Python Fundamentals Class 11 - Computer Science with Python Sumita Arora
Chapter 7
Python Fundamentals
Class 11 – Computer Science with Python Sumita Arora
Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1
Special meaning words of Pythons, fixed for specific functionality are called ………. .
Keywords ✓
Question 2
Names given to different parts of a Python program are ………. .
Identifiers ✓
Question 3
Data items having fixed value are called ………. .
literals ✓
Question 4
Which of the following is/are correct ways of creating strings ?
name = Jiya
name = ‘Jiya’ ✓
name = “Jiya” ✓
name = (Jiya)
Question 5
Which of the following are keyword(s) ?
print ✓
input ✓
Question 6
Which of the following are valid identifiers ?
my name
_myname ✓
myname ✓
Question 7
Which of the following are literals ?
“Radha” ✓
24.5 ✓
Question 8
Escape sequences are treated as ………. .
characters ✓
none of these
Question 9
Which of the following is an escape sequence for a tab character ?
\t ✓
Question 10
Which of the following is an escape sequence for a newline character ?
\n ✓
Question 11
Which of the following is not a legal integer type value in Python ?
Roman ✓
Question 12
Which of the following symbols are not legal in an octal value ?
8 ✓
9 ✓
Question 13
Value 17.25 is equivalent to
0.1725E+2 ✓
0.1725E2 ✓
Question 14
Value 0.000615 is equivalent to
0.615E-3 ✓
Question 15
Which of the following is/are expression(s) ?
a+b-5 ✓
b-5 ✓
Question 16
The lines beginning with a certain character, and which are ignored by a compiler and not executed, are called ……….
comments ✓
Question 17
Which of the following can be used to create comments ?
# ✓
”’ . . . ”’ ✓
Question 18
Which of the following functions print the output to the console ?
Output( )
Print( )
Echo( )
print( ) ✓
Question 19
Select the reserved keyword in Python.
all of these ✓
Question 20
The input( ) returns the value as ………. type.
string ✓
floating point
none of these
Question 21
To convert the read value through input( ) into integer type, ……….( ) is used.
int ✓
Question 22
To convert the read value through input( ) into a floating point number, ……….( ) is used.
float ✓
Question 23
To print a line a text without ending it with a newline, ………. argument is used with print( )
end ✓
Question 24
The default separator character of print( ) is ……….
space ✓
Question 25
To give a different separator with print( ) ………. argument is used.
sep ✓
Fill in the Blanks
Question 1
A keyword is a reserved word carrying special meaning and purpose.
Question 2
Identifiers are the user defined names for different parts of a program.
Question 3
Literals are the fixed values.
Question 4
Operators are the symbols that trigger some computation or action.
Question 5
An expression is a legal combination of symbols that represents a value.
Question 6
Non-executable, additional lines added to a program, are known as comments.
Question 7
In Python, the comments begin with # character.
Question 8
Python is a case sensitive language.
Question 9
The print( ) function prints the value of a variable/expression.
Question 10
The input( ) function gets the input from the user.
Question 11
The input( ) function returns the read value as of string type.
Question 12
To convert an input( )’s value in integer type, int( ) function is used.
Question 13
To convert an input( )’s value in floating-point type, float( ) function is used.
Question 14
Strings can be created with single quotes, double quotes and triple quotes.
True/False Questions
Question 1
Keywords can be used as identifier names.
Question 2
The identifiers in Python can begin with an underscore.
Question 3
0128 is a legal literal value in Python.
Question 4
0x12EFG is a legal literal value in Python.
Question 5
0123 is a legal literal value in Python.
Question 6
Variables once assigned a value can be given any other value.
Question 7
Variables are created when they are first assigned their value.
Question 8
Python variables support dynamic typing.
Question 9
You can rename a keyword.
Question 10
String values in Python can be single line strings, and multi-line strings.
Question 11
A variable can contain values of different types at different times.
