

Question 21

Differentiate between <BR> and <P> tag.


<BR> tag<P> tag
<BR> tag is a line break tag that is used to end one line and jump to the next line without showing any line in between.<P> tag is a paragraph tag that is used to define a paragraph of text.
It is an empty element.It is a container element.

Question 22

List and define different types of heading tags.


HTML has six levels of headings, numbered 1 through 6, with 1 being the largest. Headings are typically displayed in larger and bolder fonts than normal body text.

The heading tags are as follows:

  1. <H1>
  2. <H2>
  3. <H3>
  4. <H4>
  5. <H5>
  6. <H6>

The first heading in a document is tagged <H1>, the second heading is tagged as <H2> and so on.

Question 23

List and explain the different attributes of body tag.


The different attributes of body tag are as follows:

  1. alink — It specifies the colour of an active link in a document.
  2. background — It specifies a background image for the document.
  3. bgcolor — It specifies the background colour of a document.
  4. link — It specifies the colour of unvisited links in a document.
  5. text — It specifies the colour of the text in a document.
  6. vlink — It specifies the colour of visited links in a document.
  7. leftmargin — It specifies the left margin in a document.
  8. topmargin — It specifies the top margin in a document.

The attributes are used with <BODY> tag in the following way:


Question 24

What is the difference between basefont and font tag ?


basefont tagfont tag
The <BASEFONT> tag sets a base font size for the entire document.The <FONT> tag applies font and text styling to a specific section of text enclosed within its opening and closing tags.
The closing tag </BASEFONT> is optional.The closing tag </FONT> is must for the changes in appearance to take effect.

Question 25

How can a 2D or 3D horizontal rule be displayed ?


The <HR> tag is used to produce horizontal line spread across the width of the browser window. By default, a 3D horizontal line is produced.

If we want to produce a 2D rule, we add “noshade” to <HR> tag.

For example:

<HR> <!-- This tag produces a 3D horizontal rule -->

<HR noshade> <!-- This tag produces a 2D horizontal rule -->

Question 26

What are logical and physical text styles ?


Logical text styles are general descriptions. Each browser handles a logical style in its own way. Logical styles render the text according to its meaning. For example, <EM> is for emphasizing something and <STRONG> is for strongly emphasizing something.

<STRONG> This is an example of logical text style </STRONG>

Physical text styles indicate the specific type of appearance for a section. For example, bold, italics, underlined etc. They are rendered in the same manner by all browsers.

<B><I> This is an example of physical text style </I></B>

Question 27

How can different tags be combined in HTML ? What is its use ?


HTML allows us to combine various tags together so as to achieve the desired result and effect. Different tags are enclosed in one another to combine their effects.

For example, if we want our text to appear bold and underlined, we can use <B> and <U> tags together in the following manner:

<B><U> Bold and Underlined </U></B>

Question 28

What all tags are required in every HTML page ?


The following tags are required in every HTML page:

  1. <HTML></HTML>
  2. <HEAD></HEAD>
  3. <BODY></BODY>

Question 29

Write the HTML code for the following to appear one after the other :

  • A small heading with the words, “We are Proud to Present”
  • A horizontal rule across the page
  • A large heading with the one word, “Orbit”
  • A medium-sized heading with the words, “The Geometric Juggler”
  • Another horizontal rule


<H3>We are Proud to Present</H3>
<H2>The Geometric Juggler</H2>
Write the HTML code for the following to appear one after the other. Basic HTML ELements, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 30

Insert the appropriate line break and paragraph break tags to format the following poems with a blank line between them :

A Morning is a Wonderful Blessing, 
Either Cloudy or Sunny 
It stands for Hope, giving us another 
Start of what we call Life. 


A Morning is a Wonderful Blessing, <BR>
Either Cloudy or Sunny <BR>
It stands for Hope, giving us another <BR> 
Start of what we call Life. <BR>
Insert the appropriate line break and paragraph break tags to format the following poems with a blank line between them. Basic HTML ELements, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 31

Write a complete HTML Web page with the title “Foo Bar” and a heading at the top which reads “Happy Hour at the Foo Bar”, followed by the words “Come on down!” in regular type.


    <TITLE> Foo Bar </TITLE>

    <H1> Happy Hour at the Foo Bar </H1>
    <P>Come on down!</P>
Write a complete HTML Web page with the title Foo Bar and a heading at the top which reads Happy Hour at the Foo Bar, followed by the words Come on down! in regular type. Basic HTML ELements, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 32

How would you say,
“We’re having our annual Impeachment Day SALE today,”
in normal sized blue text, but with the word “SALE” in the largest possible size in bright red ?


<FONT COLOR = "BLUE">We're having our annual Impeachment Day</FONT>
How would you say We're having our annual Impeachment Day SALE today, in normal sized blue text, but with the word SALE in the largest possible size in bright red ? Basic HTML ELements, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 33

What type of lists are supported by HTML ?


HTML supports the following types of lists:

1. Unnumbered or bulleted list — These lists are indented lists with a special bullet symbol in front of each item. For example,


2. Numbered or ordered list — These are indented lists that have numbers or letters in front of each item. For example,


3. Definition lists — A definition list <DL> usually consists of an alternating definition term <DT> and a definition description <DD>. For example,

    <DD>Apples are rich in Vitamin A. They are good for eye sight. They should be eaten in the morning.</DD>
    <DD>Bananas are rich in calcium. They keep the stomach healthy. They should be eaten during the day.</DD>

Question 34

Differentiate between ordered and unordered lists.


Ordered listUnordered list
Ordered list are indented lists that have numbers or letters in front of each item.Unordered list are indented lists with a special bullet symbol in front of each item.
For example,
For example,

Question 35

How will you nest an unordered list inside an ordered list ?


We can nest an unordered list inside an ordered list in the following manner:

    <LI> Dairy Products

Question 36

Which three tags let you create the definition lists ?


The three tags that let us create the definition lists are :

  1. <DL> — It is used to define the starting and ending of a definition list.
  2. <DT> — It specifies a definition term.
  3. <DD> — It specifies a definition description. Web browsers usually format the definition on a new line and indent it.

A definition list is written in the following manner:

    <DD>Apples are rich in Vitamin A. They are good for eye sight. They should be eaten in the morning.</DD>
    <DD>Bananas are rich in calcium. They keep the stomach healthy. They should be eaten during the day.</DD>

Question 37

Which two tags let you create the

(i) unnumbered lists ?

(ii) numbered lists ?


(i) The <UL> and <LI> tags let us create unnumbered lists.

(ii) The <OL> and <LI> tags let us create numbered lists.

Application Oriented Questions

Question 1

Hamish is creating a website for the Highland Chess League. Part of the HTML for the home page is shown below:

    <title> Highland Chess League </title>
    <meta name = "description" content = "The Highland Chess League" />
    <meta name = "keywords" content = "chess, league, games, Highland, hobbies" />
    <div align = "centre"> 
    <p> Welcome to the Highland Chess League Home Page </p>
    <p>Play the board <u>not</u> the man </p> 

(a) The window shown alongside is seen when a browser is used to view the home page. Use the HTML code above to identify the contents displayed in A, B and C.

The window is seen when a browser is used to view the home page. Use the HTML code above to identify the contents displayed in A, B and C. Basic HTML ELements, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

(b) The meta tag specifies keywords used by spiders of search engines. Where do you provide (inside which tag) the meta information in HTML code ?


(a) The following contents are displayed in A, B and C :

A — Highland Chess League

B — Welcome to the Highland Chess League Home Page

C — Play the board not the man


In A, the content given inside the <title> tag will be displayed.
In B, the content given inside the first <p> tag will be displayed.
In C, the content given inside the second <p> tag will be displayed.

(b) The meta information is provided in the <meta> tag which is enclosed inside the <head> tag.

Question 2

Consider the following web page:

The text at P is? To follow a link to find information, the user should click at? Basic HTML ELements, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

(a) The text at P is :

  1. a web address
  2. a postal address
  3. an email address
  4. an office address

(b) To follow a link to find information, the user should click at :

  1. P
  2. R
  3. S
  4. T

(c) The alignment of text at T is :

  1. Left
  2. right
  3. center
  4. same as alignment of pointer S

(d) The text at S provides a way to contact Ski Breaks Ltd using :

  1. fax
  2. post
  3. email
  4. telephone

(e) To use the Internet to find more websites about winter sports, the user should use :

  1. a book
  2. an email
  3. a CD ROM
  4. a search engine


(a) a web address

Reason — A web address or URL is given in the address bar of the browser to access a web page.

(b) R

Reason — R is a link which can be followed by clicking to find more information about the destination (USA).

(c) Left

Reason — The text at T is left aligned.

(d) email

Reason — S provides an e-mail address to contact Ski Breaks Ltd.

(e) a search engine

Reason — A search engine helps a user to find information about any topic using keywords.

Practical Assessment

Question 1

Text inside paragraphs is displayed.

This paragraph contains a lot of lines in the source code, but the browser ignores it.
This paragraph contains a lot of spaces in the source code, but the browser ignores it.
The number of lines in a paragraph depends on the size of your browser window.
If you resize the browser window, the number of lines in this paragraph will change. 


Text inside paragraphs is displayed. Practical Assessment. Basic HTML ELements, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 2

Use of break <BR> tag.

To break<BR>lines<BR>in a<BR>paragraph<BR>use the BR tag.


Use of line break tag. Practical Assessment. Basic HTML ELements, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 3

HTML editor ignores your formatting.

My Bonnie lies over the ocean.
My Bonnie lies over the sea.
My Bonnie lies over the ocean.
Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me.
<P> Note that your browser simply ignores your formatting!</P> 


HTML editor ignores your formatting. Practical Assessment. Basic HTML ELements, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 4

The heading tags.

<H1>This is heading 1</H1>
<H2>This is heading 2</H2>
<H3>This is heading 3</H3> 
<H4>This is heading 4</H4> 
<H5>This is heading 5</H5> 
<H6>This is heading 6</H6>
<P>Use heading tags only for headings. Don't use them to make something big.
Use other tags for that.</P>


The heading tags. Practical Assessment. Basic HTML ELements, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 5

Centralized heading.

<H1 align = "center">This is heading 1</H1>
<P>The heading above is aligned to the center of this page. The heading above is aligned to the center of this page. The heading above is aligned to the center of this page.</P>


Centralized heading. Practical Assessment. Basic HTML ELements, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 6

Defining and using a horizontal rule.

<P>The hr tag defines a horizontal	rule:</P>
<P>This is a paragraph</P>
<P>This is a paragraph</P>
<P>This is a paragraph</P> 


Defining and using a horizontal rule. Practical Assessment. Basic HTML ELements, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 7

Comments in HTML source.

<!--This comment will not be displayed-->
<P>This is a regular paragraph</P>


Comments in HTML source. Practical Assessment. Basic HTML ELements, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 8

Add a background colour.

<BODY bgcolor = "yellow">
<H3>Look: Colored Background!</H3>


Add a background colour. Practical Assessment. Basic HTML ELements, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 9

Add a background image.

<BODY background = "background.jpg">
<H3>Look: Image Background!</H3>
<P>Both gif and jpg files can be used as HTML backgrounds.</P>
<P>If the image is smaller than the	page, the image will repeat itself.</P>


Add a background image. Practical Assessment. Basic HTML ELements, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 10

Text formatting.

<B>This text is bold</B>
<STRONG>This text is strong</STRONG>
<BIG>This text is big</BIG>
<EM>This text is emphasized</EM>
<I>This text is italic</I>
<SMALL>This text is small</SMALL>
This text contains<SUB> subscript</SUB>
This text contains

Start Notepad from Programs menu. In the opened file give the coding for the following :

(i) Give the Title Pace Computer Education. (this should appear on title bar)

(ii) Make the background colour as Grey and text colour as Red.

(iii) Give the heading My First Web Page as H1 tag, Face = Times New Roman, Color = Red, Align = Center.

(iv) Write the paragraph with <P> tag, Align = Right, Font = Comic Sans MS, Color = Blue and Size = 4.

Today, one of the major reasons businesses, homes and other users purchase computers is to gain Internet access. Many companies and organizations assume that the public is familiar with the Internet. Web addresses appear on television, in radio broadcasts, in printed news-papers, magazines and in other forms of advertising. Software companies use their Web sites as a place for you to download upgrades or enhancements to software products. To be successful today, you must have an understanding of the Internet. Without it, you are missing a tremendous resource for goods, services and information.

(v) Create two copies of above paragraph and apply <B> tag, <TT> tag, <I> and <U> tags in between.

(vi) “Exciting Features Offered By HTML”. Give it as heading H3, Align = Left, Color = Red, Font = Comic Sans Ms.

(vii) Apply any Font style, Size = 5 on the following points :

1. E-Mail
2. Information
3. Discussion Groups
4. Online- Shopping
5. Entertainment
6. Programme

(viii) Add a horizontal rule spread on the 50% of the browser window.

(ix) Combine different font effects : <B><I><U> and <TT>.

(x) Select File menu and click on Save, type your file name with extension .HTML, and click on Save button to complete the procedure of saving.


<TITLE> Pace Computer Education </TITLE>



Today, one of the major reasons businesses, homes and other users purchase computers is to gain Internet access. Many companies and organizations assume that the public is familiar with the Internet. Web addresses appear on television, in radio broadcasts, in printed news-papers, magazines and in other forms of advertising. Software companies use their Web sites as a place for you to download upgrades or enhancements to software products. To be successful today, you must have an understanding of the Internet. Without it, you are missing a tremendous resource for goods, services and information.

<P> Today, one of the <B> major reasons </B> businesses, homes and other users purchase computers is to gain Internet access. Many companies and organizations assume that the public is <TT> familiar with the Internet </TT>. Web addresses appear on <I> television, in radio broadcasts, in printed news-papers, magazines and in other forms of advertising </I>. Software companies use their Web sites as a place for you to download upgrades or enhancements to software products. To be successful today, you must have an understanding of the Internet. Without it, you are <U> missing a tremendous resource </U> for goods, services and information. </P>

Today, one of the <TT> major reasons </TT> businesses, homes and other users purchase computers is to gain Internet access. Many companies and organizations assume that the public is <B> familiar </B> with the Internet. Web addresses appear on television, in radio broadcasts, in printed news-papers, magazines and in other forms of advertising. Software companies use their Web sites as a place for you to <I> download upgrades or enhancements </I> to software products. To be successful today, you must have an understanding of the Internet. Without it, you are <U> missing </U> a tremendous resource for goods, services and information.

<FONT COLOR = "RED" FACE = "COMIC SANS MS">Exciting Features Offered By HTML</FONT>

<LI>Discussion Groups</LI>
<LI>Online- Shopping</LI>

<HR WIDTH = "50%">

<U>HTML, or <B><I>Hypertext Markup Language</I></B>,</U> was created in 1990 by <B>Tim Berners-Lee</B> as a means <TT>to share and format <B><I><U>scientific and academic information</U></I></B></TT> on the <B><I>World Wide Web.</I></B>

Text formatting. Practical Assessment. Basic HTML ELements, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 21

Types of ordered lists.

<H4>Numbered list:</H4>
<H4>Letters list:</H4>
<OL type="A">
<H4>Lowercase letters list:</H4>
<OL type="a">
<H4>Roman numbers list:</H4>
<OL type="I">
<H4>Lowercase Roman numbers list:</H4>
<OL type="i">


Types of ordered lists. Practical Assessment. Basic HTML ELements, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 22

Types of unordered lists.

<H4>Disc bullets list:</H4>
<UL type="disc"> 
<H4>Circle bullets list:</H4> 
<UL type="circle">
<H4>Square bullets list:</H4> 
<UL type="square">


Types of unordered lists. Practical Assessment. Basic HTML ELements, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 23

Nested List.

<H4>A nested List:</H4>
<LI>Black tea</LI> 
<LI>Green tea</LI> 


Nested List. Practical Assessment. Basic HTML ELements, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 24

Definition List.

