Computer Science class 12 with Python


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Sample Papers of Computer Science class 12 for
Year 2022-23


Class 11 revision

Revision Tour of Python

Revision questions of Python
Python Fundamental
If else statements
Conditional statements part-2
While and for Loop
Practice Questions

Sumita Arora Python Computer Science Class 12 Solutions Revision Tour

Class 11 revision

MCQ Quiz on class 11 Python

Revision questions of Python
Python Fundamental Quiz
Variables and datatype
Conditional statements
While Loop
For loop
Random module
Practice Questions

User Defined Functions

Presentation on Functions
MCQ on Functions
T/F on Functions
FIB on Functions

Data file handling in Python

Presentation on Data files
MCQ on Binary files ******************************** *******************************
Presentation on CSV files
MCQ on Data file
MCQ Quiz on Data file
MCQ on CSV file
MCQ Quiz on CSV file

Python and MYSQL connectivity

Presentation on Connectivity
MCQ on Connectivity
1. User can write Python script using
(a) mysql.connector library
(b) sql.connect library
(c) mysql.connect library
(d) None of the above
Ans.(a) User can write Python script using mysql.connector
library after installing Python MySQL connector.
2. Which of the following method is used to create a
connection between the MySQL database and
(a) connector ( ) (b) connect ( )
(c) con ( ) (d) cont ( )
Ans.(b) connect ( ) is used to create a connection between the
MySQL database and Python.
3. What is default value of host?
(a) host (b) localhost
(c) global host (d) None of these
Ans.(b) localhost is the default value of host.
4. Which command is used to display the name of
existing databases?
(a) display databases; (b) result databases;
(c) show databases; (d) output databases;
Ans.(c) show databases; command is used to display the
name of existing databases.
5. ......... operation is required when you want to
create your records into a database’s table.
(a) Update (b) Delete (c) Read (d) Insert
Ans.(d) Insert operation is required when you want to create
your records into a database’s table.
6. Which method returns the next row from the result
set as tuple?
(a) fetchone ( ) (b) fetchmany ( )
(c) fetchall ( ) (d) rowcount
Ans.(a) fetchone ( ) returns the next row from the result set as
tuple. If there are no more rows to retrieve, None is

Stacks in Python

Presentation on Stacks Python
MCQ on Data Structure
 1. Data structures are
(a) network structures
(b) group of data
(c) different types of data
(d) different operations on data
Ans.(b) Data structures are group of data that have different
data types, which can be accessed as a unit.
2. Which of the following is/are linear data
(a) Array (b) Stack (c) Queue (d) All of these
Ans.(d) Stack, queue and array all are linear data structures.
3. ............ of data structure means processing all the
data elements of it.
(a) Traversal (b) Searching
(c) Insertion (d) Merging
Ans.(a) Traversal of data structure means processing all the
data elements of it.
4. Which data structure is needed to convert infix
notation to postfix notation?
(a) Branch (b) Tree
(c) Queue (d) Stack
Ans.(d) Stack is needed to convert infix notation to postfix
5. Process of inserting an element in stack is called
(a) Create (b) Push
(c) Evaluation (d) Pop
Ans.(b) When we add or insert any element ‘data’ in the list,
then it will be called as ‘Push’ operation on stack.
6. Process of removing an element from stack is called
(a) Create (b) Push
(c) Evaluation (d) Pop
Ans.(d) When we try to remove elements from the stack, then
the operation is called as ‘pop’ operation on stack.
7. Pushing an element into stack already having five
elements and stack size of 5, then stack becomes
(a) Overflow (b) Uses flow (c) Crash (d) Underflow
Ans.(a) Any attempt to insert a new element in already full
stack results shows ‘Overflow’.
8. In a stack, if a user tries to remove an element from
empty stack is called
(a) Underflow (b) Overflow
(c) Empty (d) Garbage collection
Ans.(a) In a stack, if a user tries to remove an element from
empty stack is called ‘Underflow’.
9. Integer, real, character, pointer and reference are
......... data structures.
(a) primitive (b) non-primitive
(c) linear (d) non-linear
Ans.(a) Integer, real, character, pointer and reference are
primitive data structures. Primitive data structures are
directly operated by machine level instructions.
10. Pile of books is an example of ......... .
(a) stack (b) queue (c) array (d) linked list
Ans.(a) Pile of books is an example of stack.
Questions on Data Structure
Question from Stacks and Queue
Set A
Q1. Expand the term LIFO.
Q2. What do you mean by Stack?
Q3. What is the difference between pop( ) and append( ) function of list?
Q4. What do you mean by data structure?
Q5. Write a code to create an empty stack named "st".
Q6. Write the technical term used for adding elements in the stack.
Q7. What happens when you try to delete an element from an empty stack?

Set B
Q1. What is the difference between Stack and Queue data structure in python?
Q2. In queue, addition and deletion of elements take place at different ends (T/F)
Q3. Which method of list is used to add an element at the end ?
Q4. Write the code to display all elements of queue named "Aqueue".
Q5. Write a function addQ(num) to add numbers in a queue using a list. (num is a  list of numbers) 
Q6. Write a full form of FIFO.
Q7. Queue works on _______________(FIFO/LIFO) concept.
Q8. Write 2 applications of stack.
Q9. Which method of list is used to remove the last element of the list?

Algorithmic Efficiency

Presentation on Algorithmic Efficiency
MCQ on Algorithmic Efficiency Comming soon

Recursive Functions in Python

Presentation on Recursive Functions
MCQ on Recursive Functions

Data Visualization using Pyplot

Presentation on Charts
MCQ on Charts
True/False on Charts
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