Question 12
Expressions contain values/variables along with operators.
Type A : Short Answer Questions/Conceptual Questions
Question 1
What are tokens in Python ? How many types of tokens are allowed in Python ? Examplify your answer.
The smallest individual unit in a program is known as a Token. Python has following tokens:
Keywords — Examples are import, for, in, while, etc.
Identifiers — Examples are MyFile, _DS, DATE_9_7_77, etc.
Literals — Examples are “abc”, 5, 28.5, etc.
Operators — Examples are +, -, >, or, etc.
Punctuators — ‘ ” # () etc.
Question 2
How are keywords different from identifiers ?
Keywords are reserved words carrying special meaning and purpose to the language compiler/interpreter. For example, if, elif, etc. are keywords. Identifiers are user defined names for different parts of the program like variables, objects, classes, functions, etc. Identifiers are not reserved. They can have letters, digits and underscore. They must begin with either a letter or underscore. For example, _chk, chess, trail, etc.
Question 3
What are literals in Python ? How many types of literals are allowed in Python ?
Literals are data items that have a fixed value. The different types of literals allowed in Python are:
String literals
Numeric literals
Boolean literals
Special literal None
Literal collections
Question 4
Can nongraphic characters be used in Python ? How ? Give examples to support your answer.
Yes, nongraphic characters can be used in Python with the help of escape sequences. For example, backspace is represented as \b, tab is represented as \t, carriage return is represented as \r.
Question 5
How are floating constants represented in Python ? Give examples to support your answer.
Floating constants are represented in Python in two forms — Fractional Form and Exponent form. Examples:
Fractional Form — 2.0, 17.5, -13.0, -0.00625
Exponent form — 152E05, 1.52E07, 0.152E08, -0.172E-3
Question 6
How are string-literals represented and implemented in Python ?
A string-literal is represented as a sequence of characters surrounded by quotes (single, double or triple quotes). String-literals in Python are implemented using Unicode.
Question 7
Which of these is not a legal numeric type in Python ? (a) int (b) float (c) decimal.
decimal is not a legal numeric type in Python.
Question 8
Which argument of print( ) would you set for:
(i) changing the default separator (space) ?
(ii) printing the following line in current line ?
(i) sep
(ii) end
Question 9
What are operators ? What is their function ? Give examples of some unary and binary operators.
Operators are tokens that trigger some computation/action when applied to variables and other objects in an expression. Unary plus (+), Unary minus (-), Bitwise complement (~), Logical negation (not) are a few examples of unary operators. Examples of binary operators are Addition (+), Subtraction (-), Multiplication (*), Division (/).
Question 10
What is an expression and a statement ?
An expression is any legal combination of symbols that represents a value. For example, 2.9, a + 5, (3 + 5) / 4.
A statement is a programming instruction that does something i.e. some action takes place. For example:
a = 15
b = a – 10
Question 11
What all components can a Python program contain ?
A Python program can contain various components like expressions, statements, comments, functions, blocks and indentation.
Question 12
What do you understand by block/code block/suite in Python ?
A block/code block/suite is a group of statements that are part of another statement. For example:
if b > 5:
print(“Value of ‘b’ is less than 5.”)
print(“Thank you.”)
Question 13
What is the role of indentation in Python ?
Python uses indentation to create blocks of code. Statements at same indentation level are part of same block/suite.
Question 14
What are variables ? How are they important for a program ?
Variables are named labels whose values can be used and processed during program run. Variables are important for a program because they enable a program to process different sets of data.
Question 15
What do you understand by undefined variable in Python ?
In Python, a variable is not created until some value is assigned to it. A variable is created when a value is assigned to it for the first time. If we try to use a variable before assigning a value to it then it will result in an undefined variable. For example:
print(x) #This statement will cause an error for undefined variable x
x = 20
The first line of the above code snippet will cause an undefined variable error as we are trying to use x before assigning a value to it.