<H4>A Definition List:</H4>
<DD>Black hot drink</DD>
<DD>White cold drink</DD>


Definition List. Practical Assessment. Basic HTML ELements, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 25

Insert the <UL> tag around the following list text.

Basic etiquette for gentlemen for greeting a lady.

  • Wait for her acknowledging bow before starting conversation.
  • Walk with her if she expresses a wish to converse.
  • When walking, the lady must always have the wall.
  • Never make a lady stand talking in the street.
  • On outing in a restaurant, first offer her a seat and then take your seat.


<B><I> Basic etiquette for gentlemen for greeting a lady.</B></I>   
<UL type = "disc">
<LI> Wait for her acknowledging bow before starting conversation.</LI>
<LI>Walk with her if she expresses a wish to converse.</LI>
<LI>When walking, the lady must always have the wall.</LI>
<LI>Never make a lady stand talking in the street.</LI>
<LI>On outing in a restaurant, first offer her a seat and then take your seat.</LI>
Insert the unordered list tag around the following list text. Practical Assessment. Basic HTML ELements, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 26

Insert the <OL> tag around the following list text.

  1. Recourse for a lady toward unpleasant men who persist in bowing.
  2. A simple stare of iciness should suffice in most instances.
  3. Her ignorance is sufficient that she is not willing to be friendly.
  4. As a last resort: ” Sir, I have not the honor of your acquaintance.”


<OL START = "2" TYPE = "I">
<LI> Recourse for a lady toward unpleasant men who persist in bowing. </LI>
<LI> A simple stare of iciness should suffice in most instances. </LI>
<LI> Her ignorance is sufficient that she is not willing to be friendly. </LI>
<LI> As a last resort: " Sir, I have not the honor of your acquaintance." </LI>
Insert the ordered list tag around the following list text. Practical Assessment. Basic HTML ELements, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 27

Create a list of definitions using <DL><DT> and <DD>.

Proper Address Of Royalty.
Your Majesty
    To The King or Queen
Your Highness
    To The King's Children
Your Highness
    To Nephews, Nieces and Cousins of the King.

Try to change the styles of bullets e.g., <UL>.<OL>.


Proper Address Of Royalty.
<DT>Your Majesty</DT> 
    <DD>To The King or Queen</DD> 
<DT> Your Highness </DT> 
    <DD>To The King's Children</DD> 
<DT>Your Highness</DT>
    <DD>To Nephews, Nieces and Cousins of the King.</DD> 
Create a list of definitions. Practical Assessment. Basic HTML ELements, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 28

Insert the <UL> tags (unordered list) around the following list text.

  • Car
  • Scooter
  • Van

Change the style of the bullets: e.g., circle, square, disc.


<LI> Car </LI>
<LI> Scooter </LI>
<LI> Van </LI>
Insert the unordered list tags around the following list text. Change the style of the bullets circle, square, disc. Practical Assessment. Basic HTML ELements, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 29

Insert the <OL> tag (ordered list) around the following list text.

e. Story Books
f. Computer Books
g. Text Books
h. General Books

Change the style of the bullets : e.g., I, i, A and 1,2


<OL TYPE = "a" START = "5">
<LI> Story Books </LI>
<LI> Computer Books </LI>
<LI> Text Books </LI>
<LI> General Books </LI>
<OL TYPE = "I" START = "5">
<LI> Story Books </LI>
<LI> Computer Books </LI>
<LI> Text Books </LI>
<LI> General Books </LI>
<OL TYPE = "i" START = "5">
<LI> Story Books </LI>
<LI> Computer Books </LI>
<LI> Text Books </LI>
<LI> General Books </LI>
<OL TYPE = "A" START = "5">
<LI> Story Books </LI>
<LI> Computer Books </LI>
<LI> Text Books </LI>
<LI> General Books </LI>
<OL TYPE = "1" START = "5">
<LI> Story Books </LI>
<LI> Computer Books </LI>
<LI> Text Books </LI>
<LI> General Books </LI>
Insert the ordered list tags around the following list text. Change the style of the bullets circle, square, disc. Practical Assessment. Basic HTML ELements, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 30

Create a nest list as follows using both ordered and unordered list tags :

  1. Operating System
  • Disk Operating System
  • Windows
  • Unix
  • Linux
  • MS – Office
  • Word
  • Excel
  • PowerPoint
  • Access
  • Writer
  • Calc
  • Impress
  • Base
  • Accessories
  • Paint
  • Calculator
  • Note Pad
  • Word Pad


<OL TYPE = "1"> 
Operating System 	
<LI> Disk Operating System </LI>	
<LI> Windows </LI>
<LI> Unix </LI>	
<LI> Linux </LI>
MS - Office 	
<LI> Word </LI>
<LI> Excel </LI>
<LI> PowerPoint	</LI>
<LI> Access	</LI>
<LI> Writer </LI>
<LI>Calc </LI>
<LI>Impress </LI>
<LI>Base </LI>
<LI> Paint </LI>
<LI> Calculator </LI>
<LI> Note Pad </LI>
<LI> Word Pad </LI>
Create a nest list as follows using both ordered and unordered list tags. Practical Assessment. Basic HTML ELements, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 31

Apply different font styles on these lists.


<OL TYPE = "1">
Operating System
<LI> Disk Operating System </LI>	
<LI> Windows </LI>
<LI> Unix </LI>	
<LI> Linux </LI>

MS - Office 	
<LI> Word </LI>
<LI> Excel </LI>
<LI> PowerPoint	</LI>
<LI> Access	</LI>

<LI> Writer </LI>
<LI>Calc </LI>
<LI>Impress </LI>
<LI>Base </LI>

<LI> Paint </LI>
<LI> Calculator </LI>
<LI> Note Pad </LI>
<LI> Word Pad </LI> 
Apply different font styles on these lists. Practical Assessment. Basic HTML ELements, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 32

Write HTML code to display an ordered list (with uppercase roman numbers) listing any three subjects being taught in your school. The web page should have a red background and the title of the page should be ‘My Subjects’.


<TITLE>My Subjects</TITLE>
<OL TYPE = "I">
<LI>Computer Applications</LI>
Write HTML code to display an ordered list (with uppercase roman numbers) listing any three subjects being taught in your school. Practical Assessment. Basic HTML ELements, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Solutions of Unsolved Examination Questions

Question 1

Fill in the blanks:

(i) …………… tag is used to insert a line break on a web page.

(ii) The tag …………… is used to create subscripts and …………… tag is used to create superscripts on a web page.


(i) <BR> tag is used to insert a line break on a web page.

(ii) The tag <SUB> is used to create subscripts and <SUP> tag is used to create superscripts on a web page.

Question 2(i)

The document structure elements of HTML page is/are:

  1. HTML
  2. BODY
  3. HEAD
  4. All the above


All the above

Reason — The document structure of an HTML document is as follows:

<title> ... </title> 
...the body of the document...

Question 2(ii)

Which attribute does not come in <HR> tag ?

  1. Size
  2. Colour
  3. Width
  4. Length



Reason — The attributes of <HR> tag are size, color and width which are used for setting the thickness, the color and the percentage of the window covered by the rule, respectively. Length is not used with <HR> tag.

Question 2(iii)

A software used to open web pages on the internet is called a …………… .

  1. Surfer
  2. Portal
  3. Browser
  4. Provider



Reason — A web browser is a program that lets us visit different websites on the internet and display their offerings on our own computer. For example, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, etc.

Question 2(iv)

Anything written between …………… is taken as comment.

  1. <?-->
  2. <?---?>
  3. <!-- and -->
  4. </--->


<!-- and -->

Reason — The comments of HTML are written between <!-- and -->.

Question 2(v)

We can view the source code of a web page in …………… .

  1. MS Power Point
  2. Internet Explorer
  3. MS Excel
  4. Notepad



Reason — We can view the source code of a web page in Notepad.

Question 3

Write the extension of HTML code file.


The extension of HTML code file is .htm or .HTML.

Question 4

How would you display text in the title bar of browser ?


To display text in the title bar of browser, we write the text within <TITLE> tag. Consider the following example,

<TITLE> Text for the title bar </TITLE>

Question 5

How the font size of a single line on a web page be changed ?


The font size of a single line on a web page can be changed by using <FONT> tag. Consider the following example,

<FONT> Line of Text </FONT>

Question 6

Distinguish between <P> tag and <BR> tag with the help of an example.


<BR> tag is a line break tag that is used to end one line and jump to the next line without showing any line in between. It is an empty element.
<P> tag is a paragraph tag that is used to define a paragraph of text. It is a container element.

The following example highlights the difference between the two:

<P>HTML, the markup language so grand,<BR>
Structures the web with tags in hand.</P>
<P>From headers to links, it guides the way,<BR>
Content and style, it helps convey.</P>

Question 7

Why do we insert comments in an HTML document even though they are not displayed on a web page ?


Comments have the following utility in an HTML document:

  1. Comments can be used to explain code. The explanation can be for oneself or for other people.
  2. Comments can be used to leave notes, a reminder to come back to a section or prioritize it during the next redesign.

Question 8

Compare Home Page and Web Site.


Home PageWeb Site
The first page that appears when viewers go to a website is called the Homepage.A website is a complete collection of interconnected web pages.
Homepage provides an overview and direct visitors to the relevant sections or content within the website.A website serves as a comprehensive online platform that provides information, services, or products to visitors.

Question 9

How can one insert horizontal lines in a Web Page ?


We can insert horizontal lines in a Web Page by using the <HR> tag.

Question 10

How are comments inserted in HTML code ? Explain with example.


Comments are inserted in HTML code by enclosing them in <!– and –> tags. For example,

<!-- Body tag starts here -->
This is the document body.

Here, the text “Body tag starts here” is enclosed in <!-- and --> and thus, it is regarded as comment and not displayed in the web browser.

Question 11

What do you mean by the term ‘source code’ of the current page viewed in a Web Browser ?


The term ‘source code’ refers to the underlying HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code of the current web page viewed in a web browser.

Question 12

Which tag do we use to change the size and style (face) of the text of a HTML file viewed on a Web Browser ? Also explain any two attributes used with this tag.


We use the <FONT> tag to change the size and style (face) of the text of a HTML file viewed on a Web Browser. Two attributes of the <FONT> tag are:

  1. Face — It is used to change the font style of the text.
  2. Size — It is used to change the size of text.

Question 13

What is the purpose of using the tags <H1>...<H6> ?


The purpose of using the tags <H1> ... <H6> is to define headings of different levels, with <H1> being the highest level and <H6> being the lowest level.

Question 14

What is the method of viewing the source code of the current page in Web Browsers ?


A user can right click on the Web page and then select “View Source” from the context menu to view the source code of the current page in a Web Browser.

Question 15

What is the method of using comment line in HTML code ?


Comments are inserted in HTML code by enclosing them in <!– and –> tags. For example,

<!-- Body tag starts here -->
This is the document body.

Here, the text “Body tag starts here” is enclosed in <!-- and --> and thus, it is regarded as comment and not displayed in the web browser.

Question 16

What is the use of <BODY> tag in HTML code ? Write any two attributes used with this tag.


The <BODY> tag defines a document’s body. It contains all the contents of an HTML document, such as the text, images, lists, tables, hyperlinks etc.

The two attributes used with this tag are:

  1. bgcolor — It specifies the background colour of the web page.
  2. text — It defines the text colour of the web page.

Question 17

Differentiate between container and empty elements used in HTML.


Container elementsEmpty elements
Container elements require both, an opening and a closing tag.Empty elements require only an opening tag and not a closing tag.
Container elements affect the text appearing between their opening and a closing tag.Empty elements just carry out the job assigned to them.
For example, <TITLE></TITLE><FONT></FONT> etc.For example, <BR><HR> etc.

Question 18

What is the use of <font> tag in HTML code ? Write any two options used with this tag.


We use the <FONT> tag to change the size, colour and style (face) of the text of a HTML file viewed on a Web Browser. Two attributes of the <FONT> tag are:

  1. Face — It is used to change the font style of the text.
  2. Size — It is used to change the size of text.

Question 19

Which HTML tag is used to insert an image in a page ? Write an option used with this tag.


The <img> tag is used to insert an image in a page.

The ‘src’ attribute is used with this tag to specify the source/URL or path of the image. For example,

<img src = "image.jpg">

Question 20

Expand the following tags used in HTML :

(i) <LI>

(ii) <VLINK>

(iii) <HR>

(iv) <P>


(i) <LI> — Line tag

(ii) <VLINK> — Visited link tag

(iii) <HR> — Horizontal rule tag

(iv) <P> — Paragraph tag

Question 21

Identify which of the following is a tag or an attribute :

(i) border

(ii) img

(iii) alt

(iv) src

(v) href


(i) border — Attribute

(ii) img — Tag

(iii) alt — Attribute

(iv) src — Attribute

(v) href — Attribute

Question 22

Name the following with respect to HTML : Attribute for changing bullet type of list tag.


“type” is the attribute for changing bullet type of list tag.


Chapter 4  HTML II — Images, Links and Tables




Objective Type Questions


Question 1

To jump to new page, we use

  1. <IMG> tag
  2. <A> tag
  3. <JUMP> tag
  4. none of the above


<A> tag

Reason — The anchor tag <A> is used to link a hypertext to a new document or jump to a new page.

Question 2

Which of the following is not a valid value for align attribute of <IMG> ?

  1. top
  2. middle
  3. bottom
  4. center



Reason — The align attribute of <IMG> tag takes top, middle and bottom values. The value ‘center’ is not used.

Question 3

If the image you are loading in the web page is not available, then you want a text to appear in the image place holder, which attribute lets you define this text ?

  1. src
  2. align
  3. text
  4. alt



Reason — The alt attribute specifies alternate text the browser may show if the image display is not possible or disabled by the user.

Question 4

For linking to another web page, its URL is specified with …………… attribute of <A> tag.

  1. href
  2. title
  3. name
  4. none of the above



Reason — For linking to another web page, its URL is specified with href attribute of <A> tag.

Question 5

For internal linking, the section names are provided by …………… attribute of <A> tag ?

  1. href
  2. title
  3. name
  4. none of the above



Reason — For internal linking, the section names are provided by name attribute of <A> tag.

Question 6

…………… attribute is used to specify the location of an image file.

  1. alt
  2. src
  3. align
  4. name



Reason — src attribute is used to specify the location of an image file.

Question 7

The …………… attribute of <img> tag specifies an alternate text for an image, if the image cannot be displayed due to any reason.

  1. alt
  2. alternate
  3. tooltip
  4. text



Reason — The alt attribute of <img> tag specifies an alternate text for an image, if the image cannot be displayed due to any reason.

Question 8

The default alignment of images, that are inserted in the web page, is …………… .

  1. left
  2. right
  3. middle
  4. inline with text


inline with text

Reason — The default alignment of images, that are inserted in the web page, is inline with text.

Question 9

While creating a Web document, which unit is used to express an image’s height and width ?

  1. Centimetres
  2. Pixels
  3. Dots per inch
  4. Inches



Reason — While creating a Web document, pixels are used to express an image’s height and width.

Question 10

The default alignment of images, that are inserted in Web page, is :

  1. Left
  2. Right
  3. Inline with text
  4. Middle


Inline with text

Reason — The default alignment of images, that are inserted in Web page, is inline with text.

Question 11

Border, frame, cellspacing, cellpadding, align are the attributes of :

  1. <BODY>
  2. <IMG>
  3. <TABLE>
  4. None of these



Reason — Border, frame, cellspacing, cellpadding, align are the attributes of <TABLE> tag.

Question 12

To create a link you surround the text or image with a(n) …………… tag.

  1. link
  2. anchor
  3. reference
  4. target



Reason — To create a link you surround the text or image with a(n) anchor (<A>) tag.

Question 13

The correct HTML code for inserting an image is :

  1. <img href ="image.gif">
  2. <img> image.gif </gif>
  3. <image src = "image.gif">
  4. <img src = "image.gif">


<img src = "image.gif">

Reason — The correct HTML code for inserting an image is :

<img src = "image.gif">

Question 14

Which will let text wrap down the side of the image?