Question 16
What is Dynamic Typing feature of Python ?
A variable pointing to a value of a certain type can be made to point to a value/object of different type.This is called Dynamic Typing. For example:
x = 10
x = “Hello World”
Question 17
What would the following code do : X = Y = 7 ?
It will assign a value of 7 to the variables X and Y.
Question 18
What is the error in following code : X, Y = 7 ?
The error in the above code is that we have mentioned two variables X, Y as Lvalues but only give a single numeric literal 7 as the Rvalue. We need to specify one more value like this to correct the error:
X, Y = 7, 8
Question 19
Following variable definition is creating problem X = 0281, find reasons.
Python doesn’t allow decimal numbers to have leading zeros. That is the reason why this line is creating problem.
Question 20
“Comments are useful and easy way to enhance readability and understandability of a program.” Elaborate with examples.
Comments can be used to explain the purpose of the program, document the logic of a piece of code, describe the behaviour of a program, etc. This enhances the readability and understandability of a program. For example:
# This program shows a program’s components
# Definition of function SeeYou() follows
def SeeYou():
print(“Time to say Good Bye!!”)
# Main program-code follows now
a = 15
b = a – 10
print (a + 3)
if b > 5: # colon means it’s a block
print(“Value of ‘a’ was more than 15 initially.”)
print(“Value of ‘a’ was 15 or less initially.”)
SeeYou() # calling above defined function SeeYou()
Type B: Application Based Questions
Question 1
From the following, find out which assignment statement will produce an error. State reason(s) too.
(a) x = 55
(b) y = 037
(c) z = 0o98
(d) 56thnumber = 3300
(e) length = 450.17
(f) !Taylor = ‘Instant’
(g) this variable = 87.E02
(h) float = .17E – 03
(i) FLOAT = 0.17E – 03
y = 037 (option b) will give an error as decimal integer literal cannot start with a 0.
z = 0o98 (option c) will give an error as 0o98 is an octal integer literal due to the 0o prefix and 8 & 9 are invalid digits in an octal number.
56thnumber = 3300 (option d) will give an error as 56thnumber is an invalid identifier because it starts with a digit.
!Taylor = ‘Instant’ (option f) will give an error as !Taylor is an invalid identifier because it contains the special character !.
this variable = 87.E02 (option g) will give an error due to the space present between this and variable. Identifiers cannot contain any space.
float = .17E – 03 (option h) will give an error due to the spaces present in exponent part (E – 03). A very important point to note here is that float is NOT a KEYWORD in Python. The statement float = .17E-03 will execute successfully without any errors in Python.
FLOAT = 0.17E – 03 (option i) will give an error due to the spaces present in exponent part (E – 03).
Question 2
How will Python evaluate the following expression ?
(i) 20 + 30 * 40
20 + 30 * 40
⇒ 20 + 1200
⇒ 1220
(ii) 20 – 30 + 40
20 – 30 + 40
⇒ -10 + 40
⇒ 30
(iii) (20 + 30) * 40
(20 + 30) * 40
⇒ 50 * 40
⇒ 2000
(iv) 15.0 / 4 + (8 + 3.0)
15.0 / 4 + (8 + 3.0)
⇒ 15.0 / 4 + 11.0
⇒ 3.75 + 11.0
⇒ 14.75
Question 3
Find out the error(s) in following code fragments:
temperature = 90
print temperature
The call to print function is missing parenthesis. The correct way to call print function is this:
a = 30
print (a And b)
There are two errors in this code fragment:
In the statement b=a+b variable b is undefined.
In the statement print (a And b), And should be written as and.
a, b, c = 2, 8, 9
print (a, b, c)
c, b, a = a, b, c
print (a ; b ; c)
In the statement print (a ; b ; c) use of semicolon will give error. In place of semicolon, we must use comma like this print (a, b, c)
X = 24
4 = X
The statement 4 = X is incorrect as 4 cannot be a Lvalue. It is a Rvalue.
print(“X =”X)
There are two errors in this code fragment:
Variable X is undefined
“X =” and X should be separated by a comma like this print(“X =”, X)
else = 21 – 5
else is a keyword in Python so it can’t be used as a variable name.