  1. <img src="myImage.gif" align="wrap">
  2. <img src="myImage.gif" align="right">
  3. <img src="myImage.gif" wrap="on">


<img src="myImage.gif" align="right">

Reason — ‘src’ attribute specifies the URL of the image file and ‘align = right’ tells the browser to place an image against the right margin.

Question 15

Consider the following code :

<img src ="Computers.jpg" width ="...." height ="....">

Fill in the blanks to set the image size to be 250 pixels wide and 400 pixels tall.

  1. 250, 400
  2. 400, 250
  3. <250><400>
  4. <400><250>


250, 400

Reason — The ‘height’ and ‘width’ attribute of <IMG> tag tell the browser to reserve space before actually downloading an image.

<img src ="Computers.jpg" width ="250" height ="400">

The above command tells the browser to reserve the image place with a width of 250 pixels and a height of 400 pixels.

Question 16

The correct HTML code to display (P + Q)2 is:

  1. <SUB> ( P+) 2 </SUB>
  2. P+Q <SUP> 2 </SUP>
  3. (P + Q) <SUP> 2 </SUP>
  4. <SUP> (P+Q) 2 </SUP>


(P + Q) <SUP> 2 </SUP>

Reason — The superscript tag <SUP> is used to write (P + Q)2 by using the command —

(P + Q) <SUP> 2 </SUP>

Question 17

The < …………… > tag displays text in subscript form.

  1. sub
  2. sup
  3. sups
  4. subs



Reason — The <SUB> tag displays text in subscript form.

Question 18

The tag that starts a table cell is …………… .

  1. <table>
  2. <tc>
  3. <td>
  4. <tr>



Reason — The tag that starts a table cell is <table> tag.

Question 19

What tag is used to add columns to tables ?

  1. <colspan>
  2. <td>
  3. <tr>



Reason — <td> tag is used to add columns to tables.

Question 20

Which has higher priority, cell settings or table settings ?

  1. Neither
  2. Cell settings
  3. Table settings


Cell settings

Reason — Cell settings have higher priority than table settings.

Question 21

Choose the correct HTML to left-align the content inside a table cell.

  1. <td valign="left">
  2. <tdleft>
  3. <td align="left">
  4. <td leftalign>


<td align="left">

Reason — The “align” attribute is used to specify the horizontal alignment of the content within a table cell. By setting the “align” attribute to “left”, the content inside the <td> tag will be left-aligned.

Question 22

Which of these tags are all <table> tags ?

  1. <thead><body><tr>
  2. <table><tr><td>
  3. <table><head><tfoot>
  4. <table><tr><tt>



Reason — The <table> tag is used to define tables, <tr> tag is used to define table rows and the <td> tag is used to define data cells.

Question 23

Settings for columns(<td> tag) have higher priority than settings for rows(<tr> tag).

  1. Sometimes true, sometimes not
  2. True
  3. False



Reason — In HTML, the <td> tag is used to define a cell within a table, while the <tr> tag is used to define a row. When applying settings to cells and rows, the settings applied directly to the <td> tag will take precedence over settings applied to the <tr> tag.

Question 24

Which property tells how many rows a cell should span ?

  1. colspan = n
  2. Both rowspan = n and colspan = n
  3. rowspan = n


rowspan = n

Reason — rowspan attribute specifies the number of rows a cell should span.

Question 25

What is required to create a reference to a remote site that is different from creating a local link ?

  1. The remote attribute
  2. A link title
  3. The Web address of the remote site
  4. An extra <a> tag


The Web address of the remote site

Reason — When creating a reference to a remote site, the URL of the remote site needs to be specified as the value of the href attribute in the <a> tag.

Question 26

Which one of the following is the list type that will create a bulleted list ?

  1. unordered
  2. option
  3. decorated
  4. ordered



Reason — An unordered list type will create a bulleted list.

Question 27

Why is it important to specify an image width and height in an <img> tag ?

  1. It ensures that a user will not be able to copy the image to their computer.
  2. The image will not render if these attributes are left out.
  3. These attributes constrain the image’s proportions.
  4. Specifying these dimensions helps a browser render pages faster.


Specifying these dimensions helps a browser render pages faster.

Reason — Specifying the width and height of the image enables the browser to reserve space before actually downloading the image, speeding document rendering and eliminating the content shifting.

Question 28

Which one of the following HTML tags is surrounded by <a></a> container tags to create an image link ?

  1. <img>
  2. <ul>
  3. <br>
  4. <pic>



Reason — <img> tag is surrounded by <a></a> container tags to create an image link .

Question 29

What is the general syntax for inline image ?

  1. <src = img>
  2. <src = image>
  3. <img = file>
  4. <img src = file>
  5. <image src = file>


<img src = file>

Reason — The <img> tag is used to insert images in HTML, and the “src” attribute is used to specify the path or URL of the image file. Therefore, the correct syntax for an inline image is:

<img src = file>

Question 30

To create a link to an anchor, you use the …………… property in A tag.

  1. Name
  2. Tag
  3. Link
  4. Href



Reason — The href property in <A> tag is used to create a link to an anchor.

Question 31

Which of the following is used to specify the beginning of a table’s row ?

  1. TROW
  3. TR
  4. ROW



Reason — <TR> tag is used to specify the beginning of a table’s row.

Question 32

In order to add border to a table, BORDER attribute is specified in which tag ?

  1. THEAD
  2. TABLE
  4. none of these



Reason — In order to add border to a table, BORDER attribute is specified in <TABLE> tag in the following manner:

... contents ...

Question 33

Which of the following is an attribute of <Table> tag ?

  1. SRC
  2. LINK
  4. BOLD



Reason — ‘Cellpadding’ is an attribute of <TABLE> which gives the amount of space between the cell border and the cell contents.

Question 34

What is the correct syntax in HTML for creating a link on a webpage ?

  1. <LINK SRC = "abc.html">
  2. <BODY LINK = "abc.html">
  3. <A SRC = "abc.html">
  4. <A HREF = "abc.html">


<A HREF = "abc.html">

Reason — In HTML, the <a> tag is used to create a hyperlink, or link, on a webpage. The href attribute is used within the <a> tag to specify the destination of the link.

Question 35

Choose the correct HTML code to create an email link ?

  1. <A HREF = ""></A>
  2. <A HREF = ""></A>
  3. <MAIL = ""></MAIL>
  4. <A MAILHREF = ""></A>


<A HREF = ""></A>

Reason — In HTML, to create an email link, we need to use the mailto: protocol followed by the email address. This protocol tells the browser to open the default email client with a new message addressed to the specified email address.

Question 36

…………… attribute is used with <A> tag to specify the URL of link.


href attribute is used with <A> tag to specify the URL of link.

Question 37

No value is specified with ALT attribute of <IMG> tag. (T/F)



Reason — The alt attribute specifies alternate text the browser may show if the image display is not possible or disabled by the user.

Question 38

ROWSPAN with <TABLE> tag is used to merge more than one cell row wise. (T/F)



Reason — ROWSPAN with <TD> tag is used to merge more than one cell row wise.

Question 39

Target attribute with <A> tag is used to open a link in a new window. (T/F)



Reason — By setting the target attribute to “_blank”, the link will open in a new window or tab, depending on the user’s browser settings. For example:
<a href="" target="_blank">Open in New Window</a>

Question 40

Align and Valign are the attributes used with <TD> tag to set the alignment of data in a table. (T/F)



Reason — Align attribute is used to control the horizontal alignment of the contents of a cell and Valign is used to control the vertical alignment of the contents of a cell.

Question 41

BORDER is an attribute of <A> tag. (T/F)



Reason — BORDER is an attribute of <TABLE> tag.

Theoretical Questions

Question 1

What is meant by inline images in HTML ?


Inline image means that image displays in line with the text, i.e., the specified image is loaded separately and placed into the text flow as if the image were some special character.

Question 2

Name various types of alignments available for images.


The various types of alignments available for images are:

  1. Top alignment
  2. Middle alignment
  3. Bottom alignment
  4. Left and Right alignment

Question 3

Which attributes of <A> facilitates external linking ?


The attributes of <A> tag which facilitate external linking are:

  1. href — It is used to specify the URL of the target of the link.
  2. title — It specifies a title for the document to which one is linking.

Question 4

Which attribute of <A> facilitates internal linking ?


The attributes of <A> tag which facilitate internal linking are:

  1. name — It is used to identify a segment of the document to which a link is to be established.
  2. href — It is used to link to the named section.

Question 5

What for is Mailto function used ?


The “mailto” function is used to create email links on webpages, allowing users to click on the link and open their default email client with a new message addressed to the specified email address.

Question 6

Write HTML code to create the following ordered list :

    X. Xylophone
    Y. Yak
    Z. Zebra


<OL TYPE = "A" START = "24">
<LI> Xylophone </LI>
<LI> Yak </LI>
<LI> Zebra </LI>

Question 7

How would you indent a single word and put a square bullet in front of it ?


To indent a single word and put a square bullet in front of it, we can use an unordered list in the following way:

<LI> Word </LI>

Question 8

Write the HTML code to create the following indentation effect :

Apple pie,
and pancake,
All begin with an A.


Apple pie, <BR>  
pudding, <BR>
and pancake, <BR>
All begin with an A.

Question 9

Use a definition list in a table to show that the word “glunch” means “a look of disdain, anger, or displeasure” and that the word “glumpy” means “sullen, morose, or sulky.”


<DT> Glunch </DT> 
<DD> a look of disdain, anger, or displeasure</DD>
<DT> Glumpy </DT>
<DD> sullen, morose, or sulky</DD>

Question 10

How would you make the word Elephant appear whenever the actual elephant.jpg image couldn’t be displayed by a Web browser ?


We can do this by setting the value of alt attribute to ‘Elephant’ in the following way:


Question 11

Write the HTML to make the elephant.jpg image appear on the right side of the page, with a big headline reading “Elephants of the World Unit!” on the left side of the page next to it.


<H1>Elephants of the World Unit!<IMG SRC = "ELEPHANT.JPG" ALIGN = "RIGHT"></H1>

Question 12

How would you insert an image file named elephant.jpg at the very top of a Web page ?


To insert the image at the very top of a Web page, the align attribute of <IMG> tag should be set to “top” in the following way:


Question 13

Suppose you have a large picture of a standing elephant named elephant.jpg. Now make a small named fly.jpg appear to the left of the elephant’s head and mouse.jpg appear next to the elephant’s right foot.


The HTML code to perform the given task is as follows:


Question 14

Your home page will be at when you put it on the Internet. Write the HTML code to go on that page so that when someone clicks the words All About Me, they see the page located at


The command to perform the given task is as follows:

<A HREF = "mylife.htm"> All About Me </A>

Question 15

You plan to publish a CD-ROM disk containing HTML pages. How do you create a link from a page in the \guide folder to the \ guide \ mains \ kolkata.htm page ?


<A HREF = "mains/kolkata.htm"> Kolkata </A>

Question 16

Name the following with respect to HTML :

Element to create a hyperlink.


Anchor tag <A>...</A>

Question 17

What is a table ? Which tag is used to create tables in HTML ?


An HTML table allows a user to arrange data — text, preformatted text, images, links, forms, form fields, other tables, etc., into rows and columns of cells.

The table tag <TABLE>...</TABLE> is used to create tables in HTML.

Question 18

Which attributes are used to give border to a table ?


The attributes which are used to give border to a table are:

  1. border — This attribute tells the table how large the border should be.
  2. frame — This attribute is used with border attribute and it allows the user to state which portions of the border will be displayed by the browser.
  3. rules — It is used with border attribute and it allows the user to state which portions of the inside border edges will be displayed.
  4. bordercolor — This attribute is used to specify the color of a table’s border.

Question 19

Which attribute lets you control the display of select border sides of a table ?


Frame attribute lets us control the display of select border sides of a table.

Question 20

Which attribute is used to control the inside table border ?


Rules attribute is used to control the inside table border.

Question 21

How is spacing in cells of table controlled ?


To control the spacing of cells, the ‘Cellspacing’ and ‘Cellpadding’ attributes are used.

  1. Cellspacing — It gives the amount of space between cells.
  2. Cellpadding — It gives the amount of space between the cell border and the cell contents.

Consider the following example:

<TR> <TD> Fruits </TD> <TD> Vegetables </TD> </TR>
<TR> <TD> Mango, Apple, Banana </TD> <TD> Potato, Aubergine, Gourd  </TD> </TR>

Question 22

What is the role of ALIGN attribute of <TABLE> tag ?


Align attribute of <TABLE> tag is used to align the table on a web page. It can have the following values — left, right and center. These values indicate whether the table should be placed flush against the left or right margin of the text flow, with the text flowing around the table or in the middle with the text flow above and below.

Question 23

What is the use of having a SUMMARY attribute in <TABLE> tag ?


The summary attribute is used to provide a long description of the table’s purpose. It is usually given for the benefit of people using speech or Braille based user agents.

Question 24

How can you specify following in a table :

(i) background image

(ii) background colour

(iii) table height

(iv) table width ?


(i) background attribute is used to specify the background image in a table.

(ii) bgcolor attribute is used to specify the background color in a table.

(iii) height attribute is used to specify the height of a table.

(iv) width attribute is used to specify the width fo a table.

Question 25

Which tag is used to specify

(i) table data ?

(ii) table header ?

(iii) table row ?


(i) <TD> tag

(ii) <TH> tag

(iii) <TR> tag

Question 26

Name the attributes used for following :

(i) Setting the cell width

(ii) Setting cell’s background image

(iii) Setting cell’s background colour

(iv) Changing the cell span

(v) Aligning cell contents vertically.


(i) width

(ii) background

(iii) bgcolor

(iv) rowspan and colspan

(v) valign

Question 27

What for are <TH> and <TR> tags used ?


<TH> tag stand for table header. The contents declared as header are displayed in a distinctive style, like bold-faced.

<TR> tag stands for table row. <TR> marks the beginning of a table row and </TR> marks the end of a table row.

Question 28

A set of header rows is defined using …………… tag.


A set of header rows is defined using <THEAD> tag.

Question 29

Which tags divide HTML tables in multiple sections ?


The <THEAD><TBODY> and <TFOOT> tags are used to divide HTML tables in multiple sections. While the <THEAD> and <TFOOT> tags define the header and footer sections , the <TBODY> tag defines the body section of the table.

Question 30

What attributes can you use with TABLE tag but not with TR tag ?


We can use the following attributes with TABLE tag but not with TR tag —

  1. summary
  2. rules
  3. frame
  4. border
  5. bordercolor
  6. cellpadding
  7. cellspacing
  8. height
  9. width

Question 31

Can you insert hyperlinks inside table cells ?


Yes, we can insert hyperlinks inside table cells by using the anchor tag <A>...</A>.

Question 32

How do you create different table section ?


The <THEAD><TBODY> and <TFOOT> tags are used to divide HTML tables in different sections. While the <THEAD> and <TFOOT> tags define the header and footer sections , the <TBODY> tag defines the body section of the table.

Consider the following example:

<TD> Header </TD> <TD> Header </TD>
<TD> Body cell data </TD> <TD> Body cell data </TD>
<TD> Body cell data </TD> <TD> Body cell data </TD>
<TD> Footer </TD> <TD> Footer </TD>

Question 33

Write code to produce following HTML table :

Write code to produce this HTML table. Theoretical Questions. HTML Images, Links & Tables, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.


<TR> <TD ROWSPAN = "2"> A </TD> <TD> B </TD> </TR>
<TR> <TD> C </TD> </TR>

Question 34

Write HTML code to produce following table :

Write code to produce this HTML table. Theoretical Questions. HTML Images, Links & Tables, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.


<TABLE frame = "void" rules = "all">
<TR> <TD> A </TD> <TD> D </TD> </TR>
<TR> <TD> B </TD> <TD> E </TD> </TR>
<TR> <TD> C </TD> <TD> F </TD> </TR>

Question 35

Write HTML code to produce following table :

Write code to produce this HTML table. Theoretical Questions. HTML Images, Links & Tables, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.


<TABLE frame = "lhs" rules = "all">
<TR> <TD> A </TD> <TD> C </TD><TD> E </TD> </TR>
<TR> <TD> B </TD> <TD> D </TD> <TD> F </TD></TR>

Question 36

Write HTML code to produce following table :

Write code to produce this HTML table. Theoretical Questions. HTML Images, Links & Tables, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.


<TABLE frame = "above" rules = "all">
<TR> <TD> A </TD> <TD>  B</TD><TD> C </TD> <TD> D </TD></TR>
<TR> <TD> E </TD> <TD> F </TD> <TD> G </TD> <TD> H </TD></TR>

Question 37

Create a table having three header rows with yellow background colour, five table-body rows having pink colour and two footer rows having cyan colour. Assume table contents on your own.


<TR> <TD BGCOLOR = "YELLOW"> Names </TD> </TR>
<TR> <TD BGCOLOR = "YELLOW"> Fruits </TD> </TR>
<TR> <TD BGCOLOR = "PINK"> Apple </TD> </TR>
<TR> <TD BGCOLOR = "PINK"> Mango  </TD> </TR>
<TR> <TD BGCOLOR = "PINK"> Banana </TD> </TR>
<TR> <TD BGCOLOR = "PINK"> Guava </TD> </TR>
<TR> <TD BGCOLOR = "PINK"> Pineapple </TD> </TR>
<TR> <TD BGCOLOR = "CYAN"> Note  </TD> </TR>
<TR> <TD BGCOLOR = "CYAN"> Fruits are rich in fibre. </TD> </TR>
Create a table having three header rows with yellow background colour, five table-body rows having pink colour and two footer rows having cyan colour. HTML Images, Links & Tables, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 38

Write code to produce following HTML tables :

Write code to produce this HTML table. Theoretical Questions. HTML Images, Links & Tables, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.



<TABLE frame = "border" rules = "cols">
<TR> <TD> A </TD> <TD> B </TD><TD> C </TD> </TR>
<TR> <TD> D </TD> <TD> E </TD> <TD> F </TD></TR>


<TABLE frame = "border" rules = "none">
<TR> <TD> A </TD> <TD> B </TD><TD> C </TD> <TD> D </TD></TR>
<TR> <TD> E </TD> <TD> F </TD> <TD> G </TD><TD> H </TD></TR>

Question 39

Write code to produce following HTML table :

Write code to produce this HTML table. Theoretical Questions. HTML Images, Links & Tables, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.


    <TD> A </TD>
    <TD COLSPAN = "3"> B </TD>
    <TD> C </TD>
    <TD> D </TD>
    <TD> E </TD>
    <TD ROWSPAN = "2"> H </TD>
    <TD> C </TD>
    <TD COLSPAN = "2"> H </TD>

Application Oriented Questions

Question 1

Consider the following web page:

The text at P is? The link at R helps the user to? HTML Images, Links & Tables, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

(a) The text at P is :

  1. the title of a book on tennis
  2. a different web page
  3. another website
  4. a web address

(b) The link at R helps the user to :

  1. close this session on the internet
  2. access new websites
  3. use a search engine
  4. send an email

(c) Clicking on the person serving in the image at Q displays another web page. This area in the image is a :

  1. hyperlink
  2. website
  3. wildcard
  4. search engine

(d) The Internet can be used to find the websites of other tennis coaching associations by using :

  1. find and replace
  2. a search engine
  3. a CD ROM
  4. a DVD


(a) a web address
Reason — We write the URL or web address of a website in the address bar of the browser to access its content.

(b) send an email
Reason — The link at R uses “mailto” function to open an e-mail form directly which can be filled by the user and sent to the given email address.

(c) hyperlink
Reason — A hyperlink lets the user open another web page or document just by clicking on it.

(d) a search engine
Reason — A search engine helps a user to find information about any topic using keywords.

Question 2(a)

Write the HTML code to do the following :

To display a horizontal line of green colour.



Question 2(b)

Write the HTML code to do the following :

To create a hyperlink on the word CLICK to an image named testimage.jpeg.


<A HREF = "testimage.jpeg">Click</A>

Question 3

Write output of the following HTML code.

<html> <head> <title> Table </title> </head>
<table BORDER = "1">
<tr> <th ALIGN = "center" rowspan = "3"> ONE </th> <th> TWO </th>
<th>THREE </th> </tr>
<tr> <td> Rose </td> <td> Lily </td> </tr>
<tr> <td ALIGN = "center"> Pansy </td> <td ALIGN = "center"
colspan = "2"> Dahlia </td> </tr>
</table> </body> </html>


Table with rowspan. Application Oriented Questions. HTML Images, Links & Tables, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 4

Observe the following table and write the HTML code to generate it :

Write HTML code to generate the table. HTML Images, Links & Tables, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.


<TR> <TH ROWSPAN = "2"> Serial No </TH> <TH ROWSPAN = "2"> Class </TH> <TH colspan = "3" ALIGN = "CENTER"> Number of Students </TH> </TR>
<TR ALIGN = "CENTER"> <TD> English </TD> <TD> Hindi </TD> <TD> Regional </TD> </TR>
<TR ALIGN = "CENTER"> <TD> 1 </TD> <TD> X A </TD> <TD> 35 </TD><TD> 10 </TD><TD> 6 </TD> </TR>
<TR ALIGN = "CENTER"> <TD> 2 </TD> <TD> X B </TD> <TD> 31 </TD><TD> 15 </TD><TD> 4 </TD> </TR>
Observe table and write HTML code to generate it. Application Oriented Questions. HTML Images, Links & Tables, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 5(a)

Write HTML code to create tables as shown below :

Write HTML code to create table. HTML Images, Links & Tables, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.


<TR> <TD> 1 </TD> <TD ROWSPAN = "2" VALIGN = "TOP"> 2 </TD><TD> 3 </TD> </TR>
<TR> <TD> 4 </TD> <TD> 6 </TD></TR>
<TR> <TD> 7 </TD> <TD> 8 </TD> <TD> 9 </TD></TR>

Question 5(b)

Write HTML code to create tables as shown below :

Write HTML code to create table. Application Oriented Questions. HTML Images, Links & Tables, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.


<TR> <TD COLSPAN = "3"> Title goes here </TD> <TD> A </TD><TD ALIGN = "RIGHT"> B </TD> </TR>
<TR> <TD ROWSPAN = "3" ALIGN = "LEFT"> C </TD> <TD> D </TD><TD> E </TD><TD> F </TD><TD ALIGN = "RIGHT"> G </TD></TR>
<TR> <TD> H </TD><TD COLSPAN = "2" ALIGN = "CENTER"> I </TD><TD>  </TD></TR>
<TR> <TD> K </TD><TD> L </TD><TD> M </TD><TD ALIGN = "RIGHT"> J </TD></TR>

Question 5(c)

Write HTML code to create tables as shown below :

Write HTML code to create table. Application Oriented Questions. HTML Images, Links & Tables, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.


<TR> <TD ROWSPAN = "3"> Column 1 </TD> <TD> Row 1 </TD> </TR>
<TR> <TD> Row 2 </TD> </TR>
<TR><TD> Row 3 </TD> </TR>

Question 5(d)

Write HTML code to create tables as shown below :

Write HTML code to create table. Application Oriented Questions. HTML Images, Links & Tables, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.


<TR> <TH COLSPAN = "2" BGCOLOR = "YELLOW"> Mammals - Plants - Fish </TH> </TR>
<TR> <TD BGCOLOR = "SKY BLUE" ROWSPAN = "3"> <B> Mammals </B> <BR> Farm Animals <BR> Big Game <BR> Small Critters </TD> <TD BGCOLOR = "LIGHTGREEN"> Cow </TD> </TR>

Practical Assessment

Question 1

How to create hyperlinks.

<A href = "lastpage.htm">This text</A> is a link to a page on this Web site.</P>
<A href="">
This text</A> is a link to a page on the World Wide Web.


How to create hyperlinks. Practical Assessment. HTML Images, Links & Tables, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 2

Jump to another part of same document.

<A href = "#C4">
See also Chapter 4.
<H2>Chapter 1</H2>
<P>This chapter explains ba bla bla</P> 
<H2>Chapter 2</H2>
<P>This chapter explains ba bla bla</P> 
<H2>Chapter 3</H2>
<P>This chapter explains ba bla bla</P> 
<A name="C4"><H2>Chapter 4</H2></A> 
<P>This chapter explains ba bla bla</P> 
<H2>Chapter 5</H2>
<P>This chapter explains ba bla bla</P> 
<H2>Chapter 6</H2>
<P>This chapter explains ba bla bla</P> 
<H2>Chapter 7</H2>
<P>This chapter explains ba bla bla</P> 


Jump to another part of same document. Practical Assessment. HTML Images, Links & Tables, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 3

Create a basic 3×2 table.

<TD>A</TD> <TD>B</TD> <TD>C</TD> 
<TD>D</TD> <TD>E</TD> <TD>F</TD> 


Create a basic 3x2 table. Practical Assessment. HTML Images, Links & Tables, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 4

Demonstration of rowspan.

<TD ROWSPAN=2>Item 1</TD>
<TD>Item 2</TD> <TD>Item 3</TD> 
<TD>Item 4</TD>
<TD>Item 5</TD> <TD>Item 6</TD> 
<TD>Item 7</TD>


Demonstration of rowspan. Practical Assessment. HTML Images, Links & Tables, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 5

Demonstration of colspan and headers.

<TH COLSPAN=2>Head1</TH> <TH COLSPAN=2>Head2</TH> 
<TD>A</TD> <TD>B</TD> 
<TD>C</TD> <TD>D</TD> 
<TD>E</TD> <TD>F</TD> 
<TD>G</TD> <TD>H</TD> 


Demonstration of colspan and headers. Practical Assessment. HTML Images, Links & Tables, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 6

Demonstration of Side Headers, Rowspan.

<TR><TH ROWSPAN=2>Head1</TH>
<TD>Item 1</TD> <TD>Item 2</TD> 
<TD>Item 3</TD> <TD>Item 4</TD> 
<TD>Item 5</TD> <TD>Item 6</TD> 
<TD>Item 7</TD> <TD>item8</TD> 
<TD>Item 9</TD> <TD>Item 10</TD> 
<TD>Item 3</TD> <TD>Item 11</TD> 


Demonstration of Side Headers, Rowspan. Practical Assessment. HTML Images, Links & Tables, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 7

Sample table using many things.

<TH COLSPAN=2>Average</TH></TD>
<TH ROWSPAN=2>Gender</TH>
<TD>1.7</TD><TD>0.002</TD> </TR>


Sample table using many things. Practical Assessment. HTML Images, Links & Tables, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 8

Tables using Cellpadding and Cellspacing.

<TD>A</TD> <TD>B</TD> <TD>C</TD>
<TD>D</TD> <TD>E</TD> <TD>F</TD>
<TD>A</TD> <TD>B</TD> <TD>C</TD>
<TD>D</TD> <TD>E</TD> <TD>F</TD>
<TD>A</TD> <TD>B</TD> <TD>C</TD>
<TD>D</TD> <TD>E</TD> <TD>F</TD>
<TD>A</TD> <TD>B</TD> <TD>C</TD>
<TD>D</TD> <TD>E</TD> <TD>F</TD>


Tables using Cellpadding and Cellspacing. Practical Assessment. HTML Images, Links & Tables, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 9

Table with different vertical alignments in its cells.

<TR ALIGN=center>
<TD>all aligned center</TD>
<TD>Cell 2</TD>
<TD>Another cell,<br> cell 3</TD>
<TD ALIGN=right>aligned right</TD>
<TD ALIGN=center>aligned to center</TD> 
<TD>default,<br>aligned left</TD>


Table with different vertical alignments in its cells. Practical Assessment. HTML Images, Links & Tables, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Solutions of Unsolved Examination Questions

Question 1

Fill in the blanks:

(i) To insert a table on a web page, we use …………… tag.

(ii) …………… tag is used to create inline images.

(iii) …………… is an attribute of the <IMG> tag which specifies the location or URL of the image to be displayed.

(iv) The default colour of a hyperlink on a web page is …………… .

(v) The …………… tag is used to create subscripts and …………… tag is used to create superscripts on a web page.

(vi) An …………… link allows a link to another web page or another web site.

(vii) The attribute …………… is used for specifying the URL of the anchor tag.

(viii) …………… is used to combine the cells horizontally.

(ix) …………… tags creates a bulleted list.

(x) …………… attribute with <HR> tag is used to specify thickness of the line.


(i) To insert a table on a web page, we use <TABLE>tag.

(ii) <IMG> tag is used to create inline images.

(iii) SRC is an attribute of the <IMG> tag which specifies the location or URL of the image to be displayed.

(iv) The default colour of a hyperlink on a web page is blue.

(v) The <SUB> tag is used to create subscripts and <SUP> tag is used to create superscripts on a web page.

(vi) An external link allows a link to another web page or another web site.

(vii) The attribute HREF is used for specifying the URL of the anchor tag.

(viii) COLSPAN is used to combine the cells horizontally.

(ix) <UL>…</UL> tags creates a bulleted list.

(x) SIZE attribute with <HR> tag is used to specify thickness of the line.

Question 2

State True or False:

(i) Line breaks are given through <BR>.

(ii) HTML is a programming language.

(iii) The default font size is 5.

(iv) Color attribute is used with <P> tag.

(v) The colour of the hyperlinks in an HTML document cannot be changed.

(vi) The <A> tag is called the align tag.

(vii) <TR> tag is used to specify the individual table data in a table.

(viii) The ALT attribute of the <IMG> tag is used to specify the text that is to be displayed in case the browser does not support graphics.

(ix) XML is not a markup language.

(x) It is not important to specify an integer value as the width of the border of an image.

(xi) The ALIGN attribute of the <IMG> tag is used to specify the text that is to be displayed in case the browser does not support graphics.

(xii) <TH> tag is used to specify the column heading in a table.

(xiii) The NAME attribute of the <A> tag allows the user to create links within the same document.

(xiv) The <A> tag is called the align tag.


(i) True
Reason — <BR> tag is used to break the current line and jump to the next line.

(ii) False
Reason — HTML is a Webpage Layout Language and a Hyperlink Specification Language. It is not a programming language.

(iii) False
Reason — The default font size is 3.

(iv) False
Reason — Color is not an attribute of <P> tag. Color is used with <Font> tag to set the colour of the text.

(v) False
Reason — The colour of the hyperlinks in an HTML document can be changed by using the ALINK, VLINK attributes with the <BODY> tag.

(vi) False
Reason — The <A> tag is called the anchor tag.

(vii) False
Reason — <TD> tag is used to specify the individual table data in a table. <TR> tag is used to specify a new row in a table.

(viii) True
Reason — The ALT attribute of the <IMG> tag is used to specify the text that is to be displayed in case the browser cannot display the image for some reason.

(ix) False
Reason — XML stands for Xtensible Markup Language and it is a markup language.

(x) False
Reason — The width attribute requires an integer value that indicates the image size in pixels.

(xi) False
Reason — The ALT attribute of the <IMG> tag is used to specify the text that is to be displayed in case the browser does not support graphics. The ALIGN attribute is used to align the image.

(xii) True
Reason — <TH> tag is used to specify the column heading in a table. The headings appear slightly different than the normal table data.

(xiii) True
Reason — The NAME attribute specifies the name of a section in the document. This name is used to create links using the HREF attribute.

(xiv) False
Reason — The <A> tag is called the anchor tag.

Question 3(i)

To create a link, we must use …………… attribute with tag.

  1. name
  2. link
  3. tag
  4. href



Reason — For linking to another web page, its URL is specified with href attribute of <A> tag.

Question 3(ii)

Which of the following is an attribute of <table> tag ?

  1. src
  2. link
  3. cellpadding
  4. bold



Reason — Cellpadding gives the specified amount of space between the cell border and the cell contents.

Question 3(iii)

Which attribute is not valid for <body> tag ?