Question 4
What will be the output produced by following code fragment (s) ?
X = 10
X = X + 10
X = X – 5
print (X)
X, Y = X – 2, 22
print (X, Y)
13 22
X = 10 ⇒ assigns an initial value of 10 to X.
X = X + 10 ⇒ X = 10 + 10 = 20. So value of X is now 20.
X = X – 5 ⇒ X = 20 – 5 = 15. X is now 15.
print (X) ⇒ print the value of X which is 15.
X, Y = X – 2, 22 ⇒ X, Y = 13, 22.
print (X, Y) ⇒ prints the value of X which is 13 and Y which is 22.
first = 2
second = 3
third = first * second
print (first, second, third)
first = first + second + third
third = second * first
print (first, second, third)
2 3 6
11 3 33
first = 2 ⇒ assigns an initial value of 2 to first.
second = 3 ⇒ assigns an initial value of 3 to second.
third = first * second ⇒ third = 2 * 3 = 6. So variable third is initialized with a value of 6.
print (first, second, third) ⇒ prints the value of first, second, third as 2, 3 and 6 respectively.
first = first + second + third ⇒ first = 2 + 3 + 6 = 11
third = second * first ⇒ third = 3 * 11 = 33
print (first, second, third) ⇒ prints the value of first, second, third as 11, 3 and 33 respectively.
side = int(input(‘side’) ) #side given as 7
area = side * side
print (side, area)
7 49
side = int(input(‘side’) ) ⇒ This statements asks the user to enter the side. We enter 7 as the value of side.
area = side * side ⇒ area = 7 * 7 = 49.
print (side, area) ⇒ prints the value of side and area as 7 and 49 respectively.
Question 5
What is the problem with the following code fragments ?
a = 3
b = 4
s = a + b
The problem with the above code is inconsistent indentation. The statements print(a), print(b), print(s) are indented but they are not inside a suite. In Python, we cannot indent a statement unless it is inside a suite and we can indent only as much is required.
name = “Prejith”
age = 26
print (“Your name & age are “, name + age)
In the print statement we are trying to add name which is a string to age which is an integer. This is an invalid operation in Python.
a = 3
s = a + 10
a = “New”
q = a / 10
The statement a = “New” converts a to string type from numeric type due to dynamic typing. The statement q = a / 10 is trying to divide a string with a number which is an invalid operation in Python.
Question 6
Predict the output:
x = 40
y = x + 1
x = 20, y + x
print (x, y)
(20, 81) 41
x = 40 ⇒ assigns an initial value of 40 to x.
y = x + 1 ⇒ y = 40 + 1 = 41. So y becomes 41.
x = 20, y + x ⇒ x = 20, 41 + 40 ⇒ x = 20, 81. This makes x a Tuple of 2 elements (20, 81).
print (x, y) ⇒ prints the tuple x and the integer variable y as (20, 81) and 41 respectively.
x, y = 20, 60
y, x, y = x, y – 10, x + 10
print (x, y)
50 30
x, y = 20, 60 ⇒ assigns an initial value of 20 to x and 60 to y.
y, x, y = x, y – 10, x + 10
⇒ y, x, y = 20, 60 – 10, 20 + 10
⇒ y, x, y = 20, 50, 30
First RHS value 20 is assigned to first LHS variable y. After that second RHS value 50 is assigned to second LHS variable x. Finally third RHS value 30 is assigned to third LHS variable which is again y. After this assignment, x becomes 50 and y becomes 30.
print (x, y) ⇒ prints the value of x and y as 50 and 30 respectively.
a, b = 12, 13
c, b = a*2, a/2
print (a, b, c)
12 6.0 24
a, b = 12, 13 ⇒ assigns an initial value of 12 to a and 13 to b.
c, b = a*2, a/2 ⇒ c, b = 12*2, 12/2 ⇒ c, b = 24, 6.0. So c has a value of 24 and b has a value of 6.0.
print (a, b, c) ⇒ prints the value of a, b, c as 12, 6.0 and 24 respectively.
a, b = 12, 13
print (print(a + b))
a, b = 12, 13 ⇒ assigns an initial value of 12 to a and 13 to b.
print (print(a + b)) ⇒ First print(a + b) function is called which prints 25. After that, the outer print statement prints the value returned by print(a + b) function call. As print function does not return any value so outer print function prints None.
Question 7
Predict the output
a, b, c = 10, 20, 30
p, q, r = c – 5, a + 3, b – 4
print (‘a, b, c :’, a, b, c, end = ”)
print (‘p, q, r :’, p, q, r)
a, b, c : 10 20 30p, q, r : 25 13 16
a, b, c = 10, 20, 30 ⇒ assigns initial value of 10 to a, 20 to b and 30 to c.
p, q, r = c – 5, a + 3, b – 4
⇒ p, q, r = 30 – 5, 10 + 3, 20 – 4
⇒ p, q, r = 25, 13, 16.
So p is 25, q is 13 and r is 16.
print (‘a, b, c :’, a, b, c, end = ”) ⇒ This statement prints a, b, c : 10 20 30. As we have given end = ” so output of next print statement will start in the same line.
print (‘p, q, r :’, p, q, r) ⇒ This statement prints p, q, r : 25 13 16
Question 8
Find the errors in following code fragment
y = x + 5
print (x, Y)
There are two errors in this code fragment:
x is undefined in the statement y = x + 5
Y is undefined in the statement print (x, Y). As Python is case-sensitive hence y and Y will be treated as two different variables.
print (x = y = 5)
Python doesn’t allow assignment of variables while they are getting printed.
a = input(“value”)
b = a/2
print (a, b)
The input( ) function always returns a value of String type so variable a is a string. This statement b = a/2 is trying to divide a string with an integer which is invalid operation in Python.
Question 9
Find the errors in following code fragment : (The input entered is XI)
c = int (input ( “Enter your class”) )
print (“Your class is”, c)
The input value XI is not int type compatible.
Question 10
Consider the following code :
name = input (“What is your name?”)
print (‘Hi’, name, ‘,’)
print (“How are you doing?”)
was intended to print output as
Hi <name>, How are you doing ?
But it is printing the output as :
Hi <name>,
How are you doing?
What could be the problem ? Can you suggest the solution for the same ?
The print() function appends a newline character at the end of the line unless we give our own end argument. Due to this behaviour of print() function, the statement print (‘Hi’, name, ‘,1) is printing a newline at the end. Hence “How are you doing?” is getting printed on the next line.
To fix this we can add the end argument to the first print() function like this:
print (‘Hi’, name, ‘,1, end = ”)
Question 11
Find the errors in following code fragment :
c = input( “Enter your class” )
print (“Last year you were in class”) c – 1
There are two errors in this code fragment:
c – 1 is outside the parenthesis of print function. It should be specified as one of the arguments of print function.
c is a string as input function returns a string. With c – 1, we are trying to subtract a integer from a string which is an invalid operation in Python.
The corrected program is like this:
c = int(input( “Enter your class” ))
print (“Last year you were in class”, c – 1)
Question 12
What will be returned by Python as result of following statements?
(a) >>> type(0)
<class ‘int’>
(b) >>> type(int(0))
<class ‘int’>
(c) >>>.type(int(‘0’)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
(d) >>> type(‘0’)
<class ‘str’>
(e) >>> type(1.0)
<class ‘float’>
(f) >>> type(int(1.0))
<class ‘int’>
(g) >>>type(float(0))
<class ‘float’>
(h) >>> type(float(1.0))
<class ‘float’>
(i) >>> type( 3/2)
<class ‘float’>
Question 13
What will be the output produced by following code ?