  1. background
  2. color
  3. vlink
  4. leftmargin



Reason — color is not a valid attribute for <body> tag. The other attributes are used with <BODY> tag to specify the following —

  1. background — It specifies the background image for the document
  2. vlink — It specifies the color of the visited links in a document
  3. leftmargin — It specifies the left margin in a document

Question 3(iv)

Which of the following is not an attribute of <Table> tag ?

  1. Border
  2. Background
  3. Bgcolor
  4. Src



Reason — Src is an attribute of <IMG> tag which accepts the path or URL of the image. The BORDER, BACKGROUND and BGCOLOR attribute of <TABLE> tag specify the border, background image and the background colour of the table, respectively.

Question 3(v)

Which command should we use to link a page with an HTML page ?

  1. <a link = "page.htm"> </a>
  2. <a href = "page.htm"> page </a>
  3. <a connect = "page.htm"> </a>
  4. <a attach = "page.htm"> </a>


<a href = "page.htm"> page </a>

Reason — To link a page with an HTML page, its name and location is specified with href attribute of <A> tag.

Question 3(vi)

SRC attribute used with <IMG> tag stands for :

  1. Screen
  2. Screen resolution count
  3. Source
  4. Structure



Reason — SRC attribute is used to specify the source/location of an image file.

Question 3(vii)

Which of the following is not a valid value for align attribute of <IMG> tag ?

  1. top
  2. center
  3. bottom
  4. middle



Reason — The align attribute of <IMG> tag takes top, middle and bottom values. ‘center’ is not a valid value.

Question 3(viii)

We can create a numbered list using …………… tag.

  1. <ul>
  2. <list>
  3. <ol>
  4. <dl>



Reason — The <ol> tag is used to define a numbered or ordered list

Question 3(ix)

colspan = n can be added to …………… tag :

  1. <hr>
  2. <table>
  3. <td>
  4. <tr>



Reason — COLSPAN attribute is used with <TD> tag to merge more than one columns into a single cell.

Question 3(x)

The correct HTML code for inserting an image is :

  1. <img href = "image.gif">
  2. <img> image.gif </img>
  3. <img src = "image.gif">
  4. <image src = "image.gif">


<img src = "image.gif">

Reason — To insert an image in an HTML document, we use the <IMG> tag along with its attribute SRC which specifies the location or URL of the image.

Question 3(xi)

Which of the following are the attributes of <table> ?

  1. <Border>
  2. <img>
  3. <table>
  4. None of these


None of these

Reason — The options specified are HTML tags not attributes.

Question 3(xii)

The attribute used to specify the background colour of a table is :

  1. COLOR



Reason — The attribute BGCOLOR is used to specify the background colour of a table.

Question 3(xiii)

Which of the following is an attribute of <TABLE> tag ?

  1. SRC
  2. LINK
  4. BOLD



Reason — Cellpadding specifies the amount of space to be given between the cell border and the cell contents.

Question 3(xiv)

Which of the following tag is suitable for creating numbered list ?

  1. <BL>
  2. <OL>
  3. <UL>
  4. <DL>



Reason — <OL> tag is suitable for creating numbered list.

Question 3(xv)

The two common attributes of the <IMG> and the <TABLE> tag are :

  1. SRC and HEIGHT
  3. BORDER and SRC
  4. They do not have any common attributes



Reason — Two common attributes of the <IMG> and the <TABLE> tag are HEIGHT and WIDTH.

Question 4(a)

Write the full forms of :

(i) XML

(ii) FTP

(iii) <img>

(iv) <HR>


(i) XML — Xtensible Markup Language

(ii) FTP — File Transfer Protocol

(iii) <img> — Image tag

(iv) <HR> — Horizontal rule tag

Question 4(b)

Name the attributes of <img> tag which are used for specifying its dimensions in a web page.


The HEIGHT and WIDTH attributes require integer values to specify the height and width of the image in pixels.

Question 5

What do you understand by VLINK ?


VLINK is an attribute of <BODY> tag. It specifies the color of the visited links in a document.

Question 6

Identify which of the following is a tag or an attribute :

(i) border

(ii) img

(iii) alt

(iv) src

(v) href


(i) border — Attribute

(ii) img — Tag

(iii) alt — Attribute

(iv) src — Attribute

(v) href — Attribute

Question 7

Consider the HTML code :

<A HREF = #intro> Introduction </A>

In the above code,

(i) What is the purpose of # ?

(ii) What will happen when the user clicks “Introduction” ?


(i) # is used to place the anchor at a given section in a document.

(ii) When “Introduction” is clicked, the user is taken to the section of the document named “intro”.

Question 8(a)

Observe the following table and write the HTML code to generate it :

Write code to produce this HTML table. HTML Images, Links & Tables, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.


<TR> <TH COLSPAN = "4" ALIGN = "CENTER">Marks</TH> </TR>
<TD ALIGN = "CENTER"> English </TD> 
<TD ALIGN = "CENTER"> Maths </TD> 
<TD ALIGN = "CENTER"> Economics </TD> 
<TD ALIGN = "CENTER"> Physics </TD>
<TD ALIGN = "CENTER"> 67 </TD> 
<TD ALIGN = "CENTER"> 89 </TD> 
<TD ALIGN = "CENTER"> 77 </TD> 
<TD ALIGN = "CENTER"> 92 </TD>

Question 8(b)

Write the names of two attributes each for the following tags :

(i) <HR>

(ii) <Body>

(iii) <img>

(iv) <Table>

(v) <A>




(iii) <img> — SRC, ALT

(iv) <Table> — BORDER, ALIGN

(v) <A> — NAME, HREF

Question 9

Observe the following table and write the HTML code to generate it :

Write code to produce this HTML table. HTML Images, Links & Tables, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Note. 1st row has pink background.



Question 10

Write the HTML code to generate the following output :

Write HTML code. Link colour is green, active link colour is blue and visited link colour is red. Title of the page is Dances of India. HTML Images, Links & Tables, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Note the following points while generating the webpage :

(i) Link colour is green, active link colour is blue and visited link colour is red.

(ii) Title of the page is “Dances of India”.

(iii) Heading of the page is maroon.

(iv) Background colour of page is yellow.

(v) Image used is “dance.png”.

(vi) Caption of table is blue.

(vii) Table border is blue and of size 2.

(viii) The 3 links are one.html, two.html and three.html.

(ix) The email id for contact us is


<TITLE> Dances of India </TITLE>
<H1 ALIGN = "CENTER">Dances of India </H1>

There are many types of dance in India, from those which are deeply religious in content to those which are danced on more trivial happy occasions. <BR> 
Classical dances of India are usually always spiritual in content, although this is often true also of Folk dances.

<TD>Mohini Attam</TD>
<TD>Hikat of Himachal Pradesh </TD>
<TD>Bharata Natyam </TD>
<TD>Rouff of Kashmir </TD>
<TD>Odissi </TD>
<TD>Hurkia Baol of Kumaon </TD>


<A HREF = "one.html">Mohini Attam</A>
<A HREF = "two.html">Bharata Natyam</A>
<A HREF = "three.html">Odissi</A>
<A HREF = "">Contact Us</A>

Question 11

Write the HTML code to generate the following output :

Title of the page should be Dubai Tourism. The heading text Welcome to Dubai is in Arial font and is of maroon color. HTML Images, Links & Tables, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Note the following points while generating the webpage :

(i) Title of the page should be “Dubai Tourism”.

(ii) The heading text “Welcome to Dubai” is in Arial font and is of maroon color.

(iii) The horizontal lines below the heading are 5 pixels thick and of red color.

(iv) Image used in the page is burj.jpg.

(v) The bulleted list contains links as specified below :

  • The text Morning is a link to the webpage “morning.html”.
  • The text Evening is a link to the webpage “evening.html”.


<TITLE> Dubai Tourism </TITLE>

<HR SIZE = "5" COLOR = "RED" ALIGN = "CENTER" WIDTH = "50%">
<HR SIZE = "5" COLOR = "RED" ALIGN = "CENTER" WIDTH = "30%">

Enjoy the world of pure travel masti
<P>The following is a list of major tourist attractions in Dubai :</P>
<A HREF = "morning.html">Morning</A> - Dolphinarium and Palm Dubai
<A HREF = "evening.html">Evening</A> - Ski Dubai and Cruise

<CENTER>For enquiries write at <A HREF = ""></A></CENTER>



Chapter 5  HTML III — Audio, Video and Forms


Objective Type Questions


Question 1

Which of the following is/are not valid tag(s) for inserting audio files in an HTML page ?

  1. embed
  2. audio
  3. sound
  4. music


sound, music

Reason — <EMBED> and <AUDIO> tags are used to insert audio files in an HTML page. sound and music are not valid tags.

Question 2

Which of the following is/are not valid tag(s) for inserting video files in an HTML pages?

  1. embed
  2. video
  3. movie
  4. VID


movie, VID

Reason — <EMBED> and <VIDEO> tags are used to insert video files in an HTML document. movie and VID are not valid tags.

Question 3

Which are the ways to add an audio file in a web page ?

  1. Linking via <A>
  2. Embedding via <EMBED>
  3. Embedding via <VIDEO>
  4. All of these


Linking via <A>

Embedding via <EMBED>

Reason — We can link an audio file via anchor tag <A> in the following way :

<A HREF = "audio.mp3"> Click to Play </A>

We can link an audio file via embed tag <EMBED> in the following way :

<EMBED SRC = "audio.mp3" WIDTH = "100" HEIGHT = "50" AUTOSTART = "TRUE" LOOP = "TRUE">

<VIDEO> tag is used to insert a video file in HTML page.

Question 4

Which are the ways to add a video file in a web page ?

  1. Linking via <A>
  2. Embedding via <EMBED>
  3. Embedding via <VIDEO>
  4. All of these


All of these

Reason — We can add a video file in a web page using different tags in the following ways:

1. Using anchor tag <A>

<A HREF = "WORDS.MP4"> Click here to play video </A>

2. Using <EMBED> tag


3. Using <VIDEO> tag

<VIDEO SRC = "WORDS.MP4" TYPE = "VIDEO/MP4"> Video cannot be played </VIDEO>

Question 5

Any tag allowed inside a <body> tag is allowed inside a <form> tag.

  1. True
  2. False



Reason — Any tag allowed inside a <body> tag is allowed inside a <form> tag to render the form in a presentable way.

Question 6

A form has two required attributes. These are :

  1. Method and Action
  2. Get and Post
  3. Start and Stop
  4. Begin and End


Method and Action

Reason — The <FORM> tag always takes two attributes — ACTION and METHOD.

ACTION attribute specifies any script URL that will receive uploaded data and METHOD specifies the method which will be used to upload data.

Question 7

The <input> tag has several kinds of controls which are dictated by the …………… attribute.

  1. SRC
  2. value
  3. name
  4. type



Reason — The <input> tag has several kinds of controls which are dictated by the TYPE attribute. It indicates the type of input control we want to create. This element is used to create other form controls such as radio buttons and checkboxes.

Question 8

It is possible to set the width of a text by specifying a …………… attribute.

  1. limit
  2. size
  3. value
  4. maxlength



Reason — It is possible to set the width of a text by specifying a SIZE attribute. SIZE attribute specifies the width of the text input control in terms of characters.

Question 9

Which of the following tags will clear the contents of the form?

  1. <INPUT TYPE="CLEAR" VALUE="Clear the form">
  2. <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Clear the form">
  3. <INPUT TYPE="RESET" VALUE="Clear the form">
  4. <INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE= "Clear the form">


<INPUT TYPE="RESET" VALUE="Clear the form">

Reason — The RESET button is a special button which when clicked, resets all the form controls to default states.

Question 10

Consider the following form control in a HTML form :

x Male
x Female

Now choose the correct line of code for the above :

<input type = "radio" name= "Gender" value= "male">Male<br>
<input type = "radio" name= "Gender" value= "female">Female<br>
<input type = "radiobutton" name = "Gender" value= "male">Male<br>
<input type = "radiobutton" name = "Gender" value= female">Female<br>
<input type = "radio", name = "Gender">< value= "male">Male
<input type = "radio", name = "Gender">< value= "female">Female
<input type = "radio" name= "Gender" value= "male"><br>
<input type = "radio" name= "Gender" value = "female"><br>


<input type = "radio" name= "Gender" value= "male">Male<br>
<input type = "radio" name= "Gender" value= "female">Female<br>

Reason — The above HTML tags will render the desired output.

Question 11

A developer can restrict the values accepted in a text field by specifying a …………… attribute.

  1. size
  2. maxlength
  3. value
  4. You cannot restrict text values using HTML



Reason — A developer can restrict the values accepted in a text field by specifying a maxlength attribute. It specifies the maximum number of characters a user can enter into the text box.

Question 12

You can mask the input typed into a text field by specifying an <input> tag as …………… .

  1. password
  2. secure
  3. invisible
  4. hidden



Reason — You can mask the input typed into a text field by specifying an <input> tag as password. It hides the characters input in the box and shows dots or asterisk in place of every character.

Question 13

Tag to create password field in HTML document :

  1. <password>
  2. <input>
  3. <pwd>
  4. <pword>



Reason — The password boxes are created using an <INPUT> element whose TYPE attribute has a value of “password”. An example is as follows:


Question 14

HTML provides an attribute for the <input> tag that allows you to hide data with some designated character to make it secure.

  1. True
  2. False



Reason — We can mask the input typed into a text field by specifying an <input> tag as password. It hides the characters input in the box and shows asterisk in place of every character. Consider the following example,


Question 15

Which of the following tag is used to define options in a drop-down selection list ?

  1. <select>
  2. <list>
  3. <dropdown>
  4. <option>



Reason — A drop down selection list is created with SELECT and OPTION tag pair. An example is given below:


<SELECT> tag specifies a selection drop down list and <OPTION> tag specifies the various options available to select from.

Question 16

Which of the following restricts a user to one selection ?

  1. checkbox
  2. optionbox
  3. radio button
  4. drop down list


radio button

Reason — Radio buttons are used when only one option is required to be selected. All of its options are mutually exclusive.

Question 17

You can pre-select a radio button by utilizing a …………… attribute.

  1. select
  2. choice
  3. checked
  4. marked



Reason — You can pre-select a radio button by utilizing a checked attribute. It indicates that a particular option should be selected by default when a page loads.

Question 18

If you want to display a list of 200 countries which control should you use:

  1. radio button
  2. checkbox
  3. select list
  4. slide widget


select list

Reason — A select list is used when we have many options available to be selected but only one or two options will be selected. We can have a select list of 200 countries out of which a country can be selected.

Theoretical Questions

Question 1

Name some popular audio and video formats.


Some popular audio formats are mp3, wav, midi, m4a and ogg/oga.

Some popular video formats are asf, avi, mpeg, QuickTime and RealVideo.

Question 2

Name the tags that can be used to insert audio and video files in a webpage.


Following tags can be used to insert audio files in a webpage:

  1. Anchor tag <A>
  2. Embed tag <EMBED>
  3. Audio tag <AUDIO>

Following tags can be used to insert video files in a webpage:

  1. Anchor tag <A>
  2. Embed tag <EMBED>
  3. Video tag <VIDEO>

Question 3

What character is displayed on the password forms when the user inputs characters ?

  1. a random character.
  2. a ‘+’ character.
  3. an asterisk
  4. a dot


an asterisk

Reason — We can mask the input typed into a text field by specifying an <input> tag as password. It hides the characters input in the box and shows asterisk in place of every character.

Question 4

What attribute is used for radio buttons ?

  1. radiobutton
  2. radiob
  3. radio
  4. optionbutton



Reason — Radio buttons are created in the following manner:

<input type = "radio" name = "Gender" value = "male"> Male <br>
<input type = "radio" name = "Gender" value = "female">  Female

The TYPE attribute is set to “radio”.

Question 5

What attributes are valid for textarea input ?

  1. just name
  2. name, columns and rows
  3. name and rows
  4. columns and rows


name and rows

Reason — NAME, COLS and ROWS are the valid attributes which specify the name of the control, the number of columns and the number of rows of text area box, respectively.