(a) >>> str(print())+”One”
print() function doesn’t return any value so its return value is None. Hence, str(print()) becomes str(None). str(None) converts None into string ‘None’ and addition operator joins ‘None’ and ‘One’ to give the final output as ‘NoneOne’.
(b) >>> str(print(“hello”))+”One”
First, print(“hello”) function is executed which prints the first line of the output as hello. The return value of print() function is None i.e. nothing. str() function converts it into string and addition operator joins ‘None’ and ‘One’ to give the second line of the output as ‘NoneOne’.
(c) >>> print(print(“Hola”))
First, print(“Hola”) function is executed which prints the first line of the output as Hola. The return value of print() function is None i.e. nothing. This is passed as argument to the outer print function which converts it into string and prints the second line of output as None.
(d) >>> print (print (“Hola”, end = ” “))
Hola None
First, print (“Hola”, end = ” “) function is executed which prints Hola. As end argument is specified as ” ” so newline is not printed after Hola. The next output starts from the same line. The return value of print() function is None i.e. nothing. This is passed as argument to the outer print function which converts it into string and prints None in the same line after Hola.
Question 14
Carefully look at the following code and its execution on Python shell. Why is the last assignment giving error ?
>>> a = 0o12
>>> print(a)
>>> b = 0o13
>>> c = 0o78
File “<python-input-41-27fbe2fd265f>”, line 1
c = 0o78
SyntaxError : invalid syntax
Due to the prefix 0o, the number is treated as an octal number by Python but digit 8 is invalid in Octal number system hence we are getting this error.
Question 15
Predict the output
a, b, c = 2, 3, 4
a, b, c = a*a, a*b, a*c
print(a, b, c)
4 6 8
a, b, c = 2, 3, 4 ⇒ assigns initial value of 2 to a, 3 to b and 4 to c.
a, b, c = a*a, a*b, a*c
⇒ a, b, c = 2*2, 2*3, 2*4
⇒ a, b, c = 4, 6, 8
print(a, b, c) ⇒ prints values of a, b, c as 4, 6 and 8 respectively.
Question 16
The id( ) can be used to get the memory address of a variable. Consider the adjacent code and tell if the id( ) functions will return the same value or not(as the value to be printed via print() ) ? Why ?
[There are four print() function statements that are printing id of variable num in the code shown on the right.
num = 13
print( id(num) )
num = num + 3
print( id(num) )
num = num – 3
print( id(num) )
num = “Hello”
print( id(num) )
num = 13
print( id(num) ) # print 1
num = num + 3
print( id(num) ) # print 2
num = num – 3
print( id(num) ) # print 3
num = “Hello”
print( id(num) ) # print 4
For the print statements commented as print 1 and print 3 above, the id() function will return the same value. For print 2 and print 4, the value returned by id() function will be different.
The reason is that for both print 1 and print 3 statements the value of num is the same which is 13. So id(num) gives the address of the memory location which contains 13 in the front-loaded dataspace.
Question 17
Consider below given two sets of codes, which are nearly identical, along with their execution in Python shell. Notice that first code-fragment after taking input gives error, while second code-fragment does not produce error. Can you tell why ?
>>> print(num = float(input(“value1:”)) )
TypeError: ‘num’ is an invalid keyword argument for this function
>>> print(float(input(“valuel:”)) )
In part a, the value entered by the user is converted to a float type and passed to the print function by assigning it to a variable named num. It means that we are passing an argument named num to the print function. But print function doesn’t accept any argument named num. Hence, we get this error telling us that num is an invalid argument for print function.
In part b, we are converting the value entered by the user to a float type and directly passing it to the print function. Hence, it works correctly and the value gets printed.