Question 6

What attributes can be used with the SELECT form ?

  1. name and multiple
  2. name, multiple, rows and cols
  3. name, multiple and size
  4. multiple and size


name, multiple and size

Reason — NAME, SIZE and MULTIPLE attributes can be used with the SELECT form which specify the name of the control, present a scrolling list box and allow the user to select multiple items from the menu, respectively.

Question 7

Is the size attribute valid for the submit button ?

  1. Yes
  2. No



Reason — No, the SIZE attribute is not valid for the SUBMIT button.

Question 8

The two most important attributes of a form are :

  1. Id and action
  2. Class and method
  3. Action and method
  4. method and id


Action and method

Reason — The two most important attributes of a form are ACTION and METHOD.

ACTION attribute specifies any URL script which will receive uploaded data and METHOD specifies the method which will be used to upload data.

Question 9

A label’s for attribute should match the input’s …………… .

  1. type
  2. id
  3. name
  4. size



Reason — The for attribute of a <label> tag should match the id attribute of the corresponding input element. The for attribute is used to associate a label with a form control, providing a textual description or caption for the input field.

Question 10

Creates blank text field, but shows the text as asterisks.

  1. Type=”text”
  2. Type=”hidden”
  3. Type=”password”
  4. Type=”null”



Reason — We can mask the input typed into a text field by specifying an <input> tag as password. It hides the characters input in the box and shows asterisk in place of every character.

Question 11

Method attribute will always post data into the browser.

  1. True
  2. False



Reason — The method attribute will not always “post” data into the browser. The method attribute can be set to “GET” or “POST” to determine how the data is sent to the server.

Question 12

Checkbox buttons let users select one or more of a particular set of choices.

  1. True
  2. False



Reason — Checkboxes are used when more than one option is required to be selected.

Question 13

<input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" /> creates a reset button.

  1. True
  2. False



Reason — <input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" /> creates a SUBMIT button. RESET button is created by the following code:

<input type="reset" name="reset" id="reset" />

Question 14

What are forms ?


HTML forms are means to collect information/data from the site visitor. It is done with the help of controls that collect the information and send it over.

Question 15

What do you understand by controls in forms ?


Users interact with forms through named objects called controls. A control’s “control name” is given by its name attribute. Each control has both an initial value and a current value, both of which are character strings.
Some control types used in HTML are buttons, checkboxes, radio buttons, menus, password, text input etc.

Question 16

Name different control types supported by HTML forms.


The different control types supported by HTML forms are as follows:

  1. Buttons
  2. Checkboxes
  3. Radio Buttons
  4. Menus
  5. Password
  6. Text Input
  7. Hidden Controls

Question 17

Write the tags to define the following :

(i) A text box

(ii) A text area

(iii) A radio button

(iv) A check box

(v) A Password box

(vi) A pop up box

(vii) Submit button

(viii) A Label


(i) A text box


(ii) A text area

Default Text

(iii) A radio button

<INPUT TYPE = "RADIO" NAME = "STREAM" VALUE = "Science" /> Science 

(iv) A check box


(v) A Password box


(vi) A pop up box

<OPTION VALUE = "Green"> Green</OPTION>

(vii) Submit button


(viii) A Label

<LABEL FOR = "S1">Science</LABEL>
<INPUT TYPE = "RADIO" ID = "S1" NAME = "STREAM" VALUE = "Science">

Question 18

Write HTML code to produce following controls :

Grade :         A       B       C
Subjects :      English         Maths
                Computers       Accounts
                Business Studies


<TD> Grade : </TD>
<TD VALIGN = "TOP" ROWSPAN = "4"> Subjects :</TD>
<TD COLSPAN = "2"> 
<TD COLSPAN = "2"> 
<INPUT TYPE = "CHECKBOX" NAME = "SUBJECTS" VALUE = "Computers" /> Computers
<INPUT TYPE = "CHECKBOX" NAME = "SUBJECTS" VALUE = "Accounts" /> Accounts
<TD COLSPAN = "2">
<INPUT TYPE = "CHECKBOX" NAME = "SUBJECTS" VALUE = "Economics" /> Economics
<TD COLSPAN = "2">
<INPUT TYPE = "CHECKBOX" NAME = "SUBJECTS" VALUE = "Business Studies" /> Business Studies
Write HTML code to produce following controls - Grade Subjects. HTML Audio, Video & Forms, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 19

Write HTML code to produce these controls :

(i) a text box

(ii) a text area with 10 rows and 30 columns

(iii) A password text box

(iv) A pop up box to choose class from it.


(i) a text box


(ii) a text area with 10 rows and 30 columns

Default Text

(iii) A password text box


(iv) A pop up box to choose class from it.

<OPTION VALUE = "Class V"> Class V</OPTION>

Application Oriented Questions

Question 1

Create a form as given below by using different Form tags and attributes.

Create a form as given below by using different Form tags and attributes. HTML Audio, Video & Forms, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

(Hint : Also use Pre, Input, Select, Option tags for this)


<H1> My Guest Book </H1>
Please let me know what you think of my Web Pages. Thanks !
<TD> <PRE>What is your name ?</PRE> </TD>
<TD> <PRE>What is your e-mail address :</PRE> </TD>
Check all that apply:
<INPUT TYPE = "CHECKBOX" ID = "C1" NAME = "C1" VALUE = "I really like your Web Site.">  
<LABEL FOR = "C1">I really like your Web Site.</LABEL>
<INPUT TYPE = "CHECKBOX" ID = "C2" NAME = "C2" VALUE = "One of the best site I've seen.">  
<LABEL FOR = "C2">One of the best site I've seen.</LABEL>
<INPUT TYPE = "CHECKBOX" ID = "C3" NAME = "C3" VALUE = "I have no taste so your site didn't do much for me."> 
<LABEL FOR = "C3">I have no taste so your site didn't do much for me.</LABEL>
Choose the one thing you love best of my pages:
VALUE = "That gorgeous picture of you and your dogs.">
<LABEL FOR = "O1">That gorgeous picture of you and your dogs.</LABEL>
VALUE = "The inspiring recap about your childhood."> 
<LABEL FOR = "O2">The inspiring recap about your childhood.</LABEL>
VALUE = "The detailed list of your hobbies."> 
<LABEL FOR = "O3">The detailed list of your hobbies.</LABEL>
Imagine my site as a book, video or album.
What do you think about my site?
<INPUT TYPE = "SUBMIT" NAME = "SUBMIT" VALUE = "Click here to submit" />
Create a form as given below by using different Form tags and attributes. HTML Audio, Video & Forms, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 2

Create a webpage that receives pizza orders through a web form as shown below :

Create a webpage that receives pizza orders through a web form. HTML Audio, Video & Forms, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.


<H1> Pizza Factory </H1>
<B> Pizza Order Form </B>

<TD>Name </TD>
<TD>Address </TD>
<TD><B> Size </B><BR> </TD>
<TD><B> Toppings </B><BR> </TD>
<!-- This inserts a blank row -->
<TD>&nbsp; </TD>
<TD>&nbsp; </TD>
<LABEL FOR = "R1"> Small </LABEL> 
<LABEL FOR = "R2"> Medium </LABEL> 
<LABEL FOR = "R3"> Large </LABEL> 
<LABEL FOR = "CB1"> Cheese </LABEL>
<LABEL FOR = "CB2"> Olives </LABEL> 
<LABEL FOR = "CB3"> Pepperoni </LABEL> 
<LABEL FOR = "CB4"> Bacon </LABEL> 
<INPUT TYPE = "SUBMIT" NAME = "Process Order" VALUE = "Process Order" /> 
<INPUT TYPE = "RESET" NAME = "Clear" VALUE = "Clear" /> 
Create a webpage that receives pizza orders through a web form. HTML Audio, Video & Forms, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Formative Assessment

Question 1(a)

Consider the following code fragments and determine how these code fragments would create form elements, i.e., draw how their output would appear in browser.

<input type="text" size="3" maxlength="3"> 
<input type="text" size="2" maxlength="2"> 
<input type="text" size="4" maxlength="4">


The output of this code fragment in browser is shown below:

HTML form textbox example. HTML Audio, Video & Forms, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 1(b)

Consider the following code fragments and determine how these code fragments would create form elements, i.e., draw how their output would appear in browser.

<input type="text" name="text1">


The output of this code fragment in browser is shown below:

HTML form textbox example. HTML Audio, Video & Forms, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 1(c)

Consider the following code fragments and determine how these code fragments would create form elements, i.e., draw how their output would appear in browser.

<textarea cols="30" rows="6" name="textarea"> Please enter text </textarea>


The output of this code fragment in browser is shown below:

HTML form textarea example. HTML Audio, Video & Forms, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 1(d)

Consider the following code fragments and determine how these code fragments would create form elements, i.e., draw how their output would appear in browser.

<select name= "colors">


The output of this code fragment in browser is shown below:

HTML form selectbox example. HTML Audio, Video & Forms, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 1(e)

Consider the following code fragments and determine how these code fragments would create form elements, i.e., draw how their output would appear in browser.

<select name= "colors" size="4"> 


The output of this code fragment in browser is shown below:

HTML form selectbox example with size. HTML Audio, Video & Forms, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 1(f)

Consider the following code fragments and determine how these code fragments would create form elements, i.e., draw how their output would appear in browser.

<input type= "radio" value="male"><br> 
<input type= "radio" value="female">


The output of this code fragment in browser is shown below:

HTML form radio button example with size. HTML Audio, Video & Forms, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 1(g)

Consider the following code fragments and determine how these code fragments would create form elements, i.e., draw how their output would appear in browser.

<input type="radio" value="male"><br> 
<input type="radio" value="female" checked>


The output of this code fragment in browser is shown below:

HTML form radio button example with default selected. HTML Audio, Video & Forms, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 1(h)

Consider the following code fragments and determine how these code fragments would create form elements, i.e., draw how their output would appear in browser.

<input type="checkbox" value="yes"><br> 
<input type="checkbox" value="no">


The output of this code fragment in browser is shown below:

HTML form checkbox example. HTML Audio, Video & Forms, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Question 1(i)

Consider the following code fragments and determine how these code fragments would create form elements, i.e., draw how their output would appear in browser.

<input type="checkbox" value="yes" checked><br> 
<input type="checkbox" value="no">


The output of this code fragment in browser is shown below:

HTML form checkbox example with default checked. HTML Audio, Video & Forms, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.


Chapter 6 Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)


Objective Type Questions


Question 1

Which of the following is not one of the DHTML technology ?

  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. JavaScript
  4. WWW



Reason — DHTML is a combination of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and DOM (Document Object Model) while the World Wide Web (WWW) is the system of interconnected hypertext documents accessed through the internet, it is not considered a DHTML technology itself. Instead, the WWW is the platform or environment where DHTML technologies are utilized to create interactive and dynamic web pages.

Question 2

The acronym CSS stands for what ?

  1. Carrot System Style
  2. Correlated Styling System
  3. Cascading Style Sheets
  4. Canvas Styling System


Cascading Style Sheets

Reason — CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets.

Question 3

What property would you use to create space between the element’s border and inner content ?

  1. margin
  2. spacing
  3. padding
  4. border



Reason — Padding defines the inner distance between the border and the content of the element.

Question 4

How do you tell the browser you are creating a styling section with an internal style sheet ?

  1. <style type="css"></style>
  2. <class type="css"></class>
  3. class type="text/css"></class>
  4. <style type="text/css"></style>


<style type="text/css"></style>

Reason — To embed a style sheet in a web page, we use the <style> tag only within the <head> tag of a web page in the following way:

    ... CSS rules ...

Question 5

To reference a style sheet across multiple HTML pages, how would you define your CSS ?

  1. Inline Style
  2. Internal Style Sheet
  3. External Style Sheet
  4. CSS is meant for only one page


External Style Sheet

Reason — To reference a style sheet across multiple HTML pages, we define our CSS as an external style sheet.

Question 6

What is the correct CSS syntax for making all the <span> elements bold ?

  1. span {text-size:bold}
  2. span {font-weight:bold}
  3. <span style="font-size:bold">
  4. <span style="text-size:bold">


span {font-weight:bold}

Reason — The property font-weight specifies the boldness or heaviness for a font. In the given code, the content of span is set to bold.

Question 7

In the following code snippet, what value is given for the left margin :

margin: 5px 10px 3px 8px;

  1. 3px
  2. 10px
  3. 8px
  4. 5px



Reason — The order of border margin values is top, right, bottom and left. Thus, the value given for the left margin is 8 pixels.

Question 8

What property is used to change the text color of an element ?

  1. fontcolor:
  2. textcolor:
  3. color:
  4. font-color:



Reason — color property is used to change the text color of an element. For example:

p {color : red ;}

Question 9

Which is the correct CSS syntax ?

  1. {p:color=black(p}
  2. p {color: black;}
  3. {p;color:black}
  4. p:color=black


p {color: black;}

Reason — The correct CSS syntax is :

selector {color : value ;}

The option p {color: black;} follows correct CSS syntax.

Question 10

What is the correct CSS syntax to change the font name ?

  1. font-name:
  2. font:
  3. font-family:
  4. fontname:



Reason — font-family: is used to define a list of fonts that should be used to display a given element or web page.

Question 11

Which HTML attribute is used to define inline CSS styles ?

  1. css
  2. style
  3. type
  4. id



Reason — STYLE attribute is used to define inline CSS styles. For example,


Question 12

How do you make each word in a text start with a capital letter ?

  1. text-transform:capitalize
  2. text-transform:uppercase
  3. You can’t do that with CSS
  4. text:capitalize



Reason — When the value of text-transform is set to capitalize, it will capitalize the first letter of each word.

Question 13

What is the correct CSS syntax for making all the <p> tag’s font size 14px ?

  1. p {14px}
  2. p {font-size: 14px;}
  3. p {text-size: 14px;}
  4. p {font: 14px;}


p {font-size: 14px;}

Reason — The correct syntax for changing all the <p> tag’s font size is :

p {font-size : value ;}

The given option follows the correct CSS syntax.

Question 14

Which CSS property controls the text size ?

  1. font-height
  2. text-size
  3. font-size
  4. text-style



Reason — font-size property is used to set the size of a font.

Question 15

How do you insert padding so that it is :

10 pixels at the top
15 pixels at the bottom
5 pixels at the right
10 pixels to the left
  1. padding:10px 15px 5px 10px ;
  2. padding:15px 5px 10px 10px ;
  3. padding:10px 5px 10px 15px ;
  4. padding:10px 5px 15px 10px ;


padding:10px 5px 15px 10px ;

Reason — The order of padding values is top, right, bottom and left. Thus, to insert the given padding, we write the definition as follows:

padding:10px 5px 15px 10px ;

Question 16

How do you display hyperlinks without an underline?

  1. a {decoration:no underline}
  2. a {text-decoration:none}
  3. a {hyperlink:no underline}
  4. a {text-decoration:no underline}


a {text-decoration:none}

Reason — To display hyperlinks without an underline, the value of text-decoration property is set to none.




Theoretical Questions


Question 1

Which property is used to change the background color ?

  1. background-color
  2. bgcolor
  3. bg-color
  4. color



Reason — The background-color property is used to change the background color of an element. For example,

h1 {background-color : yellow; }

Question 2

Which property is used to increase and decrease the text size ?

  1. font-width
  2. font-size
  3. text-width
  4. text-size



Reason — font-size property is used to increase and decrease the text size in the following way:

h3 {font-size : 8pt; }

Question 3

What would this CSS rule do ?

p   {   color:red; 
  1. Make the background of all paragraphs red.
  2. Make the fonts of all paragraphs red.
  3. Make all text boxes red.
  4. Make the border of all paragraphs red.


Make the fonts of all paragraphs red.

Reason — The breakup of the rule is as follows:

  • p is a selector in CSS, which targets all <p> elements. In HTML, <p> elements represent paragraphs.
  • {} encloses the declaration block, which contains one or more property-value pairs.
  • color:red; is a property-value pair within the declaration block. Here, the color property is set to red, which means the text color of all <p> elements will be changed to red.

So, applying this CSS rule to an HTML page would result in all paragraphs being displayed with red text color.

Question 4

What would this CSS rule do ?

h2  {   font-size:2em; 
  1. Make fonts in a specific h2 tag double in size.
  2. Make fonts in all h2 tags double in size.
  3. Make fonts in all h2 tags double in size and italic.
  4. Make all fonts that are size 2, empty.


Make fonts in all h2 tags double in size.

Reason — The breakup of the rule is as follows:

  • h2 is a selector in CSS, which targets all <h2> elements. In HTML, <h2> represents a heading level 2.
  • {} encloses the declaration block, which contains one or more property-value pairs.
  • font-size:2em; is a property-value pair within the declaration block. Here, the font-size property is set to 2em. The value 2em means the font size will be twice the size of the default font size.

So, applying this CSS rule to an HTML page would result in all heading level 2 elements (<h2>) being displayed with a font size that is twice the default font size.

Question 5

How do you link an external stylesheet to a page.

  1. <link href='somefile.css'>
  2. <link rel='stylesheet' src='somefile.css'>
  3. <script rel='stylesheet' href=' somefile.css'> </script>
  4. <link rel='stylesheet' href='somefile.css'>


<link rel='stylesheet' href='somefile.css'>

Reason — The correct syntax is explained below:

  • <link> is an HTML tag used to include external resources, such as stylesheets.
  • rel='stylesheet' is an attribute that specifies the relationship between the current document and the linked resource. In this case, it indicates that the linked resource is a stylesheet.
  • href='somefile.css' is the attribute that specifies the location (URL or file path) of the external CSS file. In this case, it points to a file named “somefile.css”.

By using this <link> tag with the correct attributes, we can connect an external CSS file (such as “somefile.css”) to our HTML document, allowing the styles defined in the CSS file to be applied to the web page.

Question 6

Which one of these name and value declarations would not work ?

  1. margin:20px 0 0 30%;
  2. margin;20px 30%:
  3. margin:20px 30%;
  4. margin:20px 23px 5% 30px;


margin;20px 30%:

Reason — In CSS, declarations follow the format of property: value;. The value is assigned to the corresponding property, separated by a colon : and terminated by a semicolon ;.
The option margin;20px 30%: has an incorrect syntax. The semicolon ; should be a colon : before the value and the colon : at the end should be a semicolon ;.

Question 7

Which of the following CSS types is defined in the header of a Web page and applies to the entire Web page document ?

  1. Inline
  2. Embedded
  3. Inbuilt
  4. External



Reason — Embedded or internal styles are defined in the header of a Web page using the <style> tag and apply to the entire Web page document.

Question 8

Which of the following type of CSS is coded in the body of the Web page as an attribute of an HTML tag and applies ONLY to the specific element that contains it as an attribute ?

  1. Inline
  2. Embedded
  3. Inbuilt
  4. External



Reason — Inline style of CSS is coded in the body of the Web page as an attribute of an HTML tag and applies ONLY to the specific element that contains it as an attribute.

Question 9

Where in an HTML document is the correct place to refer to an external style sheet ?

  1. In Body section
  2. In Head section
  3. In a paragraph
  4. Top of the document


In Head section

Reason — A <LINK> tag is used in the head section of HTML document to link the HTML page to an external CSS file.

Question 10

Use the CSS …………… property to configure the cellpadding of a table.


table   { padding : 50px 20px 20px 20px ; }

Question 11

What is the utility of dynamic websites ?


The utility of dynamic websites are as follows:

  1. Dynamic websites allow easy content updates.
  2. They tailor content based on user preferences.
  3. They enable feedback forms, comment sections, and social media integration.
  4. They can fetch and display real-time data from databases or APIs enabling live updates like news feeds, stock market information, weather updates, etc.
  5. They support online transactions and inventory management.
  6. They handle large amounts of content and user traffic.
  7. They streamline processes and save time.

Question 12

What are some features of dynamic websites ?


Some features of dynamic websites are as follows:

  1. User registration and authentication can be done.
  2. Content management system (CMS) provides for easy content updates.
  3. Search functionality to find specific content.
  4. Database integration for dynamic content generation.
  5. Interactive forms for user engagement.
  6. E-commerce capabilities for online transactions.
  7. Social media integration for sharing and interaction.
  8. Personalization based on user preferences.
  9. Dynamic content delivery for customized user experiences.
  10. Analytics and tracking to gather data for analysis and optimization.

Question 13

What do you understand by Stylesheets? How are these useful ?


A style sheet is a file containing formatting guidelines that define the overall look of a document.

Style sheets are useful in the following ways:

  1. It helps to separate structure and presentation. The HTML file can include structure tags and style sheet takes care of the presentation of content.
  2. Web pages download much faster.
  3. Developers have to type less code, and the web pages are shorter and neater.
  4. The look of the site is kept consistent throughout all the pages that work off the same style sheet.
  5. Updating design and general site maintenance are made much easier.
  6. Errors caused by editing multiple HTML pages occur less often.

Question 14

What is CSS style rule? How do you define it ?


A CSS rule is a single statement in a style sheet that identifies what should be styled (the selector) and how those styles should be applied (the declaration).

We define a rule by writing the selector tag without angle brackets. The properties and their values are written in the following syntax:

selector { propertyname : value ; propertyname : value ; ...}

For example, if we want <H3 tag to have font face Arial and red color then we define the style rule as follows:

h3 { : Arial ; color : red ; }

Question 15

What are three ways of creating style rules? Give examples of each.


The three ways of creating style rules are as follows:

1. Inline — Styles are embedded right within the HTML code they affect. For example,

<h3 style = " = Arial ; color = red ">

2. Internal — Styles are placed within the header information of the web page and then affect all the corresponding tags on the page. For example,

h3 { : Arial ; color : red ; }

3. External — Styles are coded in a separate document, which is then referenced from within the header of the actual web page. For example, let there be a CSS file named sample.css :

h3 { : Arial ; color : red ; }

p { : Times New Roman ; color : blue ; }

...and so on...

To link sample.css file to an HTML document, we use the <link tag in the following manner:


Question 16

What is the Cascading order of different style types ?


The cascading order of different style types from higher precedence to lower precedence is :

  1. Inline
  2. Internal
  3. External

Question 17

Where do you place the code to associate a Web page with an external style sheet ?


To associate a Web page with an external style sheet, we place the code in the head tag in the following manner :


where, sample.css is the name of the CSS file.

Application Oriented Questions

Question 1

How do you add a background color for all <h1> elements?


We define a rule for <h1> tag and use the property background-color to set the background color for all h1 elements.

For example, to set the background color of all <H1> elements to blue, we define the rule as follows:

h1 { background-color : blue ; }

Question 2

How do you display a border like this :

The top border = 10 pixels 
The bottom border = 5 pixels 
The left border = 20 pixels 
The right border = 1pixel


To display the given border, we use the border-width property and write the values in the order — top, right, bottom, left. Thus, the rule will be written as follows:

selector { border-width : 10px 1px 5px 20px ; }

Question 3

How do you make each word in a text start with a capital letter ?


To make each word in a text start with a capital letter we set the value of text-transform property to capitalize.

For example, to make each word in all <H1> elements start with a capital letter, we define a rule as:

h1 { text-transform : capitalize ; }

Question 4

Perform as instructed below.

(a) Create an HTML file namely index.html file with following guidelines :

x Make sure there are at least 2 paragraphs (<p>) in your HTML file 
x Use h1, h2 and h3 headings
x Use a numbered and a bulleted list
x Use a table
x At least 4 hyperlinks

(b) Link to an external style sheet namely personal.css from your index.html file.

(c) Create a CSS document called personal.css (Make sure you save as type .css) with rules for the following :

x Have your h2 headings :
    (a) Appear in a color of your choice
    (b) Be centered on the page (text-align: center;)
    (c) In the Serif font family of your choice
x Double the H1 headings size (relative font size)
x For paragraphs
    (a) Specify a font family and font size.
    (b) Give a background color with 5 px padding on each side
x For tables
    (a) Specify a border of width 3px
    (b) Table heading in bold
x Remove the underline in your links.

(d) View the html file in a browser

(e) Create another CSS file with different style rules for above mentioned elements and then link index.html to this CSS file. Now view index.html and see the change.



<link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "personal.css">
<title>HTML Introduction</title>
<h1>Introduction to HTML</h1>
<h2> What is HTML ? </h2>
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the standard markup language used for creating and structuring web pages. HTML uses a system of tags and elements to define the different components and content of a web page.
HTML forms the foundation of web development and is often combined with CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and JavaScript to create interactive and visually appealing websites.
<h3> Advantages of HTML </h3>
<li>Universal support across web browsers.</li>
<li>Easy to learn and understand syntax.</li>
<li>Platform independence for broad device compatibility.</li>
<li>Seamless integration with CSS and JavaScript.</li>
<h3>Limitations of HTML</h3>
<li>Limited styling and layout control.</li>
<li>Lack of built-in interactivity.</li>
<li>Insufficient data handling capabilities.</li>
<li>Browser compatibility issues.</li>
<caption>Some tags of HTML</caption>
<td>B tag</td>
<td>Used to make text bold</td>
<td>I tag</td>
<td>Used to make text italic</td>
<p>Check out these links to learn more about HTML:</p>
<li><a href="">W3 Schools</a></li>
<li><a href="">HTML Wikipedia</a></li>
<li><a href="">HTML MDN</a></li>
<li><a href="">HTML Code Tutorial</a></li>


h2 { 
    color: red ; 
    text-align: center ; 
    font-family: Times New Roman ;

h1 {
    font-size: 2em ;

p {
    font-family: Arial ;
    font-size: 10px ;
    background-color: cyan ;
    padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px ;

table {
    border: 3px solid;

th {
    border: 3px solid; font-weight: bold ;

td {
    border: 3px solid;

a {
    text-decoration: none ;
Create an HTML file namely index.html. Make sure there are at least 2 paragraphs in HTML file. Use h1, h2 and h3 headings. Cascading Style Sheets, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.


h2 { 
    color: blue ; 
    text-align: left ; 
    font-family: Verdana ;

h1 {
    font-size: 3em ;

p {
    font-family: Georgia ;
    font-size: 14px ;
    background-color: green ;
    padding: 3px 8px 3px 8px ;

table {
    border: 1px dashed;

th {
    border: 1px dashed; font-weight: normal ;

td {
    border: 1px dashed;

a {
    text-decoration: overline ;
Create an HTML file namely index.html. Make sure there are at least 2 paragraphs in HTML file. Use h1, h2 and h3 headings. Cascading Style Sheets, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 10.


Chapter 7 Cyberethics


Objective Type Questions

Question 1

Policies of companies related to protection of personal information of users online are meant to safeguard …………… of users.

  1. Safety
  2. Security
  3. Privacy
  4. Well being



Reason — By implementing privacy policies, companies protect personal information of users, such as their name, contact details, financial data, or browsing history from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure, thus, maintaining their privacy rights and preventing misuse or exploitation of their data.

Question 2

Credit card fraud may include :

  1. Stealing of credit card
  2. Unauthorized and illegal use of credit card
  3. Both of the above
  4. Neither


Both of the above

Reason — Credit card fraud may include both stealing of credit card and unauthorized and illegal use of credit card.

Question 3

Using someone else’s twitter handle to post something, will be termed as :

  1. Fraud
  2. Identity theft
  3. Online stealing
  4. Violation


Identity theft

Reason — Using someone else’s twitter handle to post something, will be termed as identity theft.

Question 4

Standard security protocol that establishes encrypted links between a web server and a browser is called …………… .

  1. Online safety technology
  2. SDT technology
  3. Web encryption technology
  4. Secure sockets layer technology


Secure sockets layer technology

Reason — Standard security protocol that establishes encrypted links between a web server and a browser is called Secure sockets layer technology.

Question 5

Things like these, e.g., online email account, social media account or handle, online shopping account, online photo sharing account, trademarks, patents, own registered domain name etc. are collectively called …………… .

  1. Online identity
  2. Online estate
  3. Digital identity
  4. Digital property


Digital property

Reason — Things like these, e.g., online email account, social media account or handle, online shopping account, online photo sharing account, trademarks, patents, own registered domain name etc. are collectively called digital property.

Question 6

A …………… is an economic and social inequality with regard to access to, use of, or impact of ICT.

  1. Digital inequality
  2. Difference of services
  3. Digital divide
  4. Differential divide


Digital divide

Reason — A digital divide is an economic and social inequality with regard to access to, use of, or impact of ICT.

Question 7

Preeti needs to send a very confidential message to her colleague in office over a secure channel. She uses a technique wherein an actual message (which is in readable form) can be converted into an unreadable message. This concept is known as ……………. .

  1. Encryption
  2. Decryption
  3. Plagiarism
  4. Data Security



Reason — The concept of converting a readable message into an unreadable form is known as encryption.

Question 8

Which of the following techniques can be used for security of data ?

  1. Authentication
  2. Authorisation
  3. Encryption
  4. All of the Above


All of the Above

Reason — Authentication, authorisation and encryption techniques can be used for security of data.

Question 9

Which of the following is not a cybercrime ?

  1. Plagiarism
  2. Phishing
  3. Using licensed software
  4. Hacking


Using licensed software

Reason — Using licensed software is not a cyber crime. Plagiarism, phishing and hacking are cyber crimes.

Question 10

Secure data transmission means :

  1. Data is accessible by any unauthorized person during transmission.
  2. Data cannot be accessed by any unauthorized person during transmission.
  3. Transmission of data happens easily
  4. No one can access it


Data cannot be accessed by any unauthorized person during transmission.

Reason — Secure data transmission means the data can not be accessed by any unauthorized person during transmission.

Question 11

Which of the following is NOT an example of Intellectual Property rights ?

  1. Patent
  2. Trademark
  3. Password
  4. Industrial Design



Reason — Password is not an example of Intellectual Property rights because it does not represent a legal protection for creations or inventions. Patent, Trademark and Industrial Design can be used to protect one’s intellectual property rights.

Question 12

A …………… is the right given by the government to an inventor to protect his/her invention from being used/copied for a fixed period of time.

  1. Copyright
  2. Intellectual Property
  3. Patent
  4. Trademark



Reason — A patent is the right given by the government to an inventor to protect his/her invention from being used/copied for a fixed period of time.

Question 13

Arun clicks on a link received in a message on his phone which promises him a complimentary trip to a destination of his choice. He forwarded this message to his friend, Panshul and asked him to do the same. But Panshul refuses and tells Arun that his personal and private information, such as online account names, login information and passwords can be stolen and he should be careful of such …………… attacks.

  1. Phishing
  2. Spamming
  3. Scamming
  4. Plagiarism



Reason — Phishing is a deceptive technique used by cybercriminals to trick individuals into revealing sensitive information, such as usernames, passwords, or financial details.

Question 14

Charlene is an artist. She displays her artwork on the Internet using her website to attract buyers. One day while browsing the Internet she discovers that another artist has displayed her painting portraying it as his own. Which right of Charlene was infringed ?

  1. Digital Privacy right
  2. Intellectual Property right
  3. Digital Property right
  4. Intellectual Privacy right


Intellectual Property right

Reason — Intellectual property rights are the rights of the owner of information to decide how much information is to be exchanged, shared or distributed. Also it gives the owner a right to decide the price for doing so. Here, the artwork is the intellectual right of Charlene.

Question 15

Which of these is NOT an example of Cyber bullying ?

  1. Copying a classmate’s personal photo against his/her permission from his social media account and sending it to other friends on their emails
  2. Bullying a classmate in the school corridor
  3. Threatening someone on whatsapp
  4. Posting mean messages about someone on their social media


Bullying a classmate in the school corridor

Reason — Cyber bullying refers to an act of bullying on internet. Bullying a classmate in the school corridor doesn’t involve internet. Hence, it cannot be considered as cyber bullying.