Question 18
Predict the output of the following code :
days = int (input (“Input days : “)) * 3600 * 24
hours = int(input(“Input hours: “)) * 3600
minutes = int(input(“Input minutes: “)) * 60
seconds = int(input(“Input seconds: “))
time = days + hours + minutes + seconds
print(“Total number of seconds”, time)
If the input given is in this order : 1, 2, 3, 4
Input days : 1
Input hours: 2
Input minutes: 3
Input seconds: 4
Total number of seconds 93784
Question 19
What will the following code result into ?
n1, n2 = 5, 7
n3 = n1 + n2
n4 = n4 + 2
print(n1, n2, n3, n4)
The code will result into an error as in the statement n4 = n4 + 2, variable n4 is undefined.
Question 20
Correct the following program so that it displays 33 when 30 is input.
val = input(“Enter a value”)
nval = val + 30
Below is the corrected program:
val = int(input(“Enter a value”)) #used int() to convert input value into integer
nval = val + 3 #changed 30 to 3
Type C : Programming Practice/Knowledge based Questions
Question 1
Write a program that displays a joke. But display the punchline only when the user presses enter key.
(Hint. You may use input( ))
print(“Why is 6 afraid of 7?”)
input(“Press Enter”)
print(“Because 7 8(ate) 9 :-)”)
Why is 6 afraid of 7?
Press Enter
Because 7 8(ate) 9 🙂
Question 2
Write a program to read today’s date (only del part) from user. Then display how many days are left in the current month.
day = int(input(“Enter day part of today’s date: “))
totalDays = int(input(“Enter total number of days in this month: “))
daysLeft = totalDays – day
print(daysLeft, “days are left in current month”)
Enter day part of today’s date: 16
Enter total number of days in this month: 31
15 days are left in current month
Question 3
Write a program that generates the following output :
Assign value 5 to a variable using assignment operator (=) Multiply it with 2 to generate 10 and subtract 1 to generate 9.
a = 5
a = a * 2
a = a – 1
Question 4
Modify above program so as to print output as 5@10@9.
a = 5
print(a, end=’@’)
a = a * 2
print(a, end=’@’)
a = a – 1
Question 5
Write the program with maximum three lines of code and that assigns first 5 multiples of a number to 5 variables and then print them.
a = int(input(“Enter a number: “))
b, c, d, e = a * 2, a * 3, a * 4, a * 5
print(a, b, c, d, e)
Enter a number: 2
2 4 6 8 10
Question 6
Write a Python program that accepts radius of a circle and prints its area.
r = float(input(“Enter radius of circle: “))
a = 3.14159 * r * r
print(“Area of circle =”, a)
Enter radius of circle: 7.5
Area of circle = 176.7144375
Question 7
Write Python program that accepts marks in 5 subjects and outputs average marks.
m1 = int(input(“Enter first subject marks: “))
m2 = int(input(“Enter second subject marks: “))
m3 = int(input(“Enter third subject marks: “))
m4 = int(input(“Enter fourth subject marks: “))
m5 = int(input(“Enter fifth subject marks: “))
avg = (m1 + m2+ m3+ m4 + m5) / 5;
print(“Average Marks =”, avg)
Enter first subject marks: 65
Enter second subject marks: 78
Enter third subject marks: 79
Enter fourth subject marks: 80
Enter fifth subject marks: 85
Average Marks = 77.4
Question 8
Write a short program that asks for your height in centimetres and then converts your height to feet and inches. (1 foot = 12 inches, 1 inch = 2.54 cm).
ht = int(input(“Enter your height in centimeters: “))
htInInch = ht / 2.54;
feet = htInInch // 12;
inch = htInInch % 12;
print(“Your height is”, feet, “feet and”, inch, “inches”)
Enter your height in centimeters: 162
Your height is 5.0 feet and 3.7795275590551185 inches
Question 9
Write a program to read a number n and print n2, n3 and n4.