The other three acts involve the use of internet for bullying. Hence, they come under cyber bullying.

Question 16

Which of the following is NOT a reason for the digital divide in different demographic regions ?

  1. Cost of Technology
  2. Lack of information
  3. Lack of access to high performance computers
  4. Lack of access to the disabled


Lack of access to high performance computers

Reason — Cost of Technology, lack of information and lack of access to the disabled are reasons of digital divide. Lack of access to high performance computers is not a reason for digital divide as information can be accessed even through a normally functioning computer or mobile phone.

Question 17

One of the most popular methods of encrypting data is Caesar cipher where original data is replaced by a key character like if key is -2 than ‘a’ will be replaced by ‘ y’ , ‘b’ is replaced by ‘z’ and so on.
If the key is 2 i.e., every letter is replaced by its next to next letter means the letter ‘A’ will be replaced by ‘C’, the letter ‘B’ is replaced by ‘D’, and so on then what will be the replacement of the word ‘CoMpUtEr’.

  1. Eciorwygt
  2. eQOrwVtG
  3. eqroWVTG
  4. Eq0rWvGt



Reason — According to the key, each letter of CoMpUtEr is replaced as follows:

C → E
o → q
M → O
p → r
U → W
t → v
E → G
r → t

Question 18

Which of the following is a way to avoid Plagiarism when using material from the Internet ?

(i) Citing

(ii) Paraphrasing

(iii) Referencing

(iv) Embedding

Choose the correct option :

  1. (i) and (ii) only
  2. Only (i)
  3. (i), (ii) and (iii) only
  4. (ii) and (iv) only


(i), (ii) and (iii) only

Reason — To avoid plagiarism, while referring to someone’s else’s creation, we must always give credit whenever we use:

  1. Another person’s idea, opinion, or theory
  2. Quotations of another person’s actual spoken or written words
  3. Paraphrase of another person’s spoken or written words.

Question 19

…………… is a software for which exclusive rights of modification in the source code remain with the owner.

  1. Free Open-Source Software
  2. Freeware
  3. Open-Source Software
  4. Proprietary Software


Proprietary Software

Reason — Proprietary Software is a software for which exclusive rights of modification in the source code remain with the owner.

Question 20

Pratham is excited to use a new software which is freely available to download but he cannot modify or change the source code. Pratham is using :

  1. Freeware
  2. Open-Source Software
  3. Both (1) and (2)
  4. None of the above



Reason — A freeware software is available free of cost and allows copying and further distribution, but not modification and its source code is not available.

Question 21

Which one of the following software comes under Open-Source Software category ?

  1. Photoshop
  2. MS-Paint
  3. Linux
  4. Windows



Reason — The source code of Linux is available to customers and it can be modified and redistributed without any limitation.

Theoretical Questions

Question 1

What do you understand by privacy of data in e-commerce context ?


In e-commerce context, privacy of data is related to a company’s policies on the use of user data. An e-commerce company must clearly state how it intends to use the data collected from the customer and whether the customer can restrict the use of personal information.

Question 2

What role does consumer consent play in implementing the privacy of user data ?


Consumer consent plays a vital role in implementing the privacy of consumer data. Consumer consent decides what information can and cannot be used. The consent also relates to whether the given information can be further exploited.

Question 3

What is the responsibility of e-commerce merchant to ensure before getting user’s consent about his/her details’ usage ?


Before getting user’s consent about his/her details’ usage, the e-commerce merchant must ensure the following:

  1. The merchant must clearly state about how the user data will be used, in the terms and conditions of its site.
  2. The merchant must ensure that the user has gone through the terms and conditions given on its site prior to making any transactions.
  3. The merchant must assure the user about data safety by implementing proper data safety and security measures such as https protocol and other security mechanism so that users’ data is safe from hackers too.

Question 4

What is online fraud ? Give some examples.


Fraud committed using the Internet is called Online fraud. Online fraud may occur in many forms such as :

  1. Non-delivered goods
  2. Non-existent companies
  3. Stealing information
  4. Fraudulent payments

Some examples of online fraud are:

  1. Credit card fraud where credit card details are stolen from a user’s online activities and the money is used without the user’s knowledge.
  2. Using someone’s credentials to watch an online show or movie.
  3. Non-delivery of goods after payment is another example. On investigation, a user may find that the company or website was fraud.

Question 5

What is credit card fraud ?


In credit card frauds, the credit card details of a user such as his credit card number, name, CVV, transaction pin, etc., are stolen from his/her online activities and then some payment frauds are carried out with this stolen information.

Question 6

What is identity theft ?


Online identity theft refers to an act of stealing someone’s personal information such as name, login details etc. and then posing as that person online. Malicious activities like fraudulent posts, rumour mongering, riots fueling, fraudulent financial transactions, etc. can be carried out through identity theft.

Question 7

What measures can you take to curb online frauds ?


The measures that can be taken to curb online frauds are as follows:

  1. A monitoring official body that ensures the authenticity of e-commerce company and delivery of goods/services as promised.
  2. Strong security mechanism by the e-commerce site and payment gateways to prevent stealing of crucial information.
  3. Official guidelines and safeguards on the selling of users’ data to third parties.

Question 8

What is safe data transmission ? How can you ensure secure data transmission ?


Secure data transmission means applying enough technical safeguards so that data travels safely to its target, without being compromised or eavesdropped.
To ensure secure data transmission, following techniques are applied:

  1. SSL secure data transmission — SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a standard security protocol which ensures data security by establishing encrypted online links between a web server and a browser.
  2. Data encryption — Encrypted data when sent over Internet is hard to steal and hence is safer.
  3. Using Safe protocols — such as for files, secure FTP protocol.

Question 9

What is intellectual property ? What do you understand by intellectual property rights ?


Any piece of information is produced or created with a lot of efforts and it consumes a lot of time. Creative creations of mind such as patents, literary and creative arts, copyrights, trademarks etc. are known as intellectual property.

Intellectual property rights are the rights of the owner of information to decide how much information is to be exchanged, shared or distributed. Also it gives the owner a right to decide the price for doing so.

Question 10

What is plagiarism ? How can you avoid plagiarism while referring to someone’s else’s creation ?


Plagiarism is stealing someone else’s intellectual work, such as an idea, literary work or academic work etc., and representing it as our own work without giving credit to creator or without citing the source of information.

To avoid plagiarism while referring to someone else’s creation, we must give credit whenever we use:

  1. Another person’s idea, opinion, or theory;
  2. Quotations of another person’s actual spoken or written words; or
  3. Paraphrase of another person’s spoken or written words

Question 11

What is digital property ? What are the threats to digital properties ?


Digital property (or digital assets) refers to any information about us or created by us that exists in digital form, either online or on an electronic storage device.

For example, any online personal accounts such as email, personal websites and blogs, domain names registered in our name, intellectual properties etc.

The common threats to digital properties are as follows:

  1. Digital software penetration tools — There are many software penetration tools such as cracks and keygens which enable unauthorized users to freely access a software without actually paying for it.
  2. Stealing and plagiarizing codes of digital properties — Other developers may steal a software’s source code and use it to build their own versions of it, and then sell it under their own company name.

Question 12

How can you protect your digital properties ?


The following ways to ensure protection of your digital properties:

  1. Anti-Tamper Solutions — They use a host of advanced technologies to prevent hacking, reverse-engineering or manipulating digital properties such as utility tools, software, apps, video games and so forth.
  2. Legal Clauses — There must be a transparent clause in the software’s Terms of Service that prohibits the scraping of the software’s source code for reuse.
  3. Limit the sharing of software code — One should share software code only with trusted individuals who are part of development team. Digital Rights Management (DRM) solution can protect a software from being scraped for source code using decompilers etc.

Question 13

Expand the terms:

  1. OSI
  2. FLOSS
  3. FSF
  4. GNU
  5. GPL
  6. W3C
  7. OSS


  1. OSI — Open Source Initiative.
  2. FLOSS — Free Libre/Livre and Open Source Software.
  3. FSF — Free Software Foundation.
  4. GNU — GNU is Not Unix.
  5. GPL — General Public Licence.
  6. W3C — World Wide Web Consortium.
  7. OSS — Open Source Software.

Question 14

What are open source based software ?


Open source software is the software whose source code is available and which can be copied, modified and redistributed as well. There may or may not be charges payable for open source software.

In open source software, the source code is freely available to the customer. For example, Linux.

Question 15(i)

Compare and Contrast: Free software and Open source software


Free software is the software which is free of cost, which can be copied, modified and redistributed as well and whose source code is available. No charges are payable for free software.

Open source software, on the other hand, is the software, whose source code is available and which can be copied, modified and redistributed as well. There may or may not be charges payable for open source software.

Question 15(ii)

Compare and Contrast: OSS and FLOSS


OSS refers to Open Source Software whose source code is made available to the public, allowing anyone to view, modify, and distribute the code. However, OSS does not necessarily mean that the software is completely free of charge. It only means that the source code is available for others to access and modify.

FLOSS refers to Free Libre/Livre and Open Source Software. The term FLOSS is used to refer to a software which is both free software as well as open source software. In addition to being Open Source, FLOSS also emphasises that no charges are applicable to the user for using and distributing the software.

Question 15(iii)

Compare and Contrast: Proprietary software and Free software


Proprietary software is the software that is neither open nor freely available. Its use is regulated and further distribution and modification is either forbidden or requires special permission by the supplier or vendor. Source code of proprietary software is normally not available. These softwares need to be purchased before they can be used.

Free software means that the software is freely accessible and can be freely used, changed, improved, copied and distributed by all who wish to do so. No payments are needed to be made for free software.

Question 15(iv)

Compare and Contrast: Freeware and Shareware


The term freeware is generally used for software, which is available free of cost and which allows copying and further distribution, but not modification and whose source code is not available. The right to use the software is limited to certain types of users for instance, for private and non-commercial purposes.

Shareware is a software which is made available with the right to redistribute copies, but it is stipulated that if one intends to use the software, often after a certain period of time then a license fee should be paid. The source code of shareware is not available and modifications to the software are not allowed.

Question 15(v)

Compare and Contrast: Freeware and Free software.


The term freeware is generally used for software, which is available free of cost and which allows copying and further distribution, but not modification and whose source code is not available. The right to use the software is limited to certain types of users for instance, for private and non-commercial purposes.

Free software means that the software is freely accessible and can be freely used, changed, improved, copied and distributed by all who wish to do so. No payments are needed to be made for free software.

Question 16

What is public domain software ?


Public-domain software is free and can be used without restrictions. It is, by its very nature, outside the scope of copyright and licensing.

Question 17

Name some common public domain software licenses.


Some open source licenses are Creative Commons License, General Public License and Apache License.

Question 18

What is GPL software license ? How is it different from LGPL software license ?


General Public Licence (GPL) grants and guarantees a wide range of rights to developers who work on open-source projects. With GPL, users can do the following:

  1. Copy the software as many times as needed.
  2. Distribute the software in any way
  3. Charge a fee to distribute the software after modifying it but the software should still be under GNU GPL.
  4. Make any type of modifications to the software

The LGPL and GPL licenses differ with one major exception. With LGPL the requirement that you have to release software extensions in open GPL has been removed.

Question 19

What is freedom of information ?


Freedom of information refers to the right to access information available on public platforms.

Question 20

What are the major factors behind digital divide ?


The major factors behind digital divide are:

  1. Technology reach — Technological reach is not the same all across India, especially in rural and remote areas.
  2. Digital Literacy — The rate of digital literacy is far less in rural areas as compared to urban areas. People in remote areas and rural areas are picking up with digital literacy, now.

Question 21

Write any one application each of e-Governance and e-commerce.


An application of e-Governance is filing of online application forms for Aadhaar card, passport, etc.

An application of e-commerce is that we can do online shopping.

Application Oriented Questions

Question 1

Kuhu has just learnt how to do online banking. Name any two precautions that she should take to prevent online fraud.


Two precautions that Kuhu should take to prevent online fraud are:

  1. She should not share her user id and password with anyone.
  2. She should avoid doing transactions from cyber cafe and other public places.

Question 2

Companies spend a lot on secure data transmission that requires enough technical safeguards.

(a) What do you understand by secure data transmission ?

(b) Why do you think companies spend so much on secure data transmission ?

(c) What are common technical safeguards that are applied to ensure secure data transmission ?


(a) Secure data transmission means applying enough technical safeguards so that data travels safely to its target, without being compromised or eavesdropped.

(b) Companies spend heavily on secure data transmission due to the following reasons:

  1. Protection of sensitive information such as customer information, trade secrets, financial records, or intellectual property.
  2. Many industries have stringent regulatory requirements regarding data protection and privacy. They invest in secure data transmission to comply with these regulations and avoid penalties.
  3. Companies demonstrate their commitment to protecting customer data and maintaining trust.
  4. Implementing secure data transmission helps mitigate potential financial implications.

(c) To ensure secure data transmission, following techniques are applied :

  1. SSL secure data transmission — SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a standard security protocol which ensures data security by establishing encrypted online links between a web server and a browser. It encrypts the transmitted data and keeps it secure.
  2. Data encryption — Encrypted data when sent over Internet is hard to steal and hence is safer.
  3. Use Safe protocols — Use safe FTP protocol for files wherever possible, as safe protocols use some safety shells such as SSH.

Question 3

These days it is equally important to safeguard digital properties:

(a) What are digital properties?

(b) Why is above given statement/fact important?

(c) What are possible threats to digital properties?

(d) How can digital properties be safeguarded?


(a) Digital property (or digital assets) refers to any information about us or created by us that exists in digital form, either online or on an electronic storage device.

For example, any online personal accounts such as email, personal websites and blogs, domain names registered in our name, intellectual properties etc.

(b) Digital property rights lie with the owner. Legally a person who has created it or the owner who has got it developed by paying legally is the legal owner of a digital property. Only the owner can use and decide who all and in what form can his/her digital asset may be used by others, whether by making payments or by buying it or by obtaining its license or usage rights etc. Thus, it is important to safeguard digital properties.

(c) The common threats to digital properties are as follows:

  1. Digital software penetration tools — There are many software penetration tools such as cracks and keygens which enable unauthorized users to freely access a software without actually paying for it.
  2. Stealing and plagiarizing codes of digital properties — Other developers may steal a software’s source code and use it to build their own versions of it, and then sell it under their own company name.

(d) The following are the ways to ensure protection of digital properties:

  1. Anti-Tamper Solutions — They use a host of advanced technologies to prevent hacking, reverse-engineering or manipulating digital properties such as utility tools, software, apps, video games and so forth.
  2. Legal Clauses — There must be a transparent clause in the software’s Terms of Service that prohibits the scraping of the software’s source code for reuse.
  3. Limit the sharing of software code — One should share software code only with trusted individuals who are part of development team. Digital Rights Management (DRM) solution can protect a software from being scraped for source code using decompilers etc.

Question 4

Freedom of information refers to right to access information available on public platforms.

(a) What are the problems that are a hinderance in freedom of information for all?

(b) What are the ways to ensure freedom of information for all?


(a) There are several problems that hinder freedom of information for all:

  1. Technology reach — Technological reach is not the same all across India, especially in rural and remote areas.
  2. Digital Literacy — The rate of digital literacy is far less in rural areas as compared to urban areas. People in remote areas and rural areas are picking up with digital literacy, now.
  3. Language and literacy barriers — Limited availability of information in different languages or low literacy rates can hinder individuals from accessing and understanding relevant information.

(b) To ensure freedom of information for all, the following approaches can be taken:

  1. Legal safeguards — Enact and uphold laws that protect freedom of information.
  2. Open data initiatives — Governments and institutions can proactively make information available to the public through open data initiatives, ensuring transparency and accessibility.
  3. Strengthening digital infrastructure — Bridge the digital divide by expanding internet access, providing affordable connectivity, and promoting digital literacy programs.
  4. Fact-checking and media literacy — Promote media literacy and critical thinking skills to help individuals identify and evaluate reliable sources of information.
  5. International cooperation — Encourage collaboration between countries and organizations to promote freedom of information.
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