n = int(input(“Enter n: “))
n2, n3, n4 = n ** 2, n ** 3, n ** 4
print(“n =”, n)
print(“n^2 =”, n2)
print(“n^3 =”, n3)
print(“n^4 =”, n4)
Enter n: 2
n = 2
n^2 = 4
n^3 = 8
n^4 = 16
Question 10
Write a program to find area of a triangle.
h = float(input(“Enter height of the triangle: “))
b = float(input(“Enter base of the triangle: “))
area = 0.5 * b * h
print(“Area of triangle = “, area)
Enter height of the triangle: 2.5
Enter base of the triangle: 5
Area of triangle = 6.25
Question 11
Write a program to compute simple interest and compound interest.
p = float(input(“Enter principal: “))
r = float(input(“Enter rate: “))
t = int(input(“Enter time: “))
si = (p * r * t) / 100
ci = p * ((1 + (r / 100 ))** t) – p
print(“Simple interest = “, si)
print(“Compound interest = “, ci)
Enter principal: 15217.75
Enter rate: 9.2
Enter time: 3
Simple interest = 4200.098999999999
Compound interest = 4598.357987312007
Question 12
Write a program to input a number and print its first five multiples.
n = int(input(“Enter number: “))
print(“First five multiples of”, n, “are”)
print(n, n * 2, n * 3, n * 4, n * 5)
Enter number: 5
First five multiples of 5 are
5 10 15 20 25
Question 13
Write a program to read details like name, class, age of a student and then print the details firstly in same line and then in separate lines. Make sure to have two blank lines in these two different types of prints.
n = input(“Enter name of student: “)
c = int(input(“Enter class of student: “))
a = int(input(“Enter age of student: “))
print(“Name:”, n, “Class:”, c, “Age:”, a)
print(“Name:”, n)
print(“Class:”, c)
print(“Age:”, a)
Enter name of student: Kavya
Enter class of student: 11
Enter age of student: 17
Name: Kavya Class: 11 Age: 17
Name: Kavya
Class: 11
Age: 17
Question 14
Write a program to input a single digit(n) and print a 3 digit number created as <n(n + 1)(n + 2)> e.g., if you input 7, then it should print 789. Assume that the input digit is in range 1-7.
d = int(input(“Enter a digit in range 1-7: “))
n = d * 10 + d + 1
n = n * 10 + d + 2
print(“3 digit number =”, n)
Enter a digit in range 1-7: 7
3 digit number = 789
Question 15
Write a program to read three numbers in three variables and swap first two variables with the sums of first and second, second and third numbers respectively.
a = int(input(“Enter first number: “))
b = int(input(“Enter second number: “))
c = int(input(“Enter third number: “))
print(“The three number are”, a, b, c)
a, b = a + b, b + c
print(“Numbers after swapping are”, a, b, c)
Enter first number: 10
Enter second number: 15
Enter third number: 20
The three number are 10 15 20
Numbers after swapping are 25 35 20
Keyword Arguments to print()
print() takes a few additional arguments that provide modest control over the format of the output. Each of these is a special type of argument called a keyword argument.
Point to remember:
Keyword arguments have the form <keyword>=<value>.
Any keyword arguments passed to print() must come at the end, after the list of objects to display.
The sep= Keyword Argument
Adding the keyword argument sep=<str> causes objects to be separated by the
string <str> instead of the default single space:
>>> print(‘foo’, 42, ‘bar’)
foo 42 bar
>>> print(‘foo’, 42, ‘bar’, sep=’/’)
>>> print(‘foo’, 42, ‘bar’, sep=’ ‘)
foo 42 bar
>>> d = {‘foo’: 1, ‘bar’: 2, ‘baz’: 3}
>>> for k, v in d.items():
print(k, v, sep=’ -> ‘)
foo -> 1
bar -> 2
baz -> 3
The end= Keyword Argument
The keyword argument end=<str> causes output to be terminated by <str> instead of the default newline:
if True:
print(‘foo’, end=’/’)
print(42, end=’/’)